Chapter 4: A Week with the Weasley Family

Snape had taken Harry to see Lily's childhood home, Sunday afternoon. The house looked really nice and cozy. The house was white with brown window frames, which matched the color of the roof and door. Snape said, "Another family lives here now, but this was her childhood home. It hasn't changed too much." Snape looks up at the house and points to the window on the second floor. He said, "That's the window to Lily's room. Her sister's room was across the hall." Snape lead Harry to the backyard. He remembers all the good times he had here. He said as he smiles slightly, "This is were Lily and I played, when we didn't play at the playground.... I remember her mother would bring out lemonade and cookies for us." Snape points to the tree nearby and said, "That where we always sat to eat our cookies and drink our lemonade.... I always felt at home here." Harry smiles as he hugs Snape. Snape looks at Harry and smiles as he hugs him back. After Snape showed Harry the house, he shared with him the memories of things he and Lily did together. They went home soon after to have lunch. The following day, Snape said, "Have you packed everything, Harry?" Harry double-checks to make sure he packed all of his things. He said, "Yeah dad, I'm sure." Snape smiles as he comes into the room. He sees Hedwig in her cage and Harry's trunk packed. He said, "Good. Take the cage Harry. I'll shrink your trunk. I've already packed my things as well. I'll drop you off at The Burrow on the way to Hogwarts." Harry smiles, "Ok, dad. Thanks for letting me stay with them for the week, before school starts." Snape said, "You're welcome, Harry. I'll come and pick you up on Sunday morning and bring you to Hogwarts. After you've had your breakfast of course. Merlin knows how much Molly will feed you." Harry chuckles as he picks up the cage with Hedwig inside. Snape said, "I have a week's worth of Nutrient Potion for you to take each day after dinner, while you're there, alright?" Harry nods, "Ok, thanks dad." Snape nods and said, "Come on, Harry. Time to go." Harry follows Snape out of the house. Snape said, "Take my arm, Harry." Harry takes hold of Snape's arm and holds the cage tightly, as Snape disapparates. He arrives just outside the Burrow. The Burrow was one odd looking house. Harry could tell that it was held together by magic. There were chickens roaming around out by the garage. Snape walks up to the door and knocks. A round dimple woman with red hair, opens the door. Snape said, "Good morning, Molly. I hope we aren't intruding." Molly smiles, "Not at all, Severus. You know you're welcome any time." She spots Harry and said, "And this must be Harry. Ron's told me quite a lot about you. Come in, both of you." She smiles as she steps aside to let them enter. They enter and look around. The kitchen alone was small and cramped. As was the living room. The kitchen had a table in the middle of the room with chairs all around it. The living room had a fireplace, an armchair and a couch, with a worn wooden coffee table. Harry sees an iron skillet being scrubbed on its own, in the sink. A pair of knitting needles was knitting in mid air over a chair. Harry sees a clock with 9 hands on it. She saw the hand were made of scissors. Each hole had a picture of a family member. Instead of numbers around the clock, there were words like: Work, Travel, Home, School, Dentist, Prison, Lost, Quidditch and Mortal Peril. At the moment, the hand with the photos of Ron, Fred and George was pointed to Home. Harry grins in spite of himself as he looks around. Snape said, "Is Ronald Weasley here, Molly?" Molly said, "Yes, he's out back, degnoming the garden, along with Fred and George. One of the chores they have to do." Snape pulls out Harry's trunk and enlarges it. He said, "Here is Harry's trunk, Molly. I will come and pick him up on Sunday morning after he's had his breakfast, alright?" Molly said, "Of course. He will be well taken care of, Severus. I promise." Snape smiles slightly at Molly, then turns to Harry and said, "Come here, Harry." Harry goes over to him and sets the cage on the table. he said, "Yeah, dad?" Snape pulls him into a hug. Harry hugs him back as Molly smiles. Snape lets go and said, "Harry this is Ronald's mother, Molly Weasley. You'll meet her husband, Arthur, soon enough. I have to go now, Harry. There's a meeting today that is mandatory for all staff. It's done every year before term begins. I'm going to miss you, Harry." Harry smiles sadly, "Ok, dad. I'm going to miss you too." Snape said, "I shall see you, Sunday, Harry." Harry said, "See you then. I love you dad." Snape smiles, "I love you too, Harry." Harry hugged him one last time before they bade each other goodbye. Snape goes outside and disapparates to Hogwarts.

Molly said, "Welcome to The Burrow. Let me see if they are done degnoming the garden so that Ron can show you where you will be sleeping." Harry smiles, "Ok, Mrs. Weasley." Molly smiles as she leads Harry to the garden. There were wild flowers and bushes everywhere! 'Like a garden should be.' Thought Harry. Ron, Fred and George were sitting on the grass, looking sweaty and tired. Molly said, "Have you 3 finished degnoming the garden?" Ron said, "Yes, mum. We're finished." Molly said, "Look whose here!" Ron looks and sees Harry. Ron grins, "HARRY!" Ron gets up and runs to Harry, with Fred and George coming right behind him. They hugged Harry and grin. Harry grins back, "I'm here for the week. Dad just dropped me off." Ron said, "Wicked!" Molly said, "Come along boys, time for lunch. Go wash up you 3, while I get Harry's lunch prepared. After lunch, you can show him where he'll be sleeping, ok Ronald?" Ron smiles, "Sure, mum." They went upstairs to wash up, while Molly had Harry sit at the kitchen table. Molly served up some beef stew and a slice of fresh bread, with a glass of pumpkin juice. The 3 boys came down and sat at the table. Percy soon joined them. Molly said, "Eat up, boys." Molly calls up to Ginny, "Ginny, lunch time! Come downstairs to eat!" Ginny's voice floated down as she said, "Coming, mum!" Ginny soon appeared and asked, "I can't find it. Have you seen my jumper, mum?" Molly smiles, "It's on the couch, dear." Ginny said, "Thanks mum." She suddenly spots Harry and blushes as her eyes widen. She quickly finds her jumper and sits down next to Ron. Molly serves them lunch as Harry eats. Harry said to Ron, "What did I do?" Ron said, "Ginny. She's been talking about you all summer. A bit annoying really." Fred and George snicker as they eat. They resume eating their lunch until they finished eating. Ron said, "I'm finished, mum. Can I show Harry where he'll be sleeping, now?" Molly smiles, "Go ahead, Ronald. I'll take these plates." Ron leads Harry upstairs, as Molly clears the plates. Ron leads Harry up some stairs that were zig-zagging up through the house. Ron opens the door to his room and said, "You'll be sleeping here in my room. Mum set up a cot for you to sleep on." Harry looks around the room. Everything was covered in orange. It turns out that Ron was Chuddley Cannons fan. As he had posters of his favorite Quidditch team plastered all over his room! Harry smiles as he drags his trunk into the room and puts it by his cot. Then he sets the cage down on a table nearby and opens the cage. Hedwig jumps out and stretches her wings. Ron said, "I know it's small, Harry.... Not to mention the ghoul in our attic, he's always banging the pipes up there...." Harry said, smiling, "It's brilliant, Ron." Ron's ears went pink as he smiles, "Thanks, Harry."

That evening, the Wealseys' clock shows the hand with a photo of a red haired man, wearing wire-rimmed glasses, moving from Work to Travel, then moments later it stops at Home. Just as that happen, a voice was heard, "Good evening, Weasley family!" Molly said, "Good evening, Arthur, how was work?" As the others said, "Evening, dad." Molly said, "Dinner everyone, come to the table!" Harry and the rest of the Weasley's came and sat around the table. Arthur said as he puts his things down, "What a day! Nine raids, nine!" Molly serves dinner of Roast beef, mash potatoes and mixed vegetables. Harry said, "Raids?" Ron said, "Dad works at the Ministry of Magic, in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Dad loves muggles, thinks they're fascinating." Harry smiles as Arthur sits down at the table. As he sits down he spots, Harry. He said, curiously, "Who are you?" Harry said, "Harry Potter, sir, but I changed my last name to Snape after Professor Snape adopted me." Arthur's eyes lit up as he smiles, "Good lord, are you really?" Harry smiles as Arthur said, "Well, Ron's told us all about you, of course. When did he get here?" Molly said, "Severus dropped him off about 4 hours ago, on the way to Hogwarts, dear." Arthur smiles as he tucks into dinner, "Ah yes, Severus is your father now, correct?" Harry nods, "Yeah, he is, sir." Arthur sips his pumpkin juice and said, "I remember reading about the adoption in the Daily Prophets." Harry smiles as they resume eating, Arthur couldn't resist but ask Harry a question about muggle items. He said, "Now, Harry, you must know all about muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?" Ron, Fred, George and Ginny laughs as Percy rolls his eyes. Harry chuckles and explains to him how the rubber duck works as they ate dinner. Harry said, "Did you, by any chance, meet Lucius Malfoy, sir?" Arthur said, "Yes I did, just the other day. We were just about to leave Flourish and Blotts, when I found him talking to Ron and Hermione. She was there getting her books, too. I, um.... I got into an altercation with him, because he insulting me and my family." Molly said, "Altercation is an understatement dear. You were in an all out brawl! Right there in the shop!" Ron grins, "We were cheering him on." Molly said, "Lucky Hagrid was there to break you two apart! I can not believe you had a brawl in front of our children!" Arthur looks meekly at Molly and said, "Sorry, Molly dear.... I hate it when he insults my family...." Arthur shrinks at the glare he was getting from Molly. He said, "But you're right dear, I should have discussed it with him like an adult, instead of getting into a brawl with him." Molly said, "Yes, you should have, Arthur." Harry said, "Wow! What did he say that made you get into a fight with him, sir?" Arthur said as Molly sits down to eat, "He told me, what's the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizards, if they don't even pay me well for it. I told him that we have very different ideas of what disgraces the name of wizards. I was angry by then. He continued to insult me by saying, that he couldn't believe my family could sink any lower by associating with muggles. I snapped and ended up lunging at him." Harry was surprised that an adult wizard would get into a fight with another wizard like that. Arthur said, "You see, we're pure-bloods and supposedly, we aren't supposed to be associating with muggles. There isn't anything wrong with talking to muggles, is there?" Harry shakes his head, "No there's nothing wrong with that, sir. My friend, Hermione, is muggle-born and she's in Gryffindor, like me." Arthur smiles, "Exactly! The Malfoys on the other hand...." Harry said, "Yeah, I know. They hate muggles and muggle-borns." Arthur nods, "How did you know, Harry?" Harry said, "Dad told me. He told me to be cautious around them." Arthur said, "Smart man, Severus." Harry smiles as he nods in response. Once they finished eating, Molly sent the children to bed. Ron and Harry washed up, got into their pajamas and climbed into bed. Harry takes out a small box and removes a vial. Ron said, "What's that, Harry?" Harry said, "My Nutrient Potion. Dad wants me to take it everyday after dinner." Ron smiles, "Oh ok. He really does care about you, don't he? Since he's making you take it. Mind you, you were pretty small when we first met, remember?" Harry said, "Yeah, thanks to the Dursleys starving me...." He smiles as he adds, "Dad wants to make sure I get back the vitamins and nutrients my body's been deprived of." Ron smiles, "I'm glad he adopted you. You're looking much better, now that your living with him." Harry smiles, "Yeah, I'm glad too, Ron." They chatted for a bit longer until they fell asleep.

The week spent with the Weasleys, were very different than living with the Dursleys. For one, a mirror talked back to Harry! When he looked into it, the mirror said, "Tuck your shirt in, scruffy!" The ghoul in the attic, that Ron mentioned, howled and dropped pipes, whenever things got too quiet in the house. Not to mention the small explosions he heard. The explosions were coming from Fred and George's room. Ron told Harry that it was normal to hear explosions coming from the twin's room. That wasn't the main reason why it was so differently, though. The real reason why was, because the Weasleys seem to like him, unlike the Dursleys. Mrs. Weasley was always fussing with Harry. She even had Harry eat a 4th helping of every meal! Mr Weasley had Harry sit next to him at every meal, so that he could ask Harry all sorts of questions about life with the muggles. As well as asking him things like how a postal service worked or how things like plugs, or microwaves worked. One afternoon, after Harry taught him how to use a telephone, Arthur had said, excitedly, "Fascinating! Ingenious, really, how muggles have found ways of getting along without magic!" One afternoon, Ron and his twin brothers, lead Harry up to a paddock that their parents owned. It was surrounded by trees that blocked it from view of the village down below. Which meant that they could practice Quidditch without being seen by muggles. As long as they didn't fly too high of course. They couldn't use real Quidditch balls, so they used apples to practice with. Harry's broom easily outstripped Ron's broom as they flew around. Then they took turns riding Harry's broomstick afterwards. They went back to the house after practicing, carrying their broomsticks over their shoulders. Ron showed Harry how to degnome the garden, the following afternoon as he and his 2 brothers had to degnome the garden again. Ron said, "Here's how you degnome a garden, Harry. Gnomes like to hide in their gnomeholes or in these peony bushes. What you do is search for them in the bushes or their gnomeholes if they poke their heads out." Ron bends double as he sticks his head in the bushes. After a moment, there was a violent scuffle as Ron straightens up and holds up a gnome by its arms, then holds it at arms length. Ron continues, "This is a gnome, Harry." The gnome was nothing like the ones muggles have in their yards. This one was small and leathery looking, with a large knobby bald head, like a potato. Ron said, "Once you see one, you grab it by its arms and pull the little buggers up. Hold them at arms length, like this." The gnome shouts, "Gerroff me! Gerroff me!" Ron continues, "You hold it by their ankles and hold it above your head. Then you spin your arm around like a lasso, like this." Ron grabs the ankles of the gnome, turning it upside down. Then, he holds his arm above his head and starts to swing his arms, spinning the gnome like a lasso. Harry's eyes widen as he looks shocked at Ron. Ron seeing Harry's expression, said, "It doesn't hurt them, Harry. You just have to get them really dizzy so that they won't find their way back to their gnomeholes." He lets go of the gnome's ankles. The gnome flew 20 feet and landed with a thud in the field behind the bushes.

Fred, who saw Ron throw the gnome said, "Pitiful, Ron. I bet I can get mine beyond that stump over there." Ron and Fred started throwing gnomes to see who can throw one the farthest. Harry soon learned quickly not to feel sorry for the gnomes, after he dropped one just over the hedge. The gnome sensing this, sanked its teeth into Harry's finger. Harry struggled to shake the gnome off, until it lost its grip and went flying very far. Landing in the field. Fred said, "Wow, Harry! That must have been 50 feet!" Before long the air was full of flying gnomes as the 4 boys degnomed the garden. Fred said, "See, they're not too bright." As he manages to seize 6 gnomes at once. He continues, "The moment they know there's a degnoming going on, they come up to have a look. You'd think by now, they learn to stay put." Once they finished, the gnomes in the field starts to get up and walks away in a sort of scraggily line, their shoulders hunched. Ron said, "They'll be back. They love it here. Dad's too soft on them. He thinks they're funny." They head back into the house. Ron said, "We finished degnoming the garden, mum!" Molly said, "Alright, Ron! Go and wash up boys!" They head upstairs to wash up. After dinner, Fred, George and Ron sat on the couch and armchair in the living room. They talked about their 2 oldest brothers, Bill and Charlie. Harry knew Charlie worked with dragons in Romania from when Ron told him in their first year at Hogwarts. They explained to Harry about their brother, Bill. They told him that Bill worked at Gringotts as a Curse Breaker. He would help the goblins remove any curse that was dangerous, from an object before handling them. Saturday evening Harry helped Ron finish the rest of his homework, having already finished his when he was at home. Once Ron was finished, he put all of his homework in his trunk, along with his quill and ink bottle. Harry packs his trunk and smiles, "I had a really good time with you and your family, Ron. It was the best week ever!" Ron smiles, "I'm glad you had a good time here, Harry. It was great having you here." Harry and Ron smile at one another, then got ready for bed. Before long, they fell asleep. The next day after he had breakfast, he sits at the table to wait for is dad to come and get him. His trunk was packed and Hedwig was in her cage. The box that held the Nutrient Potions now held empty vials. Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door. Molly opens the door to find Snape standing there. Molly smiles, "Come in, Severus. Harry's been waiting for you." Snape enters the kitchen and sees Harry. Harry smiles, gets up and hugs Snape tightly, "I missed you dad." Snape smiles as he hugs Harry back, "I missed you too, Harry. Did you enjoy your week here?" Harry nods as he explains to Snape all that he did while he was here. Snape chuckles at the mention of them degnoming the garden. Even more so when Harry told him about how excited Arthur got when he taught him how to use a telephone. When Harry finished, Snape said, "You had a very interesting week here, haven't you, Harry?" Harry grins, "Yeah, I had a lot of fun here." Snape smiles, "Never a dull moment here it seems." Harry laughs, "Nope, never a dull moment at the Weasleys' house." Snape chuckles as he shrinks Harry's trunk and pockets it. Harry hugs the Weasley family, including Ron and said, "I have to go now. Thanks for having me here, I had a good time." Snape said, "Thanks for keeping an eye on Harry while he was here, Molly." Molly smiles, "It was nothing, Severus. It was a pleasure having Harry here." Snape and Harry say their goodbyes, grabs the cage and leaves The Burrow. Harry holds on to Snape as they disapparate to Hogwarts. 
