Chapter 8: Detention and Writing on the Wall

The rest of the day went by quicker than Harry would have liked. Before long, it was evening and 35 minutes to 8pm. Harry drags his feet to Lockhart's office. He knocks on the door and waits. Lockhart opens his door and smiles widely, "Here's the scalawag! Come in, Harry! Come in!" As Harry walks into his office, he sees countless framed photographs of Lockhart. Some of the photograph were even signed. Another large pile of photographs laid on his desk. Lockhart said as he sat down, "You can address the envelopes! This first one is to Gladys Gudgeon bless her, huge fan of mine." The minutes went by  as Harry addressed the envelopes. He let Lockhart's voice wash over him as he worked. Lockhart said things like, "Fame's a fickle friend Harry." And "Celebrity is as celebrity does, remember that." As the candles burned lower, Harry hand was aching from all the writing he's been doing. Harry thought miserably, 'It must be nearly time to leave. Please let it be nearly time.' Suddenly, he heard a voice that chilled him to the bone, "Come.... Come to me.... Let me rip you.... Let me tear you.... Let me kill you...." Harry mutters loudly, "What?" Lockhart said, "I know! 6 solid months at the top of the best-seller list! It broke all records!" Harry said frantically, "No, that voice!" Lockhart said, "Sorry? What voice?" Harry said, "That voice.... That voice that said.... Didn't you hear it?" Lockhart was looking at Harry with a curious expression on his face. Lockhart smiles at Harry and said, "What are you talking about, Harry? Perhaps you're getting a little drowsy?" He looks at the clock and said, "Great Scott! Look at the time! We've been here nearly four hours! Spooky how the time flies when one is having fun." Harry mutters to himself, "Yeah spooky...." Lockhart dismisses him a short time later. Harry was heading to the stairs from the 2nd floor. He was planning to head to his dorm and lay down. When all of a sudden, he hears the voice again, as it said, "Blood.... I smell blood....Let me rip you....Let me kill you....Kill.... Kill.... Kill!" Harry follows it, until he bumps right into Snape. Snape snaps, "Do watch where you're going." Harry said, "Oh, sorry dad. I thought I heard something. I was trying to figure out where it came from." Snape relaxes and said, "Oh it's you, Harry. I don't hear anything." Harry sighs and looks down, "Lockhart said the same thing when I heard it while doing detention with him." Snape raises an eyebrow and said, "You hear a voice that only you can hear?" Harry nods, "I know it's hard to believe and it's probably not a good thing, but its true, I swear dad." Snape said, "Come with me, Harry. I'm taking you to my quarters." Harry nods as they leave. They bump into Hermione and Ron, who was looking for Harry. Hermione spot Harry and said, "Harry!" Harry asks them, "Did you hear it?" Ron said, "Hear what?" Harry said, "A voice." Hermione said, "Voice? What voice?" Harry said, "I heard it first in Lockhart's office and then again just...." Harry suddenly hears the voice again as it said, "It's time...." The voice sounded a bit farther away, as if it was moving. Harry said, as he broke into a run, "It's moving. I think it's going to kill." Ron said, "Kill?" Hermione said, "Harry, wait! Not so fast!" Snape said, as he chases after him, "Harry, come back here!" They chase after him, as he continues running. Until he suddenly stops and sees spiders going through a broken window, one at a time. The others stop to catch their breath. Harry said, "Strange, I've never seen spiders act like that." Ron looks scared at the spiders and said, "I don' like spiders." Snape raises an eyebrow, "Afraid of spiders, Mr. Weasley?" Ron's ears go red as he said, defensively, "Yeah, it was Fred and Geroge's fault. When I was three, Fred turned my teddy bear into a great big filthy spider because I broke his toy broomstick.... You wouldn't like them either if you'd been holding your bear and suddenly it had too many legs and...." Snape said, "Calm yourself, Mr. Weasley. I was merely asking."

Harry spots water on the floor. He follows it to see writing on the wall, in the water's reflection. He looks up to see what the writing was. Snape, Ron and Hermione follow his gaze. On the wall, written in blood, read: The chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir.... beware. They see Filch's cat below the words. She was hung by her tail on a torch bracket. She was frozen like a statue. Her eyes were wide opened in fear. Snape moves closer to the cat, to investigate. Suddenly, several students start coming from both directions, as they head to their common room. Hoping to get there before curfew. The students suddenly stop to see the words written on the wall and Filch's cat. They also spotted Harry, Ron and Hermione standing near the cat, along with Snape. Malfoy, sees the writing on the wall and said, "Enemies of the heir beware?" He looks at Hermione, Ron and Harry, and said, "You'll be next mudbloods." He did not noticed Snape, who was standing near the cat that he was investigating. They glared at him as Snape glares at Malfoy and snarls, "Do not say that word in my presence, Mr. Malfoy! 10 points from Slytherin house!" Malfoy goes quiet and glares at Snape. Snape turns around as Filch arrives and said, "What's going on here? Go on. Make way, make way." He spots his cat hanging on the wall and goes pale as he becomes shocked by the sight. He said, "Mrs. Norris?" He looks at Harry and said, "You've murdered my cat. I'll kill ya. I'll kill ya!" Harry shakes his head as Filch grabs the front of his robes. Snape was about to tell Filch to let Harry go when he heard a voice said, "Argus!" Dumbledore had arrived. Filch let's go of Harry. Harry looks over at Dumbledore. He see that the rest of the staff had arrived along with him. Dumbledore said, "Argus I...." He stops abruptly upon seeing the writing on the wall. He said, "Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately." As the students start to leave, Harry, Ron and Hermione start to leave with them. Dumbledore adds, "Everyone except you three." The students start to leave, including Malfoy. Harry, Ron and Hermione stayed, as the corridor empties. The teachers move around to look at the writing on the wall better. Snape squeezes Harry's shoulder reassuringly, as he goes to stand by Dumbledore. Dumbledore said, "She is not dead, Argus. She has been petrified." Lockhart said, "Ah. Thought so. So unlucky I wasn't there. I know exactly the counter curse that could've spared her." Snape gives Lockhart a disbelieving look, while Dumbledore looks at him over his half-moon glasses. McGonagall shakes his head at him as she sighs. Lockhart goes quiet from the looks he was getting from them. Dumbledore looks at Filch and said, "But how she has been petrified, I can not say." Filch points to Harry and said, "Ask him, it's him that's done it. You saw what he wrote on the wall." Harry said, "It's not true, sir. I swear! I never touched Mrs. Norris." Filch said, "Rubbish!" Snape had enough. Filch was wrongly accusing them of the attack on his cat! He had to defend them! He steps forward and said, "If I might, Headmaster? Mr. Snape and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time." Dumbledore considers what Snape said. Filch said, "He must have done it, I caught him at the scene of the crime!" Lockhart said, "Harry couldn't have done it, as he was in detention with me. He was helping me answer my fan mail." What Lockhart said matched what Harry told him. Hermione said, "That's why we went looking for him. We were wondering why his detention was taking so long. We ended up finding him with you, Professor Snape." Snape looks back at Dumbledore and said, "I was looking for Mr. Snape as well, since he was in detention for quite some time. I became concerned when Miss. Granger and Mr. Weasley came to me and ask where Mr. Snape had gone. They thought that he was with me, as he likes to spend some of his time with me. When I told them that he wasn't with me, they became concerned and left to look for him. I went off to search for him myself, headmaster."

Dumbledore looks at Filch and said, "Innocent until proven guilty, Argus." Argus said, "My cat has been petrified. I want to see some punishment!" Snape raises an eyebrow at Filch's reaction as Dumbledore said, "We will be able to cure her Argus. As I understand it, Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrakes." Professor Sprout smiles and nods reassuringly at Filch as Dumbledore continues, "When matured, a potion will be made, which will revive Mrs. Norris." Lockhart said, "I'll make it. I must have done it a hundred times. I could whip up a Mandrake Restorative Draught in my sleep...." Snape interrupts him as he said, coldly, "Excuse me, but I believe I am the Potions Master at this school." There was an awkward pause, until Dumbledore said, "In the meantime, I strongly recommend all." Dumbledore dismisses everyone and leaves. Everyone leaves except Snape, Filch, Madam Pomfrey, Harry, Ron and Hermione. Madam Pomfrey removes the cat from the torch bracket and carries her up to the hospital wing, with Filch following close behind. Snape said, "Come with me, all 3 of you. We are going to my quarters. I need to speak to the 3 of you about what we have just seen and what Harry has told me." They follow Snape down to his quarters. He opens the door and allows them to enter. They sit on the couch as Snape sits in his armchair. He said, "Now that we are in the privacy of my quarters, tell me, when did you start hearing this voice, Harry." Ron and Hermione look at Harry. Harry said, "I was doing my detention with Lockhart when I first heard the voice. It send chills down my spine. It said, 'Come. Come to me. Let me rip you. Let me tear you. Let me kill you." Lockhart didn't hear it, when I asked him. So, I thought maybe it was all in my head. So, I finished my detention and left. I was going to head back to my dorm.  Along the way, I heard that voice again, as it said, 'Blood. I smell blood. Let me rip you. Let me kill you. Kill. Kill. Kill." The voice was fading, like it was moving, so I followed it. That's when I bumped into you." Snape looks at Hermione and said, "Miss. Granger, tell me, how did you come to find us?" Hermione said, "I was in the common room doing my homework. I saw that it was getting late and both Ron and Harry were still in detention. I was relieved when Ron came through the portrait hole about 2 hours later. He was complaining of a sore arm from cleaning all those silver trophies in the Trophy room. He asked where Harry was. I told him, he was still in detention. He got worried, so I suggested we look for Harry, since Harry hadn't return to the common room yet. Ron agreed, so we left the common room to search for him. We thought maybe he went to visit you after detenion." Snape said, "I, too, went searching for Harry, after you two came to me. He ended up running into me as I was searching for him." Snape sits there thoughtfully for awhile, then he said, "I may have an idea as to why Harry can hear that voice, however, I will need more proof. I'll need to do some research to be certain." Harry, Ron and Hermione nod in response. Snape said, "For now, you two may go up to your dorms," He said as he points to Ron and Hermione, "But do not tell anyone, understood?" Ron and Hermione nod at Snape. Snape said, "Harry, you will stay here and take your Nutrient Potion. Once you've taken it, we will have a discussion. I can tell that something is on your mind, Harry. After our discussion, I will escort you back up to your dorm, alright?" Harry nods, "Ok dad, I understand." Ron and Hermione leaves Snape's quarters and heads up to their dorms. 

Snape goes into his Potions lab and returns with a vial of Nutrient Potion. He hands him the vial and sits back in his chair. Harry takes it and hands the vial back to Snape. Snape takes the empty vial and pockets it. He said, "Now.... What is on your mind Harry?" Harry said, "I'm sure you already know about Ron's attempt to curse Malfoy, which backfired on him?" Snape nods, smirking slightly, "I know all about it, thanks to Mr. Malfoy." Harry said, "We took Ron to Hagrid, to see if he can help. He had Ron belch up the slugs into a bucket. He told us the curse was temporary and would wear off. While Ron was belching up slugs, Hagrid told us about the Defense Against the Dark Arts position being cursed. That no one's lasted past a year. He didn't say why though."  Harry looks at Snape, "Is it true, dad?" Snape looks at Harry and said, "Yes, it's true, Harry. The position is cursed. Something always happens to the witch or wizard that takes up the post." Harry said, "Why though?" Snape looks at Harrt and said, "What I am about to tell you, does not leave this room. Not even your friends can know. At least for now, understood?" Harry nods, "I understand, dad." Snape sighs, "The position is cursed, because Lord Voldemort had asked twice if he could teach it. Dumbledore denied him both times, for fear of him harming the students and recruiting new followers. Dumbledore believes, and I agree with him, that after being denied the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts a second time, that Lord Voldemort put a cursed on it. Saying that if he can't teach it, then no one that Dumbledore hires, can teach it for more than a year." Harry said, "So, if he comes back and is somehow defeated...." Snape finishes Harry's sentence, "Then the curse will be lifted." Harry becomes pensive for a moment, then said, "We have more than one reason to defeat him, then, don't we?" Snape nods, "Indeed we do, Harry. For now, keep what you now learned from me, in the back of your mind. I shall let you know when it is the right time to tell your 2 friends, alright?" Harry nods, "Ok, dad."  Snape said, "Come on, Harry. Time to go back to your dorm. I'll escort you." Harry said, "Ok dad. Thanks for coming to my defense and for talking to me." Snape nods, "Of course, you are my son after all." Harry smiles as he leaves the quarters with Snape. Snape escorts him back up to Gryffindor Tower. Harry said the password and turns to Snape, as the portrait opens. Harry hugs Snape and said, "Good night, dad." Snape hugs him back and said, "Good night, Harry." Harry smiles as he enters the common room. The portrait closes as they wave to each other. Once the portrait closes, Snape leaves and heads to his quarters. He was looking forward to a good night's sleep after today's events.

Harry, Ron and Hermione sat on the couch in the common room. Everyone else, had already gone up to bed. They were discussing the voices that Harry heard. Hermione said, "It's a bit strange isn't it?" Harry said, "Strange?" Hermione said, "You hear this voice, a voice only you can hear? And then Mrs. Norris turns up petrified? It's just strange, Harry." Harry said, "So I was right about hearing voices being a bad thing then." Hermione nods, "Yeah, Harry. Even in the wizarding world." They talk for a bit about what happened tonight, then they head up to bed. The following day, they were in Transfiguration class. They were going to learn how to turn an animal into a water goblet. McGonagall said, "May I have your attention please." Once she had their fullest attention she said, "Right. Now today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so." She pulls out her wand and taps the bird lightly 3 times and said, "One, two, three. Vera Verto!" The bird transforms into a water goblet. The students oohed and aahed. McGonagall said, "Now it's your turn. So, who would like to go first?" She walks over to Ron and said, "Ah, Mr. Weasley. One, two, three. Vera Verto." Ron nods as he pulls out his wand and points it at his rat. He counts to 3 and said, "Vera Verto!" The rat ended up turning into a furry water goblet, its tail sticking out of the stem of the goblet, moving. The students snicker and laugh. McGonagall said, as Ron picks up his furry, tail wagging, goblet, "That wand needs replacing, Mr. Weasley." Ron sighs as McGonagall turns to go back to the front of the class. Hermione raises her hand. McGonagall sees her hand raised and said, "Yes, Miss. Granger?" Hermione lowers her hand and said, "Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets." McGonagall looks at her class. All eyes were on her now. She sighs, "Very well." She starts to walk around the classroom as she tells them the legend of the Chamber of Secrets, "You all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago, by the 4 greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. Now, 3 of the founders co-existed quite harmoniously. One however, did not." Ron mutters to Hermione and Harry, "3 guesses who." McGonagall continues, "Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed that magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, pure-bloods." Malfoy smirks at Hermione. She glares right back at him as McGonagall continues her story, "Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber within this castle known as the Chamber of Secrets. Though shortly, after departing, he sealed it. Until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the chamber and unleash the horror within. By doing so, purge the school of all those, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic." Hermione said, "Muggleborns." McGonagall nods, then said, "Well naturally, the school has been searched many times. No such chamber has been found." Hermione said, "Professor, what exactly does the legend tell us , lies within the chamber?" McGonagall said, "The chamber is said to be home to something that only the heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home of a monster." Harry, Ron and Hermione look at one another as class resumed. 

As the bell rang, signaling the end of Transfiguration class, the students leave the classroom. Harry, Ron and Hermione walk down the corridor to their next class. Ron said, "Do you think it's true? Do you think there really is a Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione said, "Yes. Couldn't you tell? McGonagall's worried. All the teachers are." Harry said, "If there really is a Chamber of Secrets and it really has been opened, then that means...." Hermione finishes for him, "The heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts. The question is, who is it?" Ron said sarcastically, "Let's think. Who do we know that thinks that all muggle-borns are scum." Hermione said annoyingly, "If you're thinking about Malfoy...." Ron said, "Of course! You heard him! 'You'll be next , mudbloods.' " Hermione said, "I heard him, but Malfoy, the heir of Slytherin?" Harry said, "Maybe Ron's right, Hermione. I mean, look at his family. The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin for centuries." Ron said, as an idea comes to him, "Crabbe and Goyle must know. Maybe we could trick then into telling." Hermione said, "Even they aren't that thick, but there might be another way." She looks at them and said, "Mind you, it would be difficult. Not to mention that we would be breaking about 50 school rules and it would be dangerous. Very dangerous." She fills them in on her plan. She was going to get Lockhart to sign his name on a piece of parchment that she hands him. On the parchment is a short letter asking for permission to go to the Restricted Section. There was a potions book there that Hermione needed. She succeeds in getting Lockhart to sign it, after class ended, making Lockhart think that she wanted an autograph. Since she was a fan of his and loved his books. They head to the library and show Madam Pince the signed note. After reading the note, she allows them access to the restricted section. They go into the restricted section of the library and watch as Hermione goes down one isle after another, until she finds the book that she was looking for. She goes back to them and shows them the book. The book was titled: Moste Potente Potions. She flips through the pages, until she finds what she was looking for. She shows Ron and Harry. There in the book were the directions on how to brew Polyjuice Potion and the ingredients needed for the potion. Hermione whispers, "Here it is, the Polyjuice Potion." She starts to read, "Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform himself, temporarily, into the physical form of another." Ron whispers, "So, you mean, if Harry and I drink that stuff, we'll turn into Crabbe and Goyle?" Hermione whispers, "Yes." Ron whispers, "Wicked! Malfoy will tell us anything!" Hermione whisper, "Exactly! But it's tricky. I've never seen a more complicated potion." Harry whispers, "How long will it take to make?" Hermione said, "A month." Harry hisses, "A month?! But Hermione, if Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin, he could attack half the muggleborns in the school by then." Hermione said, "I know, but it's the only plan we've got." She wasn't kidding, when she said they would be breaking rules. Snape had some of the ingredients in his private stores. He did not want to piss off his dad. So, Ron agreed to throw one of Fred and George's firework into Malfoy's cauldron, while Hermione went to steal the ingredients. That way Harry won't ever get in trouble with his dad. The rest of the ingredients were easy to find. Hermione even said that she will find a place where she can brew it, without getting caught. With the plan made, they leave the library, after Hermione writes down the list of ingredients and the directions to brew it. Harry hopes his dad doesn't blame him for what was going to happen in Potions class. For now, he had a Quidditch game coming up on Saturday. It was the first game of the season and it was against Slytherin. 
