Club going up on a tuseday

Ray p.o.v
Me and khloe we're watching tv the she said
Khloe:ray lets go to the club
Ray:ok later*he kisses her*
Khloe:ok fine
Khloe ran up stairs and showerd
Khloe p.o.v
Me and ray are cute together but I think I still like roc I miss him
All around the word put you hands in the sky and wave them side to side I'm looking for you all around the world
Roc:hey khloe
Khloe:rocky I haven't talked to you in forever
Roc:yea wat you doing
Khloe:getting dressed a roc want to come to the club with us
Roc:who is us
Khloe:me,ray,prince,Kayla,maddie,Bella,prod,Mia,and Denise
Roc:sure Ill pick you up at 6:00
Khloe:bye rocky
I got,dressed and put on a nerd shirt,blue jeans,pink doc martins,owl neckel lace roc gave me,my nerd glasses, and my rays girl phone case
Ray:were you going
Khloe:mall with Kay
Ray:ok hurry back we going to the club
Khloe:k bye babe
Ray:bye mami
I got in my pink challenger and drove to roc house
Roc:*comes to the door with no shirt*hi
Khloe:hi is Denise here
Roc:no she just left would you like to stay I just made breakfast
Khloe:sure I'm hungry *walks in*
Diamond:I miss you were you been
Khloe:I have a new bf
Diamond:ohhhhh you don't like roc
Khloe:I do it's just he don't like me
Diamond:ohhh roc like khloe
Roc:no can do*winks at khloe*
RM:Khloe awww girl you so big I missed you
Khloe:same here
Rm:well it's time to eat
They eat then Khloe left
Ray p.o.v
I called Khloe 8 time she never picked up
Khloe walks in
Khloe:hey babe
Khloe:look.wat I got
A black strap less dress,black heels,gold ring and earrings,gold purse,gold charm bracelet,and necklace
Ray:that's cute
Khloe:thanks well I'm going to put my hair in curlers ohhh and Kayla is coming over
Ray:ok have fun
Kayla,Bella,and maddie came over
They all got dressed
Kaylaclothes:purple strapless dress,white heels,white jeweler,and purple purse
Maddieclothes:white strapless dress,black heels,black jeweler,and white purse
Bellaclothes:pink strapless dress,black heels,black jeweler,pink heels,and black and pink purse
They go to the club
He walkes over
Roc:hey who you here with
Khloe:my bf
Roc:yea cool
Khloe:who you here with
Khloe:ohhhh cool😥😥😥
Roc:well sould we go get a drink
We went to the thing and got beer
Khloe:rocky lets dance
They danced then khloe started twerking on roc
Roc:khloe I still like you plzzz take me back
Khloe:ok*kisses him*
Khloe:I'm sorry it's just I still love him ray plzzz lets still be friends
Ray:ok but you just a little sis to me👫
Khloe:thanks bro
They go home
Roc:I'm happy we back toghter I will never cheat agin
Khloe:love you rocky
Roc:love you too
