|48| Let's Dance

Let's Dance

by Arra Margarette Sumague

A five, A six

A five, six, seven, start


Close feet, jump


Left foot step


Left foot slide


Cross right foot


Stump left toe

Tac! Tac! Tac!

Close feet,

Jump and parted feet

Bam! Bam!

From the author:

The idea for this figurative poem came from the habbit of watching dance practices of idol groups. The content of the poem is the basic steps that are easy to be followed and commonly have the word for its sound/s. It is can be use in the beginning, bridge or to start the chorus part of a song. An eight count step that can be repeated for the other foot/side. Repeat it twice (left and right) to have sixteen count step. Also, dancing is fun not until you feel gasping for air.
