You leave

You leave them after an argument   

Oswald- You hurled an apple at you boyfriend. "I loved you Oswald. Now you just spend all of your time being the king of Gotham and it's mayor." You were mad that Oswald was never around. All you wanted was to spend time together.

"Y/n I love you too but this is important," Oswald talked in a calmer voice.

"Oswald I need a break from this. You need to decide if you even have time for a girlfriend." You had nothing else to say and left.  

Ed- It was one of Eddie's and yours late night conversations. These conversations have gone to many weird places this was the weirdest. The two of you were on Ed's bed facing each other with a bowl of popcorn between you. "This is the hardest thing I'm about to tell you Y/N. So Miss. Kringle didn't leave Gotham. She died," Ed said.

"Aw babe I know how much she meant to you," you said. You leaned over and hugged your boyfriend.

"Not what I meant. I killed her," Ed said. A dark omen was surrounding Ed. 

You laughed slightly. "Funny joke Ed you couldn't kill anyone." You tried to convese your self that it couldn't be true.

"I really did Y/N." You were nervous now and got up of off the bed. Pulling out your phone you tried dialing Jim's number. Ed stood up and grabbed you pulling the phone away from you. "You can't do that to you."

You tried to pull away. "I have to leave Edward. You need help."

"No I don't Y/N."

"Yes you do murder isn't right."

"I'm perfectly fine."

"Fine but I'm not staying just let me leave." You pulled away from Ed. Leaving the apartment.       

Jim- "Jim I need you to promise me that what happened between Lee and you is over," you said. You knew about Lee and Jim but today you caught them really close. To close that the space separating boy friend and boyfriend didn't exist.

"Y/N I promise nothing is going on between Lee and I," Jim said. Jim looked away from you saying that. You had the skill needed to know when someone is lying and Jim was. It hurt knowing that Jim couldn't just decided but you were willing to make things easier on Jim.

"Your lying Jim. I need you to decide before there's an us. For now I'm giving you space to think things through. You know where to find me Jim," you said. You left Jim's house. He didn't fight you leaving, it hurt you to leave.   

Jerome- "Jerome I'm not dating Bruce. He's with.." You started.

Jerome interrupted you," I don't care Y/N. I know your with Bruce. Maybe we could have been friends if you just came out and said you were dating Bruce."

"Baby I wouldn't do that to you. I love you." You were crying and Jerome stood over you crossed armed. 

"Your nothing but a lying cheater Y/N. Get out now." You left knowing very well that you never cheated on Jerome. Bruce was just a friend .  

Victor- "Come on cinnamon roll it's for your safety," Victor said.

"So what Zsasz you can do these dangerous jobs but I get offered one but  you always do it. For once I want to take that risk," you said louder than Victor. Victor and you had been together for a while and the worst problem was Victor worried about you, alot. To where he takes any job that yu get offered. That's when you relised something Victor was jealous of your work. "Your jealous that have been given more offers for job than you." You said.

"That's not true Y/N I just want to keep you save," Victor said. He was obviously annoyed at your accusations.

"Than I should be able to do what I want. I've done just fine up till now." You were almost shouting.

   "Fine than Y/N do what ever you want cause your going to anyway."

"I will than Zsasz," you said as you walked out of Victor's home. You just left him there.

Jonathan- "Come on please one test," Jonathan said. Jonathan and his father were testing his anti-fear serume and wanted to try someone you. You told them before no. This time was no different.

"I'm not a test subject Jonathan. If you think thats what I am then I'm leaving," You said.

"Y/N it's just one time. It will help humanity one day," he said. 

"I know and I support you Jonathan but I don't want to be part of this." 

"Please Angel for me?" 

"I'm not picking you over my fear. I'm leaving Jonathan." With that you walked out tears streaming down your face. 
