You steal an item of clothing

Ed- You steal his glasses.

It was late one night Ed and you fell asleep on the couch while watching a movie. Since you were smaller than Ed you slept on top of Ed, while he had his arms around you. You woke up to the tv on and the need to go to the bathroom. You tried to get up but Ed had a grip on your waist. "Eddie you got to let me up," you said poking him in the face. He grunted and let go of you. You reached over to the coffee table and grabbed a pair of glasses off the table.

You went to the bathroom and did your business. When you got out the lights were on and Ed was wondering around the apartment tripping over things. "Eddie what are you doing?" You asked.

"Oh Y/N have you seen my glasses?" Ed asked. Then you realized you were wearing Eds glasses and not yours. You handed Ed his glasses and Ed helped find yours.

Every once in a while you steal his glasses just to mess with him.

Victor- You steal his jacket.

Victor left his jacket on his bed while he was in the shower and you just wanted to mess with him. So you took his jacket and hid in the closet. The closet had slits to see through so you were watching everything. After a few minutes Victor came out. He looked around his bed and the floor around his bed looking for his jacket.

Victor was highly frustrated from losing his jacket. You found this quiet entertaining and began laughing. Victor turned around and faced the closet with you in. Before he could open the door you jumped out holding up his gun, that was in his jacket.

"I am Gotham's best hitman and Oswald's little lap dog," you said. You went running out of the bedroom laughing.

Victor ran after you. "Y/N give me back my jacket," he shouted. Victor was faster than you and grabbed you from behind.

"I'll be taking my jacket back Y/N." Victor let go of you and you gave him back the jacket.

Oswald- You steal his black suit jacket.

It was the night of an important meeting for Gotham's underground. You were there with your boyfriend Oswald. Even though you weren't apart of the crime world you liked to be with Oswald. Once the boring meeting was over Oswald held your hand leading you out of the building.

The driver had parked far away and the weather was far from good. It was cold. You were shivering, Oswald noticed quickly. He took off his jacket and put it around your shoulders and held you even closer.

Jim- You steal his gun.

It was late one night and Jim was in the shower. You were always a little jumpy of the sounds around Gotham at night. You had been reading a horror novel when a loud crash came from the kitchen.

You reached over the bed and into Jim's dresser, picking up his gun. Quietly you tip toed into the kitchen with Jim's gun in hand. In the kitchen was a shadow of a person. You switched on a light and held up the gun.

"Y/N what the hell," said the loving voice of your boyfriend Jim. "Why do you have my gun?"

"I'm sorry Jim I heard a loud noice and wanted to defend the house," you explained hand Jim the gun.

Jerome- You stole Jerome's robe from his time with the Maniax .

It was late one morning and was really cold. Jerome wasn't in the room. You climbed out of bed freezing and the only thing around was Jerome's robe. Wearing it you went to the kitchen. Jerome was out for a while. You sat at the kitchen island eating your favorite breakfast food. After fifteen minutes Jerome came home. He walked in and saw you wearing his robe. "Well don't you look sexy today gorgeous," Jerome said. You blushed slightly. "I would like my robe back. Also see what your wearing underneath my robe." The last part he whispered in your ear.  

The rest is up for the imagination 

Jonathan- His black hoody.

It was a chilly Gotham day and you were over at Jonathan's house. So when you were getting ready to go home you took his jacket off of a chair.

It took Jonathan a few hours before he texted you asking where it went.
