Got7 in a fight

Jaebeom: you're his weak spot. manages to keep his cool unless some guy did something rude/inappropriate towards you. doesn't want you to see whatever goes down in case it scares you. will take the fight outside or calmly ask you to leave the room. definitely not afraid to get physical. but if you insist on just ignoring it or leaving, he'll listen to you.

Mark: it's hard to push him over the edge. but once you do, there's no going back. will give everything he's got. turns into a completely different person. can't listen to reason once the switch is flipped. will start yelling. you have to get one of the other members to help you drag him away. calms down at your touch. so upset afterwards. will want to be alone with you but probably won't want to talk for a while. needs you to just hold him.

Jackson: you'll be able to tell when he gets pissed off. he'll go really quiet and seem very un-Jackson-like. brushes it all off until they hit a nerve with him, usually either his career or you. doesn't say anything, just messes the guy up. strangely calm afterwards. talks to you softly as you clean him up. you're more shaken up than he is.

Jinyoung: will get pretty snarky. acts completely unbothered. nothing will tempt a rise out of him unless he sees you're upset. will demand an apology for you. won't throw the first punch but definitely throws the last. takes you away and coddles you. asks if you're okay. pretty smug that he won the fight and expects some kind of praise from you.

Youngjae: tries to avoid conflict and laugh it off. once they've crossed the line he'll tell them to stop. gets pretty loud if he's defending you. he'll fight only if he needs to. doesn't want you to see him violent. lets one of the other members pull him away. super quiet as he takes you somewhere else. once you're alone he holds your hands and apologizes to you.

BamBam: at first tries to laugh it off and change the subject. starts to get really quiet. the mood of the entire room changes. takes so long for anything to really set him off. holds off violence for as long as possible. the moment he's touched or hit, he explodes. tries to joke about it later but fails. he doesn't want you to know he's upset.

Yugyeom: shuts down completely as soon as he's uncomfortable. holds your hand. looks at his shoes. his grip on your fingers flexes when they say something that gets to him. will subtly suggest you leave the room. doesn't do anything unless you're safely out of the way. might let one of the older members take over the situation to check on you.
