|35| "The Ocean Cried"

The Ocean Cried

Figurative poem by Belen, Marielle L.

The ocean cried

While crashing at the shore

It hurts, the ocean murmured

As the waves woe

Rain keeps thumping it,

Even though it's crying

Wanna tell it to halt

Like a person who's complaining

But, no one's listening

So, the ocean continue to dance

Like a ballerina dancing

To the sound of tune

From the author:

The ocean signifies a person who encounters problems in her daily lives. It is about a person who do not know how to cope up with those problems so, she will just go with the flow. Like a ballerina dancing to the sound of tune, she will accept what life has to offer. 

Even though sometimes, those problems or challenges may break her, but still she will stand tall despite of her complains and distress. She will still go on because what is life without problems or challenges? 

She will not give up whatever happens because that is life, there are times that it's tough, but as you go on everything will make sense.
