Got7 when you can't sleep

Jaebeom: wakes up the moment you untangle yourself from his arms in the middle of the night. has the sleepiest, come-back-to-bed voice until he realizes you're upset. sits up immediately and takes you into his arms. holds you tightly and strokes your hair. whispers to you. you end up falling asleep on his chest.

Mark: this kid sleeps like the dead. never so much as stirs beside you. you finally wake him up after hours of not being able to sleep. completely okay with being woken up and pushes your guilt aside. starts up a normal, hushed conversation. acts like the whole thing's really no big deal. so patient with you.

Jackson: worried when he finds out you haven't been sleeping well the past several nights. asks if there's anything that's been weighing on your mind recently. blames himself for not picking up on it sooner. loses sleep over worrying about you. both of you staying awake leads to long, deep conversations that reveal what's been bothering you.

Jinyoung: super attentive to even the smallest things; so right away notices the dark circles under your eyes and how tired you seem. waits until the two of you are alone before asking about what was keeping you up. will probably do research on how to fall asleep faster. that night he has chamomile tea and soft blankets prepared. reads to you as he waits for you to fall asleep. presses a kiss to your temple as you drift off.

Youngjae: wakes up to you tossing and turning. a bit frustrated that you aren't getting enough sleep. really doesn't know how to help and is afraid of trying something and only making it worse. feels helpless. eventually starts singing softly to you. he's relieved when it does the trick. has to reassure himself and falls asleep listening to your even breaths.

BamBam: well, as long as you're up, you might as well have some fun. he stays up with you and is down for literally anything. you guys watch movies, play video games, and order food for practically the entire night. suggests that you both take off work the next day to catch up on sleep. manages to turn this situation into something fun. doesn't care that he loses sleep to make you happy.

Yugyeom: gets pouty if you don't wake him up to tell him. takes you on a drive to get you to fall asleep; like you're a little kid. carries you inside so carefully because he doesn't want to wake you. assumes his rightful place as the big spoon once he has you back in bed. lets you sleep in for as long as possible the next morning.
