camp jupiter

After causing havoc and chaos at Camp HalfBlood for a while, it was only fair for Ariana to head on over to Camp Jupiter and the same.

It wasn't like it was hard to get there anyway - she simply teleported herself during their breakfast.

The Roman demigods looked up from their plates, some eyes widening at the sight of the goddess but she quickly waved them off.

"Hey guys, enjoy your meal I just wanna grab my sister for a quick chat!"

She spun around in a circle, looking for her sister. "Hazel?"

Most of the demigods (who Ariana guessed were very new) were stunned into silence at the sudden arrival of Ariana, a goddess, suddenly being at their camp and asking to speak with a daughter of Pluto.

The minute the name of Hazel was said, several pairs of eyes drifted towards the daughter of Pluto, who was finishing up her breakfast, a questioning look on her face.

"Hello to my amazing sister." Ariana singsonged, sitting down next to her. "Can I potentially borrow your demigods for the day?"

Hazel raised an eyebrow in both shock and confusion at Ariana's words.

"You want to borrow my campers?" she asked, putting her utensils down and folding her arms across her chest. "And pray tell, sister, for what purpose would you need my demigods?"

Ariana smirked. "Well I took my campers, you know at camp HalfBlood, to this dessert place at three in the morning so I'd feel bad leaving this lot out! I have to do something with them." She grinned. "Plus I need to get back at my boyfriend and the Olympians."

Ariana feigned her best innocent look, even giving Hazel her puppy eyes, pleading with her sister.

Hazel blinked, slightly stunned by Ariana's words, but she managed to keep her cool and maintain a straight face.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "And how exactly is this going to get you back at your boyfriend, might I ask?"

And so Ariana told her. To say Hazel wasn't very impressed was an understatement. Sometimes Ariana thought she was the youngest and in some ways maybe she was.

Hazel rolled her eyes at Ariana's reasoning, shaking her head. "You're such a child sometimes, you know that?" she said, although the corner of her mouth tugged up slightly into a smile. She sighed. "But sure, you can borrow my camp's demigods. I'm sure they could use a bit of excitement in their lives too."

Ariana hugged her sister. "See this is why I love you! I'll let you all eat breakfast first though, I suppose."

Hazel chuckled softly, hugging Ariana back. "I love you too, you menace," she said affectionately.

With that, she began to finish up her last bits of breakfast, her campers still staring in shock at Ariana.

Whilst everyone was eating, Ariana quickly informed Frank of her plan and he seemed more than happy to help.

At last everyone had finished eating and Frank and Hazel, being the camps praetors, both stood up to make an announcement.

The second Frank and Hazel stood up, all conversations around the dining area died down instantly, dozens of campers all focusing on the two praetors.

Frank cleared his throat. "Alright campers," he began, addressing the crowd. "I'm sure by now most of you have been shocked by the presence of a goddess in your camp, but I assure you, everything is alright."

"Or is it?" Ariana teased, winking at them all before laughing. "Nah everything's fine."

Some of the campers couldn't help but laugh at Ariana's little joke, and the majority of them seemed to relax slightly at the knowledge that they weren't in any immediate danger.

Hazel shook her head with a small smile, rolling her eyes slightly at Ariana. "Well, the real reason why you're all here right now is because the goddess here," she said, gesturing towards Ariana. "Wanted to you demigods for the day."

Ariana grinned, standing up. "Who wants to go to that water park that's like forty five minutes away from here?"

All of the kids immediately perked up, some of the younger ones already whispering excitedly amongst themselves.

Some of the older ones, however (probably legacies), seemed to have a mixture of confusion and disbelief on their faces.

"A waterpark?" a legacy of Apollo, Alex, asked.
"Are you telling me that not only are we ditching camp, but we also get to go to a waterpark for the day?"

Lavinia Asimov, who had walked up the Ariana and gave her a high five, was smiling brightly. "When are we going?"

Ariana grinned, holding back a laugh at the question.

"Oh don't worry, we're leaving in a minute," she said with a teasing air in her voice. "I've made sure to summon buses, one for each cohort! You'll have a skeleton driver so please don't freak out!"

The campers started to practically scramble out of the dining area, already racing back to their cabins to gather any extra items they might've wanted. Even some of the legacies who were a bit reluctant were beginning to get excited at the prospect of ditching camp for the day.

"Are you meant to be doing this?" Hazel asked spetically.

"Who cares, this'll be well fun!" Lavinia grinned, blowing a bubble.

Ariana wondered if the girl always had a supply of chewing gum on her.

She turned to Hazel and shrugged. "Oh well, you might want to go and grab you swimming costume. I hope you know you're also coming."

Hazel groaned, rolling her eyes but nonetheless she grinned.

"Alright, alright," she said, shaking her head as she turned her back to head to her cabin.

As Hazel disappeared, Frank, still watching some of the campers racing about to their cohorts, smirked at Ariana.

"You're absolutely nuts, you know that right?" he said, chuckling quietly.

Leaning on the wall, Ariana smirked at Frank. "I know."

Frank laughed at that, crossing his arms across his chest as he kept his eyes on the campers.

It only took around an extra two minutes before all the campers lined up at the buses, and some of them were still shoving food and water bottles into their backpacks.

"Let's get this show on the road then!" Ariana exclaimed, heading onto one of the buses where Hazel was heading.

The demigods all immediately filed onto the buses, each cohort climbing onto their respective buses, filling all available seats immediately.

Hazel grinned as she climbed onto the first bus where Ariana stood. "Well," she said, crossing her arms across her chest. "There's no turning back now."

"Nope." Ariana grinned, sitting down in a seat. "And you should be lucky, I got you and Frank and some other demigods like Lavinia your own bus together. I doubted you'd wanna be shoved on a bus with the other cohorts."

Hazel smirked. "Thank the gods for that," she said, taking the seat next to Ariana. "I do adore my campers, but having them all squished onto a bus with me and Frank would've been a nightmare."

Ariana nodded in agreement as Frank and some other demigods got on and sat down.

"Anyway, how much you wanna bet on which cohort's gonna cause the most drama?" she teased.

Frank groaned at Ariana's words, shaking his head.

"Please don't remind me..."

Hazel snickered, smirking slightly. "Oh, we all know the third cohort is going to cause the most drama, what kind of question is that?" she teased.

Soon enough, the buses began driving out of Camp Jupiter and it didn't take them long to get on the road.

The entire trip was filled with laughter and chaos, most of the demigods yelling and shouting excitedly throughout the whole thing while a few of the younger ones slept.

On the first bus, a couple of people (definitely not Ariana) had decided to start a massive water balloon fight, and even some of the older campers had joined in, much to Hazel and Frank's protests.

By the time they had gotten to the waterpark, most of them were already soaked - even those on other buses.

Ariana, of course, was not taking any of the blame.

"Okay guys, the changing rooms are that way and once you're ready you can head straight into the waterpark. We have the place to ourselves all day and you can get food whenever for free! It's all paid for." Ariana informed them all, she stood on a table in the lobby so that everybody could see her.

The teenagers cheered, scrambling off the buses and heading straight to the changing rooms.

"How the hell did you get the entire waterpark to ourselves?" Frank asked, raising an eyebrow sceptically.

Jumping off the table, Ariana winked still bearing her smirk on her face. "When will you lot realise that im a goddess and doing stuff like this is far too easy."

Frank rolled his eyes at her words, turning to Hazel and shrugging.

"I swear, this girl is going to give me a brain aneurysm at some point," he muttered, running a hand over his face.

Hazel laughed as she punched Frank in the arm. "Well I think it's going to be well fun. We never get a day like this."

"I'll see you two in there." Ariana said, walking backwards and giving them the fingers guns before heading in the direction on the changing rooms.

The goddess didn't know why she bothered heading into one, considering in a snap of her fingers she could be changed into a swimming costume, but she did.

Then she proceeded to stare at herself in a mirror for the next ten minutes.

Gods and goddesses alike were perfection. Nobody could deny it. Everything about them was flawless. They had no scared, no imperfections, nothing you could criticise them on.

Ariana's eyes roamed down her body, taking in every detail as she examined herself. Her skin, her lips, her eyes, she was perfect in every way.

She had to admit; she could stare at herself all day and still find nothing flawed about herself.

After a while, she sighed with a smile, snapping her fingers as a swimsuit appeared on her.

She wore a plain black bikini and decided to tie up her hair in a messy ponytail. Even if she tried to make herself look hideous, she couldn't. Not really anyway.

When Ariana was done, she left the changing room, walking back out into the main area of the waterpark where campers were already running into different pools and waterrides.

It was ten minutes or so later when Hazel came, wearing her swimsuit now as well, the two of them meeting up and going straight to the wave pool.

It was a miracle that nobody from Camp Jupiter died. An absolute miracle.

It was pure chaos, all around the place, with demigods and legacies jumping on one another's back and pushing each other into the pool.

Without any lifeguards around, Ariana just had to pray and hope they all knew how to swim.

Surprisingly, for all they messed about, all of the demigods knew how to swim; even the few legacies who got dared by other campers to jump off the diving board somehow made it back to land without dying.

Hazel had a big grin on her face as she clung onto Ariana, laughing at some of the other campers' antics.

"I told you this would be fun!" Ariana laughed, holding onto her sister as the wave pool dragged them under the current.

Hazel laughed and spluttered as some of the water got into her mouth, nodding with an excited grin.

She looked completely out of place - a praetor who never did anything like this, clinging onto a goddess as they were attacked by waves.

It felt good to just goof off sometimes, without all the stress of everything that came with their responsibilities.

At one point, Ariana was being dragged by Lavinia to one of the rides.

"Which one are we going on?" The goddess asked, holding a float above her head as the pair ran (if anyone asked they walked) up the stairs, somehow without slipping.

Lavinia grinned widely, her swimsuit dripping with water as she stood next to Ariana.

"We're going on thaaaat one!" she said excitedly, pointing up ahead. It was a slide that went nearly thirty feet in the air, a sharp drop that ended in a large pool.

Ariana nodded, looking at the girl with bubblegum pink hair and realised she was chewing on something. "Are you chewing on gum in a waterpark?"

Lavinia nodded, a small piece of bright pink gum poking out of her closed mouth as she grinned.

"Of course!" she said, laughing. "What's life without a little bit of living on the edge?"

Ariana laughed along with her, racing up the last set of steps. "Oh gods, just don't let Hazel see you chewing."

Lavinia smirked, shrugging with an almost mischievous sparkle in her eye. "She's already starting to form grey hairs."

They soon reached the top, standing in the line as they waited for their turn.

Teenagers all around were bubbling with excitement as they talked about their days so far and what rides they'd been on.

After a few minutes the pair reached the front of the line, and they both walked forwards towards the slide.

"Race you!" Lavinia shouted, immediately sitting down and beginning her descent.

Upon hearing her words, Ariana practically threw herself on her slide - going down it on her stomach.

Had a life guard been there, Ariana had no doubt that she'd have been lectured on waterpark safety.

Ariana reached the splash zone before Lavinia, laughing heartily as a bunch of water rushed over her head.

It was only a few seconds later when Lavinia joined her, a couple of campers cheering and laughing as they did so.

"Wanna do it again?" Asked Ariana, quickly getting out of the splash pool so another pair could race each other.

"Obviously!" Lavinia grinned, immediately racing back up to the top yet again, determined to beat the god this time.

A lot of the teenagers from camp did the same, racing and screaming and laughing as they did.

Lavinia managed to beat Ariana two times, though Ariana had beat her three times.

Then, after admitting defeat, Lavinia decided she was hungry and so the two demigods headed to the eating area.

It was a big cafeteria, with some other fast food areas, like pizza places, a burger joint, all that.

The two demigods chose random seats, sitting down on the stools as Lavinia looked across the different menu.

"What would you want?" Lavinia asked, leaning forward a bit excitedly.

"I'm going to get a burger I think with some fries." She said, skimming over the menu.

Lavinia nodded eagerly.

"I'll get some pizza, plus the pizza chips. Ooh, some cheese and garlic, as well!"

She grinned gleefully, already picturing the delicious food she was about to eat.

It didn't take them long to get their food and it certainly didn't take them long to begin eating it.

At some point during the meal, Hazel and Frank sat with them and the four of them spoke about all sorts of things.

"Oh my goodness, this pizza is good," Lavinia gasped, shoving another piece of the cheesy food into her mouth.

Hazel nodded, biting into a fry as she swallowed. "Right? And the burger..." she added.

Frank rolled his eyes. "You guys could eat a whole McDonald's menu, I swear to the gods."

"I don't blame them, that Camp Jupiter menu can be horrible." Ariana said, popping another fry into her mouth. "It's far too healthy."

Hazel laughed, shrugging as a small grin tugged at her mouth.

"It's true. The food is pretty awful, and for all the exercise we do..." she said. "Why can't we have a cheat day once a month or something?"

Taking a sip of her milkshake, Arians glanced around the waterpark. Most of the campers of camp Jupiter had decided to take a break from the rides and the pools and get some food in them.

Still, the atmosphere was as lively and as energetic as before.

All around the cafeteria, demigods were chatting and laughing with one another, enjoying the food they'd gotten and relaxing in their free time.

Frank looked around at them all with a smile on his face. "You know," he said. "I don't think I've heard a single complaint from any of them yet."

"What's there to complain about a waterpark?" Ariana asked, quipping an eyebrow at the son of Ares.

Frank shrugged with a small chuckle.

"Campers are always complaining. It's in their blood, I'm convinced of it. They wouldn't know happiness if it hit them in the face," he said jokingly.

Hazel scoffed. "Hey. You can hardly talk, Mr grumpy," she teased, grinning as she punched him on the arm.

"Oh gods, those mornings when you didn't get enough sleep on the Argo II were the worse." Ariana groaned, reminiscing on it before telling Lavinia the stories she had.

Hazel laughed, nodding in agreement as she leaned on one hand. "Oh gods, you've never seen someone quite so grumpy on those mornings as Frank is without enough sleep," she teased.

By then, the two of them began to poke fun at Frank and all the times he'd been angry and grumpy, laughing gleefully as they told their stories to Lavinia.

When Ariana had finished her food she stood up, slightly adjusting her bikini straps. "Well I don't know about you three but I promised some of them from the third cohort a few rounds of watergun fights."

Lavinia grinned. "Ooo, count me in!" she said excitedly, standing up and rubbing her hands together mischievously.

Hazel laughed, also standing up and rolling her eyes slightly. "Of course, why should I be surprised?" she jested, shaking her head as she followed the pair.

Frank let out a low groan. "You're all gonna be the death of me one day," he said dramatically.

They had successfully managed to split off into two semi-equal teams, everyone was equipped with a water gun.

The area they had set out for the game was the lazy river and the kid area, full of places they could hide and run around.

Once everyone was prepared, the first round began.

It was hard to pinpoint exactly who was doing the best, considering how chaotic it was, but Ariana, Hazel and Lavinia certainly seemed to be at the top of their game.

Perhaps it was unfair that one team had a goddess on their side but nobody seemed to complain.

Eventually, as more people joined in on the game, the teams were forgotten completely and it was one for all.

After a little while, the game was getting more heated, people were shouting war cries as they fired at each other gleefully.

Frank was completely drenched by that point as he hid behind a boulder in the kid's section. With all the chaos, it was hard to take in who was doing what.

Dashing around a pirate ship, Ariana ducked behind a wall, peering round and shooting Hazel right in the face.

"Take that!" She beamed, running away again.

Hazel shrieked, spluttering slightly as some of the water got into her mouth.

She grinned and began racing after Ariana, determined to get the goddess back.

"You'll pay for that later on!" she shouted, firing her gun and missing as she chased after her.

Ariana managed to dodge most of the girls aims, making her laugh as she ran around the place.

Hazel was extremely determined to get the goddess back for drenching her with water, and soon she managed to get one good shot and hit Ariana right in the back as she ran around the place.

"Got you!" she shouted, a very pleased look on her face.

Ariana gasped, using her powers to wield part of the water and drop it on Hazel, drenching her even more than she already was.

"I am so not sorry." She laughed, watching Hazels reaction.

Hazel shrieked as the goddess doused her in water with her powers, spluttering slightly as she looked down at herself with an expression of mock betrayal all over her face.

"How. Dare. You." she gasped dramatically.

Ariana laughed, running up to her and giving her a hug.

Hazel gasped dramatically again, her eyes widening in faux horror.

"You can't just try and act like what you did wasn't a crime!" she said, trying her best not to laugh now as she spoke.

All around them in the kid's section, demigods and legacies were running around and firing their water guns, drenching each other in water gleefully. It was complete chaos.

Nearby and out in the open, Frank stood on his own - his guard down as he admired the chaos surrounding him.

Seeing an opportunity, Ariana grabbed Hazels wrist and pulled her behind a wall, nodding her head in Franks direction.

Hazel smirked as she noticed Frank standing there, a perfect target.

"I like your thinking," she whispered. "On three?" she asked.

They'd sneak up behind him together and absolutely soak him from behind, giving him little chance of fighting back.

Ariana smirked, nodding. "One."

"Two.." Hazel whispered, creeping up from behind.


The pair of them raced out behind Frank from the wall, firing at him from both sides as they did their absolute best to soak him.

Frank screamed like a little girl seeing a spider in her bedroom, causing Ariana to completely fall into the water laughing.

"Oh my gods!"

Hazel snorted and began to fall about the place, clutching her stomach as she tried her best to catch her breath.

"You should've - you should've - seen your face!" she choked out in between laughs.

Frank rolled his eyes and laughed along with them all, shaking his head as he grinned at them.

"You two are evil," he mused, crossing his arms.

Wiping a tear from her face, Ariana managed to stand up once more - still laughing slightly. "We love you too Frank."

Frank continued shaking his head at the pair, laughing slightly as he grinned.

"I can't wait to get back at you both for this one," he said. "I'll get you two yet!" he quipped back.

Hazel had managed to regain her breath and wiped her eyes, standing upright as she continued to breathe deeply.

Frank pulled out his water-gun again but Ariana was quicker as she grabbed Hazel and ran away holding her hand.

Frank attempted to hit the girls before they could get away, but they were both too fast for him.

Hazel was laughing as Ariana ran with her hand, adrenaline pumping through them both as they ran away from the son of Mars.

Sadly, their day of laughter and happiness soon came to an end as all of them piled into the changing rooms once again to dry off and get into warm clothing.

By that point, they'd all gone on many rides (some multiple times depending on how much they enjoyed the experience) and Ariana had had to save some campers from their foolish mistakes on certain rides that could have gotten them killed.

They all headed back to their changing and cleaned themselves up before waiting for everyone else in the lobby.

Ariana didn't bother heading into the changing room. In a flash, she was clothed in a pair of joggers and a cropped top and her hair was dry and straightened.

She waited in the lobby, purchasing a frappé as she waited for them all to return.

Hazel stepped out of the changing room a few minutes later, now clothed in black jeans and a plain shirt, her hair in a bun as she grinned at Ariana.

Frank and Lavinia both stepped out of the changing room a little while later, dressed in similar outfits: jeans, shirts, hoodies, etc.

"You got a frappé?" Frank asked when he saw.

"Yeah, there's a cafe just there if you want something." Ariana's informed him, pointing in the direction of the cafe. "I think some people are still there."

Frank nodded, rubbing his stomach where his stomach had rumbled.

"Thanks," he said, "I'll go get something there."

He headed over to the cafe and stepped through the entrance.

It took them a lot longer to get on the buses compared to the way there but Ariana didn't mind.

They were all still full of excited, though they were tired. Each of them still held smiles on their faces.

Ariana's own cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much.

All around them on the bus, campers from Camp Jupiter were chattering happily about their days.

It had certainly been successful. They'd all had plenty of fun, though they were all exhausted and a little sleepy.

Hazel and Frank both sat next to Ariana - Hazel yawned and leaned back on her seat, stretching as she spoke.

"That ride..." she said, "That big drop one... what a rush!"

Ariana, who had been looking out the window as the buses began to drive off, turned to look at Hazel. "I know right, thanks for letting me borrow Camp Jupiter for a day."

Hazel chuckled and shrugged, waving her hand dismissively. "It's nothing. I'm sure you'll return the favour some day."

She yawned again, pulling herself back straight in her seat as she stretched once more with a groan.

"You can go to sleep you know," Frank told his girlfriend, brushing a curl out of her face, "there's barely anyone on this bus."

Ariana gaged jokingly at the sign of affection.

"Oh, shove off," Hazel muttered, rolling her eyes and lightly shoving him.

Frank laughed and continued to smile, wrapping an arm around Hazel's shoulder as they sat there on the bus.

It was hard not to make any sarcastic comments about the two of them - they were very clearly meant for one another.

When they arrived back at Camp Jupiter, majority of them rushed back to their barracks wanting nothing more than to sleep and chill out.

Ariana couldn't blame them. It had been a jam packed day full of excitement and activities. They were bound to be a bit tired.

As the sun began to set over the horizon, the sky began to slowly shift into beautiful hues of pink, yellow and orange.

"Are you staying for the night?" Hazel asked her sister.

Frank had already disappeared, most likely to go and get some sleep before he had to deal with energised teenagers once more.

Ariana shook her head with a smile. "I'm going to go spend some time with Annabeth and Percy but then I should probably head back to Camp HalfBlood. I left Chiron and Dionysus with them all day whilst the campers were on a sugar high."

Hazel laughed, nodding.

"Yeah, you should probably go deal with that," she agreed. "Those Campers can become a chaotic mess."

Hazel grinned and pulled her sister into a tight hug.

"We should do this again someday."

Ariana hugged her sister, squeezing her. "Of course. I'll see you around, Hazel!"

Hazel smiled and nodded, waving at her sister as she pulled back.

"See you!" she called cheerfully as she watched Ariana turned away and head off back into the shadows.



CAPTION: thanks Ari, we love you 🫶

2.3 million likes

reason: #wesupportAriana


CAPTION: ps: I was looking at some demigods trying to drown each other lolz

6.6 million likes

reason: I defo didn't take the camps out for field trips. It wasn't me, blame somebody else.
