
Ariana had a long list of reasons as to why she hated attending the Olympian council meetings.

Plenty of them.

They were long, tedious and downright boring and this one was no exception.

Some smart god had decided to make them a presentation of what roles the Olympian gods would play in Shrek.

Ariana, who had took it upon herself to sit on Apollo's throne since he was presenting, shook her head at him.

She knew for a fact he had helped Hermes make the presentation and even more she knew he was enjoying every bit of it.

"Who'd be shrek then?" Ares called out, he too seemed to be enjoying it.

Both Apollo and Hermes flashed a grin at one another at the question. This is exactly where they were both heading - they had carefully worked this all out.

"Great question, Ares..." Hermes replied, peering over at Apollo who was silently hyping him up the best he could.

Apollo nodded in agreement, encouraging him silently to continue.

"We figured the role of Shrek himself would be played beautifully by..." Hermes paused for dramatic effect and glanced over at Apollo.

Ariana caught Artemis' eye, the pair of them shook their heads at the idiotic boys.

Apollo grinned at the looks of Apollo and Artemis, though his grin widened once he was given the perfect time to speak.

"Hades himself!" Apollo said dramatically.

Meanwhile, Hermes was trying very, very hard not to burst out in laughter. He loved to mess with everyone by pulling pranks like this because their reactions were always priceless - especially when everyone else in the council looked absolutely flabbergasted.

"I'm so telling him you said that." Ariana tried to refrain from laughing as she imagined her father as a green ogre.

Her hands rested underneath her chin; she silently wondered why none of the thrones had cushions underneath them.

Apollo flashed her a smile and a small shrug, unbothered.

"You can tell him I said that." He said smugly, before continuing. "Now, as for Princess Fiona..."

He then gave Hermes a teasing look and gestured for him to continue.

Ariana rubbed her temple so beyond done with the meeting. How any of the gods were entertained by this was beyond her and better yet why Zeus was letting it proceed.

Hermes held in his giggle, barely.

"Well if Hades is being played by Shrek, which I believe makes him the hottest character in this," he said, getting many offended shouts from the other gods.

"Anyways, I'm sure the perfect Princess Fiona is none other than Zeus!" He said, unable to hold back the laughs that burst out of his mouth.

Apollo followed suit and let out a bellowing laugh, falling over onto Ariana's knees since he had lost his balance and couldn't hold himself up.

At that announcement, more of the Olympians laughed - the loudest of them all being Hera, who had said something along the lines of payback for him not helping Jason.

It seemed the queen of the gods still wasn't over that.

Ariana's eyes widened as she watched the reactions from the other gods - from the way Zeus was flushed a bright shade of red to the way some of the gods were clutching their stomachs as they laughed.

Apollo continued to laugh, tears streaming down his cheeks as he struggled to breathe. He had never been more proud of Hermes in his entire immortal life for setting up this prank.

"Alright, alright!" Zeus said gruffly, trying hard to hide the fact that even he was struggling to hold back a chuckle.

Even Dionysus, the grumpiest of them all, seemed to be laughing as though he had never in his life.

Ariana blinked, her eyes wandering to each of them. "Mate, what drugs are you lot on?"

This sent another wave of laughs around the room, causing some gods to practically fall out of their seats this this newfound laughter.

Apollo lifted his head up, resting it on Ariana's lap and looked up at her.

"Gods' sake, I think we're all high off of sleep deprivation!" He said with another wave of laughter before clutching his stomach.

"Gods can't get sleep deprived, Sunshine." Ariana reminded him gently, messing with his hair.

Apollo grinned, sitting up and peering over at Hermes who had finally calmed down from his laughter.

"Let me rephrase that: we're all acting like we're high off of sleep deprivation." Apollo corrected himself before letting out another giggle.

Hermes continued to stifle his laughs, shaking his head.

"I think someone may or may not have spiked the wine..." he said with a small shrug.

"Dionysus what have you put in the wine?" Laughed Hephaestus from his throne, which shocked Ariana even more.

"I need a pay rise." Muttured Ariana, crossing her legs. "How many more presentations are left?"

Apollo shrugged and looked over at Zeus with a small grin on his lips.

"How many more do we have, my great Father?" He asked, unable to wipe away the grin on his face.

Zeus, who was still flustered and still trying to calm down from the laughter, peered over at him with raised eyebrows.

"Just Demeter's." Athena responded for him.

"Thank the fates this is the last one..." he mumbled, trying to regain his composure.

Hermes and Apollo returned to their thrones promptly, Apollo sitting on the armchair of his.

Demeter, who had been weaving for the duration of the meeting, stood up.

Ariana mentally prepared for the woman to go on an hours long rant about farming and how it was good for character building and cereal.

"Alright..." Demeter announced loudly and proudly.

Apollo raised his eyebrows and exchanged a look with Hermes, who sat a few thrones away. Hermes seemed to be mouthing to him 'oh gods this is going to so bad.'

Apollo gave him a 'what do you expect?' look before returning his attention to Demeter.

Ariana nudged her boyfriend.

"Try and act like you're paying attention." She hissed. "Otherwise she'll make you suffer and listen to it all over again."

Apollo snorted softly before flashing her a smile.

"Don't worry, love. I'll pay attention just fine." He responded quietly, reaching out to grip her hand and intertwining their fingers together.

He peered over at Hermes who was leaning back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling with a look of pure boredom on his face. He raised his eyebrows and mouthed to him 'pay attention'
to which Hermes rolled his eyes.

Demeters presentation was possibly the most boring out of them all, but nobody told her that. None of them had the heart too - not even Ares.

Apollo found himself zoning out as Demeter continued to ramble on and on about the importance of good farming. He glanced towards Ariana, who had a look of pure boredom on her face as she listened to Demeter. He leaned over and whispered to her quietly.

"Do you want to run out of here? I can sneak us out if you like..." he suggested quietly.

He was never one for listening to long lectures and presentations that made him want to shove a knife in his ear.

Ariana smiled slightly. "And be lectured by Zeus? Not a chance."

In her hand she summoned Apollo his earphones. "Just put these in and shut up." She whispered.

Apollo laughed softly but nodded his head in response.

"Alright, alright..." he said before conjuring up his phone and plugging in the earphones into them. He plugged the other earbud into his ear before kissing Ariana's hand.

"Thank you, love..." he whispered to her, before turning on his music and drowning out the sound of Demeter's rambling.

Eventually, the presentations were over and the gods were finally allowed to leave.

Apollo immediately took out his earbud and grinned, reaching for Ariana's hand as he stood up from his throne.

"I think that was the funniest thing I've ever witnessed." He announced with a snort, reaching out to pat Hermes on the back as he passed by. "You know, I think it might be fun to have these meetings more often..." He added sarcastically.

"Absolutely not, they're the worse." Ariana shook her head, spotting Poseidon wave her over.

She left her boyfriend and Hermes and walked over to the sea god, who was technically her uncle.

"Hey dude." Ariana greeted, her hands folded.

Poseidon grinned and gave her a small nod of acknowledgement, reaching out to ruffle her hair affectionately.

"Hey Ari." He responded before glancing back over at his fellow gods, who were all chatting amongst themselves and not paying them any attention.

"Are Percy and Annabeth engaged yet?"

"Not that I'm aware off." Ariana shook her head.

She had lost track of how many times Poseidon had asked her this.

"They're only young still so I doubt it'll be for a while yet."

Poseidon let out a huff, clearly displeased at the news.

"How long does he expect me to wait?" He muttered under his breath, shaking his head.

Meanwhile, Apollo and Hermes were glancing over at the pair with curiosity. They had just caught the words engaged and Percy being said within very close proximity of one another and they were immediately interested.

"Percy and Annabeth are engaged?" Gasped the goddess of love.

Ariana turned around, not even realising the goddess was still in the room.

"No they're not." She quickly shot down the rumours, knowing how quickly it would spread around Olympus and she didn't feel like explaining that to Annabeth and Percy.

Aphrodite seemed disappointed as she leaned against the wall, a slight pout on her lips.

"That's a shame! They would have made for a powerful union that produced even more powerful children!" She huffs, clearly dissatisfied by the news.

Meanwhile, Apollo and Hermes were walking over with curious expressions on their faces. Apollo raised his eyebrows.

"What's this about Percy and Annabeth being engaged?" he asked, glancing over at Poseidon.

"Who's my daughter engaged to?" Athena spoke, walking over.

"Nobody's engaged." Ariana sighed, facepalming.

Apollo glanced at Ariana with a raised eyebrow, clearly confused.

"Then why were we all under the impression that Percy and Annabeth were going to get engaged?" He asked, tilting his head slightly as he glanced over at Athena.

"Because that's what I heard from Poseidon!" Hermes responded, raising his voice slightly. He pointed at the sea god and looked at him accusingly. "You said they were engaged!"

"Oh my gods, do any of you know how to listen? He just asked me if they were engaged and I said no." Ariana informed them, praying that nobody had overheard them.

Poseidon rolled his eyes at Ariana's response and reached over to grasp her shoulder, shaking his head slightly as if to say these morons.

"What part of 'are they engaged?' is confusing you all?" He asked.

Meanwhile, Aphrodite was giggling at how annoyed Ariana seemed to be at the lack of intelligence these gods had.

With an odd facial expression, Ariana looked at the goddess. "For the love of everything, do not be going around and saying Percy and Annabeth are engaged."

Aphrodite tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, watching Ariana with slight confusion.

"What do you expect?" She responded with a shrug. "I love romance and this could make for a great story. Two heroes of the Titan War, soon to be husband and wife..." she had a dreamy look in her eyes, as though she was imagining Percy and Annabeth's wedding.

Zeus, unfortunately, heard her and immediately was intrigued.

"Yeah no thank you." Ariana shook her head, teleporting herself out of the throne room and back to Apollo's (and now technically her) sun palace.



CAPTION: NEWS‼️‼️ Two beloved demigods and heroes of Olympus, Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson confirmed to be engaged.

It was confirmed that after the Titan War, the two lovers first got together - immediately becoming one of the most loved couple amongst the gods.

A daughter of Athena and a son of Poseidon what is there not to love about that? Starting as a tragic love story and ending with the best ending anyone could hope for.

Personally, we are beyond happy for the lovers and can't wait to hear your opinions!

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shad0wsummoner: are you fucking joking me rn bro
