kisses change nothing

I groan as Bev hits me with a pillow. "Wake up. You need to drive me to school. My bike broke. "

Getting up I shoo her out of my room walking over to my closet grabbing my favorite outfit.

The memories of yesterday start flooding my mind causing me to smile. Maybe things will be different now.

I change into my outfit, grabbing my backpack and walking to my car.

"Finally." Bev says, swinging my keys around her pointer finger before handing them to me. "What're you smiling about? " she asks once we both got in the car.

"Nothing." I lie, turning on the radio listening as the sound of a AC/DC floods the car.

"Are you sure? It doesn't seem like nothing!" Bev shouts over the music as I turn it up higher.

"Sorry can't hear you!" I exclaim causing her to groan.

We sit in silence the rest of the car ride except the few times Bev complained about the music.

Grabbing my bag I basically sprint out of the car.

"What do you need belch?" I ask him as I open my locker throwing my backpack into it.

"Do you have the answer to the homework?" He says causing me to groan before nodding grabbing it out of my backpack.

"Hurry up with it. Give it back when we get into the classroom. " he nods and walks away.

I make eye contact with Henry as he stands across the room leaning against random lockers with he rest of the gang.

My face heats up as I hastily grab the things I need basically sprinting to my next class.

Greeting the teacher I sit down in my seat in the back.

Henry sits beside me. Shit. I forgot about that.

Maybe the kiss will have changed things.

Five minutes late the Bowers gang walks into the classroom.

Belch walks to my seat, handing me my homework causing the teacher to roll her eyes.

Henry sits down beside me completely ignoring my existence.


First period was painfully awkward and boring.

The teacher would not shut up going on and on about how to solve a random math problem.

I groan thinking about the class, shoving my math textbook into my locker, grabbing everything I need for my next class.

My leg gets kicked causing me to slam my head against my locker making me groan in pain.

My eyes meet Henrys as he laughs at me along with the rest of his friends.

I could hardly make out anything through my blurry vision.

Slamming your head into a locker obviously causes harm. 

"Aww is y/n about to cry? " Patrick says, squatting down in front of me grabbing me by my jaw laughing at me.

He let's go of my jaw harshly almost making me slam my head against the locker again, standing up walking away with the rest of the boys.

I catch Henrys gaze and he almost looks empathetic? No. Absolutely not. He's a bully who obviously cares about no one.



