Girls just want to have fun

Khloe p.o.v
Me and the girls woke up and and shower
Kayla:we should go to the club tonight
Bella:yea I'm going to get drunk
Maddie:try not to get raped
Bella:I hate you
Maddie:I love you too
We all got ready for school
Khloe clothes:pink crop top,white short shorts,pink converes,light pink eyeshadow,pink lip gloss,and hair curly
Kayla clothes:black shirt,black leggings,tan boots,cheata scarf,black eyeshadow,pink lipgloss,hair down straight
Bella clothes:blue crop top,black short shorts,black convers,light pink lip gloss,brown eyeshadow,hair in cheerleader pony tail
Maddie:white shirt,black leggings,black boots,black eyeshadow,light pink lip gloss,hair in fishtail braid
We go in my pink challenger and drove to school
At school
Roc p.o.v
I like khloe she cute I follow her on Instagram and she follow me.I walk in to school with prince,Kayla walkover
Kayla:hey prince*hugs him*
Prince:hey cutie*hugs back*
Kayla:hey roc wat y'all doing tonight
Roc:hey and nothing
Kayla:well now something you guys are coming to a club with me,khloe,Bella,and maddie
Prince:cool well come on Kayla we are disecting a cow today😄😄😄😄
Roc:cool well where's khloe
Kayla:at her locker
Roc:alright see y'all later
Both of them:bye*runs away toghter*
I walk to khloe locker
Roc:hey khloe
Khloe:ohh hi roc wat you doing
Roc:wating for you we have math
Khloe:ok*grabs math book*lets go
We walked to class and saw a new girl
?:hi I'm Denise
Roc:hey I'm roc are you new
Khloe:well roc I'm going with Bella
Roc:alright I just going to keep talking to Denise
Me and Denise were talking the whole class
Roc:hey Denise want to eat lunch with me and the group
Me an Denise walked to lunch together
Khloe p.o.v
I walked to lunch with Kayla and I saw roc with the girl we saw earlier
Khloe:hey roc
Roc:ohh hey Khloe meet Denise
Denise p.o.v
*i think their is some thing odd about Khloe*
Khloe p.o.v
We all got lunch and I saw roc and Denise flirting I was pissed but then I started talking to ray and then Kayla said
Kayla:lets spy on roc and Denise
They all be quite and listen there roc and Denise conversation
Roc:your really funny and cute
Denise:you are handsome
Roc:lets exchange numbers
Denise:ok it's 210-888-4131
Roc:ok mine is 210-554-6784
Denise:ok call me later
Lunch over
Roc p.o.v
Me and Denise have been talking for awhile I think I have feelings for her
