Love or hate

Roc p.o.v
I like Khloe but I like Denise more but I knew khloe longer. DENISE has big boobies and a butt. Khloe has big boobies and a big butt.well I woke thing about Denise and jumped in the shower and brushed I got dressed and wore white muscle shirt with a golden cross on it,black jeans,black convers,and golden chains my phone started ringing
Denise:roc can you pick me up from my house
Roc:Where did u live?
Denise:2237 apple valley
Roc:ok be there in 5minutes
Denise:ok bye
He hangs up and drives to Denise's house
Denise p.o.v
*hong hong*
That was my ride
Denise:BYE MOm
Mom:bye honey she left for work
Roc:come on
Denise:no lets stay here and eat breackfeats
They eat and drive to school
Khloe p.o.v
Ring ring
Khloe:ahhhh ohhh my god I'm late for school
I got up showered brushed teeth put on gray sundress with flowers,black flats,jelwery,my flower backpack,and my hair waterfall
I quickly drove to school and ran to class
Mrs.p:khloe your late
Mrs.p:just sit down
I sit down
Roc p.o.v
Me and Denise are talking to ray and prod
Denise:y'all are stupid
Ray:we all jumped off a plane
Roc:no me prod and prince jumped we pushed you out
Well class over
Khloe p.o.v
Kayla:come one khloe we are going to be late and the football players are there so I get see prince
Khloe:ok I'm coming
We ran to the gym for tryouts
After tryouts
Roc p.o.v
Roc:can you come to my house for truth or dare night
Khloe:ok see you later
Later at roc house
Denise p.o.v
Me and my new friend Mia are the new popular girls and we are going to roc truth or dare night
Denise clothes:white laced crop top,black shorts,white convers,and makeup
Mia cloth: laced black crop top,white shorts,black convers,and makeup
Denise:lets go
We got in my silver challenger and drove to roc house
Roc:hey Denise
Denise:hey rocky
Roc:hey Mia
Denise:well let us in you goofball
Roc:ok miss.boosy
They walk in
No ones p.o.v
They all sat in a circle and did the dare and truth it was Khloe,ray,Kayla,Prince,Mia,Bella,maddie,prod,roc,and Denise
Khloe:who's going first
Denise:we don't know
Roc:khloe go,get a bottle
Khloe:ok*she had on baby blue tank top,black cheerleader skirt!and black convers
She came back with a bottle
Roc:spin it
She spins it and it lands on Mia
Mia:ummm who-ohhh I a text wait
Denise:pick me and roc to do seven minutes in heaven
Mia:ok time to make khloe jealous
Denise:ok bye
Mia:ok I pick Denise and roc seven minutes in heaven
Roc:shall we*holds hand out for denise*
Denise:we shall
They go in his closet
Roc p.o.v
We go in the closet and get confetbal and the I kiss her
Seven minutes later
Me and Denise walk out happy as ever
Roc:ok my turn *spins bottle*land on Kayla
Kayla:I give I to khloe make out with roc
Khloe:I guess *walkes over moving hips side to side*
Roc:*getting excited*they makeout for2 minutes
They play the game all night
Roc:hey khloe
Roc:will you be my girlfriend
they kiss
