dessert place

"Come on Nico! Rise and shine, we're going to get ice-cream with the whole camp!"

Despite it being 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, Ariana (being the best god out there and determined to keep the title) decided to take the camp of a field trip.

Did she ask Chiron or Dionysus first? Of course not. Why would she?

This was one of her many ways of getting back at the Olympians for spreading the rumour about Percy and Annabeth and them blaming it on her.

Call her petty but Ariana didn't care.

Nico groaned as he was rudely awakened from his much needed rest of sleep. Ariana had forgotten how much he slept like the dead, especially after using his powers.

For a moment she forgot what it felt like having your powers exhaust your body each time you wanted to used them.

"Ugh...five more minutes..." he muttered, rolling over in his bed and burying his face into his pillow.

Ariana grabbed his pillow. "Nico! Come on, everyone's waiting. They wanna get ice-cream and if you stay in bed you'll be the only one here!"

Nico's eyes widened as his pillow was snatched from him, and he rolled to the side of his bed with a thud.

"Damnit..." he muttered, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?" he asked, his hair a mess.

"Like three in the morning, I don't know it doesn't matter. I'm busting you out of this camp and buying you ice cream or whatever else you want. We're going to that desert place in Brooklyn that's open twenty-four seven." She shrugged, grabbing him a hoodie and chucking it at him.

"Damn..." Nico muttered as he stood up and pulled the hoodie on, running a hand through his messed up hair.

"You coming or not?"

"Well...the idea of ice cream at three AM seems oddly tempting..." he admitted with a small grin.

Ariana grinned. "I know right? Now, up you get. Everyone's waiting in the bus I just bought or well manifested out of thin air but technicalities doesn't matter."

Why would Ariana bother transporting the demigods using the vans that camp already had when she could give them all a ride in the coolest bus known to man?

Let's not ask silly questions.

Nico grunted as he was helped out of bed, stretching his arms as he made his way to the bus.

He gave Ariana a questioning look. "You just...manifested a bus out of thin air?"

"I'm a goddess stupid, I can do anything." She reminded him, as they walked out of Cabin Thirteen.

Ariana's parking skills were the best, if she said so herself, she had successfully parked the bus in the middle of the cabin area.

Demigods were already packed onto the bus and talking happily amongst themselves.

Nico shook his head, smiling slightly as he followed Ariana into the bus.

He took a seat next to Will Solace, who seemed wide awake, even though the two had both been fast asleep less than five minutes ago.

Being responsible, Ariana walked up and down the aisle of the bus ensuring each of them had their seatbelts on.

She was already going to get screamed at for taking them out, she didn't need one of them to be dead.

"Everyone ready?" She asked once she was happy to go.

The demigods all cheered, clearly excited for the trip.

Nico glanced at Ariana. "You know Chiron is going to be furious tomorrow..." he said quietly, a smirk on his face.

Ariana smirked back at her brother. "One good thing about being a goddess? I approved of this trip so." She shrugged, turning the car on.

Nico smiled, shaking his head.

"How long do you think they'll all stay up tonight..?" Will added. "A night at the ice cream shop seems like fun, but all this sugar at such a late hour is going to make them hyper."

Ariana began driving, somehow not hitting any of the cabins in the process. "Dunno but I'm disappearing in the morning so it's not my problem. Kayla you're in charge of the music!"

One of the Apollo girls sitting at the front of the bus, Kayla, grinned at Ariana's remark. "I think I can do that." She responded cheerfully, grabbing the aux cord and plugging it into her phone.

As they continued their late night trip to Brooklyn, they blasted good vibes music.

By the time they reached the roads of Brooklyn, the demigods were already so energetic Ariana doubted they needed any ice-cream to energise them even more.

Oh well, she told herself.

The minute the stopped at the ice cream parlour, the bus erupted into chaos. Everyone was excited and trying to rush out of the vehicle all at the same time.

Will let out a sigh as the bus was practically empty within the next thirty seconds.

"Well..." he said, raising his eyebrows, "At least we know they like ice cream enough to wake themselves up this fast."

Ariana smirked as she stood up from her seat. "Just be glad it's not summer. That'd be a lot of campers to try and sneak out."

"Ugh..." Will said, grimacing at the thought. "Can't imagine how much more hyper the campers would be during the summer."

The two of them got off the bus, following the stampede of demigods that were rushing towards the ice cream parlour.

It was a miracle that Ariana managed to get them all to be quiet long enough for them to sit down inside.

Then, she gave them five minutes to decide what the wanted and she walked to each table, taking their orders.

"What'd you want, Kayla?" She asked, notepad hand.

Kayla raised an eyebrow, smirking as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Hmmm..." she said, tapping a finger on the table. "Well, I was thinking either chocolate-fudge or mint-chocolate chip. I'm torn between the two."

"I'll just get you both." Ariana shrugged, acting like it's no big deal. "Austin?"

Austin's eyes widened and he grinned at Ariana's words.

"You can get me TWO ice creams?" He asked, practically jumping for his seat. "Hell yeah!"

Ariana nodded at him with a smirk. "Alright, what do you want?" She waited for the boys response patiently.

Austin quickly thought of his options, before deciding to go for it. "Hmmm...I think I'll go with a vanilla sundae with chocolate sauce. That sounds great honestly." He said with a grin.

After ten minutes, Ariana had received everyone's ice-cream and desert orders and approached the terrified worker.

Ariana felt bad landing on him like that, the poor man looked like he wanted to go home.

"Hi!" Ariana grinned. "Fine evening isn't it?"

The worker nodded slowly.

He was a pale, scrawny man with dark circles around his eyes. A nametag pinned to his uniform read John.

"'s been a fine evening...." He replied slowly, obviously wondering what the hell was going on.

"Right so can I get..."

It was amusing watching the worker write down all the ice-creams she was ordering. It was even more amusing to watch his eyes widen as Ariana pulled out the cash.

"Keep the change." She told him, with a smile turning her back and sitting down next to Kayla and Austin. "Hope you don't mind that I sit here. I don't want to ruin their little date over there." she said, pointing to Nico and Will.

Will and Nico were at the table next to them, both practically leaning into each other as they spoke. It was pretty much an unofficial date at that point.

Kayla and Austin chuckled quietly at Ariana as Will and Nico were oblivious to the world around them.

"Honestly I don't think they even realize we're here right now." Kayla whispered, smirking.

"Rude really after I just bought them desert at three in the morning." She sighed jokingly.

Kayla snickered quietly.

"Well, they are pretty oblivious." She responded, rolling her eyes affectionately.

As the group waited for the food to come, their conversation turned to light-hearted topics. A good distraction from the impending doom that was going to happen in the morning when Chiron realized the entire camp was missing.

"And then your dad was like dancing on the table and I had to drag him down so he wouldn't make more of a mockery on himself." Ariana laughed as the worker dished out the last off the ice cream dishes.

Kayla and Austin snickered, both at the idea of Apollo drunk and dancing on a table.

"Oh my gods..." Kayla said, shaking her head with a bemused expression on her face. "Honestly I can see dad doing that."

Austin grinned. "I can just imagine him stumbling into the infirmary, singing 'I'm a little teapot' like a maniac at three in the morning."

Ariana laughed, having a spoonful of ice cream. "He would definitely do that and it'd haunt my dreams if he did!"

The campers listening all giggled uncontrollably, imagining Apollo stumbling into the infirmary in that sort of state.

Will and Nico didn't seem to notice them, being too wrapped up in each other's world to notice the rest of the campers giggling like crazy.

As everyone are their icecreams, Ariana sat in the middle of the floor telling them all stories about the Olympians.

If poor John didn't think she was crazy, he sure did now. Looking over at him, Ariana was certain he thought he was clinically insane - she didn't blame him, who named their kid Zeus anyway?

The more Ariana talked about the stories, the more the demigods laughed hysterically.

"Oh my gods..." One Hephaestus camper, Harley, said with a wide grin. "I didn't realize the gods were so wild when they're alone."

Austin nodded in agreement as they continued to eat. "I think you've officially scared the poor worker over there with your stories."

Ariana took another glance at him, and smirked. "I'm sure he'll be alright. It'll make for an interest shift story to tell his colleagues."

"Oh gods, I have to pity him." Kayla said with a wince, glancing at the worker, who looked like he was one word away from banging his head against the table. " least he'll be having a great story to tell at his next job interview."

It was near enough five in the morning by the time the demigods departed from the ice-cream parlour and left poor John alone.

The demigods all piled back up into the bus, still as chattery and excited as two hours prior.

The bus ride back to camp was filled with the most intense debates about the most random things: which colour was the best, how to best get away when a monster is chasing you at your weakest, and most importantly, what animal was the best out there.

The arguments continued the whole ride back, and no one realized they were at camp until they had reached the entrance.

Before Ariana let the demigods get off the bus she decided to have a little heart to heart with them.

"Right and remember you run back to your cabins and don't leave until breakfast. If Chiron and Dionysus ask about this trip, you run in the opposite director. Got it?"

The demigods nodded quickly, a little too quickly to be honest.

If the camp director and camp activities director were going to find out about the trip, the children could say goodbye to anything sugar-related and Ariana for months on end.

And that thought was enough to terrify all of them.

"Alright, of you go and don't forget to brush your teeth!" She called out, watching them all run off the bus. "I'm not being responsible if you get cavities!"

The demigods raced out of the bus, sprinting as fast as they could off into the direction of their cabins.

The minute they were gone, Ariana's expression darkened as she rubbed a hand over her face.

"Well..." she said softly to herself. "Now I just got to disappear and hope no one finds out it was me that took them all on that field trip. Oh well!"



CAPTION: live laugh love Ariana


reason: Ariana said so


CAPTION: late night dessert? Yes please.


reason: stan Ariana


CAPTION: free date night are the best date nights, thanks Ariana. 🍨🍦 @myboyfriendglows


reason: too cool 4 this


CAPTION: look at my beautiful girlfriend everybody ‼️‼️‼️ (pls come home I miss u x)
(I think she's turned my kids against me)

4.5 million likes

reason: cuz my kids are doing it and I think Ariana told them 2 so...
