Chapter 1: Spinner's End-Snape's Home

The long awaited sequel is here!! :D I hope you enjoy the first chapter!! ^_^ <3 Thank you for being so patient with me!! :) <3 

Snape and Harry appear in front of a dreary looking home. In fact, all the houses here looked almost identical and just as dreary. Harry could see the factory, just several blocks away from them. The factory had been closed for years. Snape said, "Welcome to Spinner's End in Cokeworth. My neighborhood and childhood home." Harry said, "I see what you mean dad. Don't worry. It'll be ok." Snape sighs, then said, "The home where Lily and her family lived, isn't too far from here. Perhaps, I can show you her childhood home, before we return to Hogwarts." Harry said, "That sounds great dad." Snape smiles, then looks up at his house. He said, "I will eventually sell this home, I have too many awful memories here. I plan to hopefully buy a nicer home, someday." Harry smiles, he understood. Snape walks up to his door as Harry follows. There on the window sill were their owls, Hedwig and Hades. Harry smiles and said, "Look our owls are here!" Snape smiles upon seeing the 2 owls. Snape said, "I told you they would find their way here on their own. They are very clever owls." Snape pulls his wand out and said, "Place your hand on the door knob, Harry." Harry does so, looking curiously up at Snape. Snape places his left hand over Harry's and points his wand at their hands. He mutters something under his breath and suddenly, their hands start to glow. A few minutes later their hands stop glowing. Snape puts his wand up his sleeve and said, "Now the wards will recognize you and allow you to enter." Harry looks at Snape in awe, then hugs him, "Thanks dad." Snape smiles slightly, "You're welcome, Harry. This is your home too." Snape opens the door and allows Harry to enter. The owls flew in after him. Harry looks around as the owls land on the desk. Snape shuts the door and locks it and looks around himself. Everything had a layer of dust on it, except the old armchair by the fireplace and the fireplace itself. The fireplace was made of dark oak wood. There was a bookcase behind the armchair. The bookcase was crammed with books. In fact nearly the entire room had bookshelves filled with books. A mirror hung above the fireplace, and there were 2 candles, one on either side of the mantle. A clock also sat on the mantle, along with what looks to be, binoculars. A bowl of floo powder sat in between the candles. There was a desk by the window with a chair next to it. On the desk was an old typewriter, some books and a lamp. A set of scales was next to the typewriter. There was an equally old sofa near the fireplace, with a moth eaten rug on the floor. He could tell at once that the house was a muggle house. He saw the kitchen through the doorway in the living room. Harry looks in the kitchen. In the kitchen was an old fashioned stove and refrigerator. The kitchen itself was small. There were cabinets, and a pantry. Along with several drawers. One of the handles of the drawers was hanging loose from the drawer. There was a window with a blind, above the sink. Harry looks at Snape and said, "Not bad. Needs to be cleaned up a bit though." Snape nods, "Yes, especially now that you'll be living here." Snape adds, "Not to mention some repair work as well."

Harry said, "Where's the bathroom and the bedrooms?" Snape smirks as he pulls out his wand. He points his wand at a part of the bookcase that was across from the fireplace. The bookcase opens like a door, revealing stairs that went up. Harry's jaw drops open. He said, "I didn't know that bookcase opens up!" Snape chuckles, "It does, Harry. I assume you saw the many books in this room?" Harry nods in response. Snape said, "Father did do one good thing in my life, when he was sober." Harry said, "What did he do, dad?" Snape said, "He would take a book off of one of these shelves and hand it to me to read. I would read whatever he gave me. It's where I found my love of reading." Harry smiles, "I love to read too, dad. Will I get to read these books?" Snape nods, "Read has many as you like." Harry grins, "Thanks, dad." Snape smiles slightly, "Come along, Harry. I need to show you the rest of the house." Harry follows Snape up the stairs as Snape turns on the light. At the top of the landing, they went right and walk down the hall. Snape points to the end of the hall and said, "The bathroom is there, Harry." He walks up to a door on the left and said, "My parents room, which is my room now." Snape went a little further and stops in front of a door. He said, "My old bedroom, Harry." He opens the door and allows Harry to enter the bedroom. Inside was an old bed, with the window and blinds behind the bed. Next to the bed was a bookcase, with many books. There was a bedside table to the left of the bed with a lamp and a clock on it. At the foot of the bed was an old chest. There was a desk with a lamp on it and a chair tucked under the desk. On the wall above his desk was an old and worn Slytherin banner. There was a dresser next to the bookcase and a wardrobe next to the dresser. Harry looks back at Snape and smiles, "I love it dad! Once we clean it up and spruce it up, it'll look even better!" Snape smiles, "I'll make sure to fix everything and clean up the house." Harry grins, "I'll help with the cleaning." Snape shakes his head, "You will do no such thing, Harry. The only thing you will be cleaning, is your room. I don't want to see clothes lying on the floor, much less parchments or books or anything else for that matter, understood?" Harry nods smiling, "I understand dad, don't worry." Snape said, "Good. Now let me clean you room, so that you can unpack." Snape waves his wand over the entire room. The dust disappeared and the room looked clean now. He made sure all the handles were tight, instead of loose. He changes his old bed into a nicer bed with a dark shade of red for the pillows and blankets. He conjure matching curtains for the window along with a matching rug for the middle of the room. He cleaned up the desk, chair and lamp . He removed his old Slytherin banner from the wall and puts it away. He then, conjured a waste paper basket and set it next to the desk. Once he was done, he took out Harry's cage and trunk and enlarged them back to their normal size. He sets them on the bed and said, "Go on and unpack, whilst I clean the rest of the house. I'll repair anything that is in need of repair, alright Harry?" Harry chuckles, "Alright dad." Snape chuckles and leaves Harry to unpack, while he tended to the rest of the house.

Once Snape finished cleaning and repairing anything that needed fixing. The place looked like new again. The old armchair and couch were repaired and cleaned. He got rid of the rug and replaced it with a dark green rug. He also got rid of the out-dated refrigerator and stove and replaced it with a much better, more modern stove and refrigerator, which were black. The drawers were all cleaned and repaired, as well as the cabinets. He changed the color from a dull grayish white, to the color of black as well. He added dark green curtains to the windows. He even fixed up the door that lead to the backyard. All the books were cleaned and repaired, along with the bookcases that ran along the entire wall in the living room. Everything looked lived-in now. Compared to how abandoned it looked when they first arrived. He even cleaned and repaired his parents old bedroom and changed it to suit his needs. The four-poster bed was a lighter shade of green compared to the dark green he used for the curtains in the kitchen. The four poster bed had matching bed curtains as well as curtains on the window. There was also a matching rug on the floor with silver trimmings around it. There was a desk by the window, with a chair. A waste paper basket was next to the desk. He cleaned and fixed them and set his owl cage onto the desk. He also cleaned and repaired the dresser, along with the vanity mirror. He remembers when he would find his mom sitting in front of the mirror, to tend to the many bruises and cuts she had received. He would watch her heal any injuries she sustained in the process, like broken bones or sprained ankles. Snape sighs as he continues to finish up the bedroom. Once he finished the bedroom, he heads to the bathroom. He cleans and repairs the toilet, sink and bathtub, including the shower. He changes the outside of the bathtub to black, leaving the inside, white. He does the same with the sink and toilet. He conjures up white curtains for the small window. He conjures up bathroom curtains in the color of dark blue and hangs it up to cover the entire length of the bathtub. The tile floor was white as was the tile walls surrounding the bathtub. The rest of the wall was a cream color, while the tiles around the bathtub was white. He went down to the basement. He cleaned and repaired everything there too, until it looked like a proper potions lab. Once he was finished, he went to his room to unpack, putting his wand up his sleeve as he did so. Meanwhile Harry had finished unpacking. He had his Gryffindor banner hanging up above the desk, exactly where Snape's old Slytherin banner hung. He put his old school books on top of the bookcase. Harry threw away any parchment that he used to write notes on, along with broken quills and empty ink bottles. He set his cage on the desk and put his clothes away. He also set his 2 books that he was going to need for school, along with the rest of his books, on his desk too. He set his trunk in the wardrobe and shuts the wardrobe doors. He sits on his bed and looks around. His own proper room, He smiles, he was going to love living here.

Snape pokes his head in and said, "Finished unpacking, Harry?" Harry nods, "Yeah, I'm finished. What about you dad?" Snape nods, "So have I, Harry. I've just finished cleaning up our home, as well as repairing anything that was broken or lose. Everything should be in working order now. Would you like to see the backyard?" Harry nods, smiling, "Sure dad." Snape smiles slightly as he beckons Harry to follow him. Harry follows him as they go back down stairs and pass the living room. Snape casually waves his wand at the fireplace. A fire sprang up in the fire place, as they walk by. He puts his wand up his sleeve as they enter the kitchen. There was a door in the kitchen that lead to the backyard. Snape went towards it and opens the door. He allows Harry to step outside. Harry steps outside and looks around as Snape follows and shuts the door. Harry saw herbs of all kind. He even recognized several herbs that were used in potions. Snape said, "The wards extend to the backyard as well. As you can see, I have herbs planted all around the edges of the backyard. Right along the fence there and along this house. I'm sure you recognized some of the herbs planted here." Harry nods, "Yeah I do. There are some herbs here that we used in potions, and some I recognized from my copy of 1000 Magical Herbs and Fungi book, dad." Snape smiles slightly, "Very good, Harry." Harry smiles, then walks around the garden. It wasn't very big, but it was spacious enough to grow herbs and some colorful flowers. He could see, nettle, wormwood, asphodel, valerian roots, wolfsbane, and some sopophorous beans growing in Snape's garden. They were just a few of what Snape was growing. Harry looks back at Snape. He said, "You know dad, I can help you tend to your herbs." Harry adds as Snape's eyebrows furrowed, "Not like my Aunt Petunia always had me do. I mean, I can help you gather any herbs that are ready to be harvested. I can even water any that needs watering. Things like that." Snape relaxes, "Ah I see." Snape becomes thoughtful and said, "I suppose you can assist me in tending to my herb garden." Harry grins, "Thanks dad!" Snape smiles, "But you must tend to the herbs exactly how I instruct you to, understood?" Harry nods, smiling, "I will dad." Snape smiles, "Good." Harry smiles as they both go back inside. Snape made some sandwiches and a pitcher of ice cold pumpkin juice. They both sat down and begin to eat their lunch. After lunch, Snape cleared the plates and cups, saving the rest of the juice for later. Snape takes Harry down to his Potions Lab in the basement. It was similar to the one in his quarters at Hogwarts, but a bit more spacious. Snape showed him around the lab, so that Harry knew where everything was located. Afterwards, he allowed Harry to read to his heart's content in the living room, while he made more Nutrient Potion. Harry read one book after another, enjoying every minute of it. He eventually fell asleep, while reading a book. Snape came up after he finished brewing, to find Harry asleep on the couch. The book laid open and forgotten on the floor. Snape smiles as he goes and picks up the book. He places a bookmark on the page that Harry was at and places the book on the desk by the typewriter. He removes Harry's glasses and sets them on the side tables by the couch. He picks up a pillow from the couch and tucks it under Harry's head. Then he went and got a spared blanket and covered him, tucking him in. He whispers, "Enjoy your nap, Harry." Snape leaves Harry to sleep, while he goes to the kitchen to make dinner.

For the next few weeks, Harry did the assignments that were given to him to do over the summer. He brewed a few potions with Snape in the potion's lab and read some more books. Other times he would nap out in the garden, or have tea with Snape in the garden. He even assisted Snape in the garden as Snape instructed him. Snape tended to his hand every day. In time, thanks to Snape, Harry's hand healed completely. Before long, it was a week before Harry's 12th birthday. Snape was going to throw a well deserved birthday party for Harry. Since Harry never had a birthday party in his entire life. He wrote to Ron and Hermione and made them promise not to tell Harry what he had planned. On the day of the birthday party, Snape kept the boy busy and out of the house, so that he could decorate the living room with balloons and streamers. A table was set up for the birthday presents he would receive. Another table was set up with a bowl of pumpkin juice, a ladle and some cups to pour the juice in. Along with party hats of course. Last, but certainly not least, a chocolate birthday cake in the shape of the Gryffindor Crest, with 12 candles sticking out of it. The words: Happy Birthday, Harry, written in green on the cake. Snape had the cake hidden in the kitchen. He himself will bring the cake out to Harry, while everyone else sang Happy Birthday to him. Snape placed his gift to Harry, on the table, where the presents would go. Hagrid's present was already on the table. It had arrived earlier that morning, while Harry was out. He hoped Harry would like his gift. Of course there was food like sandwiches made with all sorts of meat and cheeses. Some chicken legs and corn as well. The backyard was decorated with balloons and streamers as well. The party would start at 4pm. It was now 3:30pm. There was a knock on the door and he goes to answer it. Snape answers the door to find Ron and Hermione standing there, smiling. Snape said, "Just in time. The party starts in just 30 minutes. Come inside. Put your gifts on the table over there." He points to the table that had 2 presents on it. Ron was holding 2 presents. Ron said, "Mum had made Harry a present. So, she had me bring it along with mine." Hermione said, "Thank you for inviting us, Professor Snape." Snape steps aside as he said, "You're very welcome, Miss. Granger. Oh Mr. Weasley, I look forward to challenging you in a game of wizard's chess." Snape smirks as Ron's eyebrows go up. Ron said, "Ok, Professor Snape, sure. I doubt you can beat me though." Snape said smirking, "We shall see, Mr. Weasley." Hermione shakes her head as she goes inside with Ron and sets her present down on the table. Ron set both his and his mom's presents down as well. Snape closes the door as Hermione and Ron put on a party hat. Snape picks up the green and silver party hat and puts it on. The golden crown with fake red rubies stuck to it, was for Harry to wear. As it had Birthday Boy written across the crown in red. It was now 4pm. Harry would be home any minute. They move to stand by the table and waited for Harry to arrive. Harry comes through the door, not realizing that there was a birthday party waiting for him. He said, "I walked around the neighborhood so that I would know my way around, like you asked me to, dad." He locks the door and turns around. The minutes his eyes found them, they yelled out, "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HARRY!" Harry froze and looks at them with his eyes and mouth wide open. He knew it was his birthday, but he wasn't expecting a birthday party for him. He was so used to not having birthday parties, thanks to the Dursleys. He said, "F....For me? A birthday party for me?" Ron and Hermione were grinning as Snape said, smiling, "Of course, Harry. It is your birthday after all." Harry said, "I never had a birthday party before...." Snape, Ron and Hermione smile sympathetically at Harry. Snape said, "It's my way of make up for all the birthday's you didn't have, when you lived at the Dursleys." Harry couldn't believe it! They did this all for him! Harry grins as his eyes became red, "Thank you so much, dad! Thank you for inviting Ron and Hermione to be here for my birthday!" Snape walks over to Harry and hugs him. He said, "You're welcome, Harry." Ron hands Snape the crown, who then puts it on Harry's head. Snape said, "Since it's your birthday, you have to wear the birthday crown. It's sort of a tradition as my mother always had me wear mine every year. Though mine was silver with fake emeralds stuck to it." Harry grins, "Wicked dad!" Snape chuckles, "Come, birthday boy. Your party awaits." Harry laughs as he wipes his eyes. He goes and hugs his 2 friends, who hugs him back. He couldn't wait to enjoy his birthday!
