What he loves most about you

This is a two in one part physical and personality. They love everything about you but one trait stands out more than others.


Oswald-Your hair, Oswald loves to run his fingers through it and occasionally style it.

Ed- Your simile, it warms Ed's heart to see your smile. When you laugh with it Ed adores it.

Jim- Your legs, he'll watch you run when at work catching bad guys.

Jerome- Your body,  its Jerome does there need to be an explanation. 

Victor- Your hands, you can do so much with them. Beat a person up, Kill a person, shoot a person, hold hands, and other things 

Jonathan- Your eyes, he sees them and everything he fears disappears. Jonathan also thinks the color is beautiful.  


Oswald- You kindness, you saw Oswald as more than an umbrella boy. You supported him all the way through to him becoming king of Gotham and eventually mayor.  

Ed- Your intelligences. Your are one of the few people in Gotham that can compete any where near his level and Ed loves that about you.  

Jim- Your can do attitude, it helps Jim keep fighting the evil in Gotham 

Jerome- Your sarcasm, Jerome just love to here your sarcastic comments for anything some one says.

Victor- Your free spirit, Victor loves to watch your free spirit do what ever you want with out a single care in the world.

Jonathan-  Your fearlessness, it helps Jonathan to get over his fear.  
