Got7 as Disney-ish villains

Jaebeom: one of those insanely rich bad guys who are often seen stroking a cat. cutthroat and ruthless if you get in his way. pretty chill if you don't though. doesn't work alone, but he's at the top and makes sure everyone knows it.
status: Captain Hook - Peter Pan

Mark: the one nobody suspects to be really evil but is. tired of being looked over and underestimated. doesn't like outright killing people. mysterious and keeps you guessing.
status: Maleficent - Sleeping Beauty

Jackson: only like 50% evil. pretty funny. a lot of scheming. mostly misunderstood or simply put in a poor position. believes it's never simply black and white. not a completely unreasonable villain.
status: Hades - Hercules

Jinyoung: classic comic relief villain. usually sarcastic, maybe a little depressed. gets annoyed more than anything with the heroes. serious when it comes to what he wants.
status: Scar - The Lion King

Youngjae: the annoying villain that nobody likes. even his subordinates hate him. doesn't believe he can lose. kind of stuck-up. doesn't do a ton of 'evil' deeds though, mostly just petty stuff.
status: Queen of Hearts - Alice in Wonderland

BamBam: real scary without even trying to be. 10/10 evil laugh. world domination is on the list. makes fun of the heroes. practical and knows how to pick his battles. completely evil but not insanely so.
status: Dr. Facilier - The Princess and the Frog

Yugyeom: manipulative to get what he wants. two-faced and a bit sassy. a total player—might even hit on the hero. doesn't think he's the evil villain but rather the victim. probably has a tragic backstory.
status: Ursula - The Little Mermaid
