35 | let's just finish this dance

Ruby's mind was buzzing... she'd only been dating Hope for a couple weeks yet they'd just had sex. She was too busy thinking about it, that she had momentarily forgotten that they had a literal ball to attend. 

"Ruby." Hope's voice called out, as she approached her girlfriend in the hallway. "Come on, we've gotta go." The Mikealson insisted, though she stopped to admire her girlfriend as she caught up. "You look beautiful."

"So do you." Ruby smiled before she took the tribrid's hand in her own, and they started walking to the event. The pair eventually reached the event, and now stood at the top of the stairs. As they took a step down, moments later Monica and Roman stood behind them, and eventually Jordan and Josie stood behind them also.

Jordan noticed that Josie looked nervous, and commented with a small smile, "You look great." Josie forced a smile back before she sighed. "I need to do something.." She insisted, as Jordan looked at her with a puzzled expression. "I need to fake a fall and take out Monica's closest competitor." She explained, which caused Jordan to frown, "Why?" Josie answered, "To help Monica and Lizzie."

"Miss Hope Mikealson, escorted by Miss Ruby Waithe." Vera announced as the light shone on the girlfriends. The pair entered the stage, as Hope smiled widely. Ruby looked at the Mikealson, with heart eyes.

From the audience, Rafael began chanting his twins name, which the other werewolves picked up on and joined in. Ruby flashed her twin and the other werewolves an amused smile.

"Miss Monica Montgomery, escorted by Mr Roman Sienna." The pair also entered the stage, as Monica was trying to hide how overwhelmed she felt, by smiling brightly. "You look beautiful." Roman spoke quietly, as he saw her smiling. The blonde wordlessly turned to him and smiled, grateful that he was her escort.

"Miss Josette Saltzman, escorted by Mr Jordan Montgomery." The pair began to walk down the stairs, as the light shone on them. Josie smiled, and Jordan noticed just how happy she looked. He felt relieved, assuming that she had changed her mind on falling over. That may have been the case, but when Josie met her twin's eyes, she remembered her plan.

Suddenly Josie tripped, shoving Hope over as she fell. The pair collided and fell onto the ground, as Ruby witnessed this in shock. "Hope, Jo are you both okay?" She asked as she went to offer them both a hand. Jordan rushed over to Josie's side, to help her up, while Ruby helped Hope. Even though Hope had healing blood and felt perfectly fine after a moment, the tribrid and Josie were both disqualified.

Penelope suddenly stomped over, visibly angry. Staring at Josie she snapped, "What are you gonna do when I'm not here to fight for you anymore?" Everybody looked confusedly at the Park, especially Josie. "What's that supposed to mean?" Josie asked genuinely. "You want to know? Read the letter." Penelope hissed in response, before she turned on her feet and left.

Moments passed as Ruby, Hope and Jordan sat down together, as Josie went off to talk to Lizzie. Hope was seated inbetween Ruby and Jordan, and could feel the tension between them, as Jordan was still upset with Ruby.

Monica danced with Roman, looking over his shoulder as she saw Josie and Lizzie arguing. "What's going on over there?" She asked aloud. "Just sibling rivalry. They're talking about the dresses Hope and Ruby are wearing." He replied.

Though when Monica listened in, she realised that Josie had finally read the letter Penelope had written for her weeks ago... and she called Lizzie selfish for not telling her about Penelope leaving, but also for gifting her entire plan to Monica.

The blonde felt like her anxiety was shelved momentarily as she found herself feeling angry at Josie. Fortunately that was shortlived as Vera was heard speaking into the microphone. "May I have your attention please?"

"Without further ado, it is my honour to announce our very own Miss Mystic Falls. From the Salvatore school— Monica Montgomery."

Monica's eyes widened in shock, as people cheered for her. Roman quickly embraced the girl, "I knew it!" He spoke proudly, as she hugged him back. "I— I won!? I can't believe I won!" The Montgomery blurted out, as she pulled away from Roman.

From the audience, Ruby could see Monica's eyes gloss over, and had a feeling she knew where this was going. Quickly she stood up as Hope reached out to grab her hand, "Where are you going?" She asked. "To hug Monica, before she starts to sob." The werewolf quickly blurted quietly as Jordan quickly looked to his sister, understanding what Ruby meant.

Ruby rushed over to Monica's side. "Congrats Mon!" She chirpped before she quickly embraced her best friend. "I can't believe I won!" Monica said again, sounding like she was going to cry at any moment. She'd been so anxious about this event turning awful due to her last experience at a formal event, but instead it had been incredible.

"Your Mum would be so proud of you." Ruby spoke softly, as Monica could no longer control her tears, and cried into the werewolf's shoulder. Ruby rubbed her back, comfortingly.

Jordan watched Ruby comfort his sister before before he turned to Hope. "Ruby really cares about Monica." He admitted. Hope nodded before she turned to Jordan. "Ruby and Monica are very close... they're best friends. I'm sure they'd do anything for eachother." The Mikealson responded to the witch.

Jordan then thought about back to Phoenix, when Ruby protected Monica. It was clear that she was going to do anything to protect the vampire.. even though it meant accidentally killing Titus.

The Montgomery boy looked back up at his sister and her best friend, who were still embracing, as he realised that Ruby really was family to Monica, and even if he couldn't forgive her, he at least understood her actions.


"What sorrows are we drowning tonight?" A voice asked, approaching Monica who was sitting outside, taking a swig from a bottle of alcohol she'd stolen from Alaric. "Actually, I'm celebrating my win." The Montgomery grinned, though her face dropped when she realised that Penelope was wheeling a suitcase along with her.

"You're leaving already?" The vampire asked, as Penelope nodded sadly. Before another word could be said, Monica stepped forward and hugged Penelope. The Park blinked in surprise, before she hugged her back.

Sure, the Montgomery never used to care about Penelope... she didn't really care about her so called friends, but things had changed. She was really going to miss Penelope dearly.

"I'm gonna miss you." The blonde admitted sadly, as Penelope smiled, "Keep in touch, okay?" Monica nodded, "Of course."

Penelope gave the taller girl one last smile as she said, "Take care, Mon." With that, the Park girl was off, heading towards the front of the school, where a vehicle was waiting for her.

Suddenly, Lizzie approached the Montgomery, giving her a smile. "Congratulations Monica!" She spoke happily before the girls hugged. "Thanks Lizzie." The taller blonde smiled.

Monica's face then fell, "I overheard Josie arguing with you. I can't believe she'd try and upset you during an event you considered so important." She began as Lizzie shook her head, "She wanted to be the one I helped." She reasoned.

"But she didn't." Monica pointed out. "She has literally been talking shit about Miss Mystic Falls all week— also after those bullshit rumours she spread, why does she deserve your help?" The Montgomery asked, seeming pissed at the other Saltzman.

Lizzie sighed, wanting to change the subject. "I actually wanted to ask... if we can finish that conversation from this morning?" The Saltzman asked, as Monica shelved her anger as she recalled what they were talking about. "Yeah of course." She eventually nodded, before she patted the empty spot beside her, signalling for the witch to sit beside her.
