

This anthology of poems is a testament to the creative prowess of students enrolled in the BS Psychology course. Each poem is an original composition, born from the unique perspectives and talents of the contributors.

Copying, pasting, or any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited. If instances of unauthorized copying are identified, we encourage readers to report such activities promptly. The intellectual property rights of each poem, including the titles, belong exclusively to the BS Psychology students who crafted them.

This collaborative effort, a result of the collective creativity of the BS Psychology course members, seeks to showcase the diverse voices and artistic expressions within the academic community.

The images featured in this collection are original creations and serve to enhance the visual experience of the poetry. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

We hope this anthology inspires appreciation for the artistry and individuality of each poet, contributing to the vibrant literary landscape fostered by the BS Psychology students.

Respect the creativity, uphold ethical standards, and enjoy the poetry responsibly.

