She messing up ever thing

Denise p.o.v
I got up early because I stayed at rocs house and slept over since my mom was in a bissnis trip
Denise:roc I'm going home
Roc:ok bye*hugs her*
Denise:bye*hugs back*
I went home and got in the shower I got,out brushed my teeth and put on a poke a bot crop top,white jeans,white vans,makeup,white purses,and my hair curly
Girl I used to be your superman now I'm flying solo you used to be one hundred with me now you wanna yolo
Denise:hey roc
Roc:need a ride
Denise:yea sure come pick me up
Roc:ok I'm here
Denise:coming outside bye
They drove to school
Mrs,p:ok class work on your project with a partner
Khloe:roc and me
Denise:no roc called me
Khloe:ohhh well roc and Denise*gets sad*
Ray:khloe me and you
Khloe:ok*she likes ray alittle*
Ray:come khloe*grabs her hand*
Khloe p.o.v
Me and ray went to work
Khloe:ray stop trying to put paint on my nose*lauhhing*
Ray:come on we can be rudluph toghter
Ray runs into khloe and there face to face
Ray:ohhhh sorry *he moves*
Khloe:it ok lets go
Later that,day
Roc p.o.v
Me and khloe were supposed to go out tonight but ray said he took her to the movies with Kayla and prince so I went on a date with Denise
We went to the club got drunk and went home
Roc:*walkes over to Denise he not drunk anymore*kisses her
Khloe p.o.v
I been calling Roc and I got worried so I went to Denise house and see roc and her kissing
I went to ray house crying
Ray:khloe*hugs her*are you ok
Khloe:he cheated😢😢
To be contudenied
