Got7 finding out you have a terminal illness

Jaebeom: your words hit him like a brick wall. he can't imagine being without you, can't even believe what you're saying. insists on going to another specialist, getting another opinion—something. there has to be a mistake. in his mind there's nothing that could ever take you from him, it's not even a possibility. you've shaped every aspect of his life, and such an important person can't just disappear like they were never there. but even when you pass on without him, he'll be reminded of you everywhere. you're the type of special that he will never forget.

Mark: will put on a brave face for your sake and try to be supportive of your emotions when you tell him. breaks down when you're not around. screams into pillows that this isn't right, that this shouldn't be happening. but he'll be damned if he ever lets you catch him during one of these meltdown sessions. becomes completely stoic and just supports and cares for you more than ever. it's only when you fall apart in front of him will he show you how deeply torn apart he is. tells you about how much you mean to him, how the little things you do bring him so much happiness. and when you're gone, he'll force himself to only think of the good memories of you, not the tragic ending. and in that way, you never stop bringing him little sprouts of happiness.

Jackson: gets so quiet when he finds out. his world is falling down around him and he won't know how to react. just keeps repeating that he loves you, that he's there for you. his voice breaks because he wants to tell you that everything will be okay, but he truly doesn't know. you can't walk away from this, and he doesn't think he'll ever be okay without you there beside him. it feels like an evil slap in the face. he wants so desperately to help you through this and is terrified by the idea that he's completely helpless. he knows the world without you will go on, but it will never be quite the same.

Jinyoung: holds you. just keeps you in his arms when he hears the news. he's trying to both console you and keep you from seeing how afraid he is. but you can still hear his shuddering breaths. for god's sake you're everything to him, and he just can't get over how unfair this is for you. this is pure injustice, and he'll never really recover from losing you. you were the best thing in his life, and he knows he'll never meet someone like you again.

Youngjae: this breaks him. he doesn't know how to process the idea that someday he'll have to live without you. but instead of hiding his feelings away he'll completely share your grief. he'll cry and despair with you but it somehow provides a sort of closure for you. this enormous weight is something to be upset about, and knowing Youngjae is just as terrified as you are feels comforting. your time left together lets you say everything that needs to be said. supporting one another helps Youngjae understand that you've accepted the unfairness of it all and that it's your time. and you'll know that you'll leave Youngjae in a good, healthy state of mind.

BamBam: doesn't really comprehend what you're saying at first. stiffens and kind of goes numb when he realizes that you're being serious, that this isn't some kind of horribly twisted joke. it doesn't feel real because he's never even dreamed something like this could ever happen to you. sure, bad things happen to people all the time, but it's never you. nothing like this was supposed to happen. he knows he'll never get over you, but doesn't really care. he's reminded of your love in everything and everyone he holds dear. wants to love as deeply as you loved him, and follows by your example for the rest of his life.

Yugyeom: feels like his heart is being crushed. tries to stay calm as you tell him, even as his hands tremble uncontrollably in yours. he doesn't know how to get past this. he can't beat this for you and he hates that there's really nothing he can do. this situation leads to a lot of long, deep conversations between you two. you find yourself ironically grow so much closer during this time—making the ending all the more bittersweet. bitter because he's losing his favorite part of his life, but sweet because he's spent so many precious years getting to know you and letting you turn him into a great man.
