date things

For once, Ariana was sat in Apollo's castle after some boring meeting on Olympus.

The pair of them were supposed to stay on Olympus, but they managed to sneak off without anyone realising.

The goddess didn't want to return to Camp HalfBlood yet, wanting to spend time with Apollo instead.

Apollo was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed as he stared at Ariana, observing her. His gaze shifted across her figure slowly. He was thinking about something in his head.

A mischievous smirk spread across his lips as he pushed himself away from the counter and casually strolled over to Ariana. The look in his eyes made it clear that he was up for no good.

"What are you doing?" Ariana asked him, blinking as he walked towards her.

She recognised the look in his eye, Ariana wasn't stupid.

Apollo placed his hands on the armrest beside the girl and hovered over her. He slowly leaned down so that their faces were incredibly close.

"Just admiring the view of my beautiful girlfriend." He replied in a low, husky voice. He wasn't hiding the fact that he wanted to kiss her at all.

Ariana rolled her eyes, looking back at him. "How charming."

Apollo grinned at her response and hovered even closer, their lips nearly touching.

"Should I be more blunt about my intentions?" He asked, his breath dancing lightly across her lips.

Ariana let out a laugh, leaning back into her chair. "You're so needy, Sunshine."

Apollo let out a small scoff, shaking his head slightly.

"Need isn't even the word to describe how bad my desires are for you, love." He replied in a low voice.

He was desperate to kiss her. The way he spoke and hovered over her proved that.

Ariana felt tight leaving him hanging, she leaned into his touch capturing his lips into a kiss.

Apollo melted at the feeling of her lips on his and immediately kissed her back. He let out a low groan of contentment and tilted his head to deepen the kiss. His eyes shut as he savored the feel of her lips on his.

Ariana smirked, one hand on her boyfriend's chest and other scrunched up around his blonde curls.

Apollo groaned, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her up into his lap. He cupped her jaw in his hands, hungrily kissing her again. He couldn't get enough of her for the life of him.

Eventually Ariana pulled away to breathe, her hair messed up. "You have duties to be doing, Sunshine."

Apollo took a small breath as he stared down at the girl in his lap. One of his hands made its way to the tangled mess that was her hair.

"What if I wanted you for my duties instead?" He teased with a mischievous grin. He was completely ignoring every single one of his duties right now and he knew it.

Ariana's heart stopped beating for a moment as she leaned into his touch further.

Ariana smiled, blushing slightly at his compliments. "Let's go for dinner."

Apollo smiled at her blushing.

"Dinner sounds perfect." He said as he stood up from the couch, helping Ariana up as well. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pecked her lips one last time. "Go get ready, it's a date."

Ariana kissed his cheek before materialising herself to where Aphrodite was.

"Dite!" She called out.

Aphrodite was in her private chambers, putting the finishing touches on her makeup. She had a long evening planned with her beloved Ares.

When she heard Ariana call out to her, she immediately stood from her make-up table and spun to face the girl with a wide grin on her face.

"Dearest! What a pleasant surprise!" The goddess responded.

"Hey." Ariana smiled. "Am I disturbing anything?"

Aphrodite immediately shook her head, waving a hand dismissively. "No, no!" She said with a small laugh. "Of course you're not."

She gestured for the girl to follow her and sat her down onto a nearby settee, beginning to work on fixing her hair and makeup straight away, not even giving Ariana a chance to explain.

"I have a date with Apollo." Ariana told the goddess, who clearly already had a feeling.

Aphrodite squealed in excitement, a wide grin plastered across her face as she applied the girls eyeshadow.

"Oh, I am so thrilled for you darling!" The love goddess exclaimed as a giddy smile spread across her lips.

She absolutely loved love so of course she was incredibly overjoyed that Apollo and Ariana were going on a date tonight.

Ariana laughed slightly. "You're acting as if we aren't already dating, Dite."

"And yet every date night is just as exciting as the first!" Aphrodite argued, continuing to do the girls makeup.

The love goddess loved to gossip and was never subtle about her excitement when it came to couples being in love. That was just how she was.

When you're speaking to Aphrodite, you can't help but smile. Her passion for love was something Ariana admired about her.

"You're all dressed up." Ariana noticed, though the goddess was always dressed up and neatly presented this time she was more so.

As she continued to do Ariana's makeup, she nodded happily. Her cheeks flushed a slight scarlet color as her lips quirked into a smile.

"Of course I'm all dressed up, I have a date with my handsome War god tonight! And I've planned something special for him!" She said as she began to apply the girls lipstick.

Ariana laughed, remembering how when she was a demigod, twelve years old, she, Grover, Percy and Annabeth had to retrieve Ares shield from the tunnel of love.

Judging by the scarf that Aphrodite left behind. The two gods were on a date.

"Don't be leaving any possessions this time." Ariana looked up at her as Aphrodite adjusted her head.

The love goddess paused, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

"I'm never going to hear the end of it, am I?" She asked, though she chuckled softly."Don't worry, I won't. I've been making sure that my possessions stay with me ever since that incident with the tunnel of love." She reassured the girl as a grin spread across her lips. "I think it's quite obvious that I learned my lesson."

"It wasn't even embarrassing for you!" Ariana said, laughing slightly. "It was more embarrassing for Percy and Annabeth when they activated the cameras, live on Olympus. I doubt Athena was happy with that."

Aphrodite laughed at the mention of that as well, shaking her head.

"It's quite unfortunate the cameras caught them in that act." She responded in between laughs. "Poor Athena, she will never live that down. I'd pity her if we hadn't had our fair share of disagreements."

"Hm, but Percy and Annabeth still make a cute couple. They're at New Rome at the moment." Ariana spoke, although she knew the goddess already knew everything about the pairs love life.

After-all, she had a part in it.

The goddess nodded as she set the girl's hair into loose waves.

"Yes, I know." She replied nonchalantly with a small smile as she reached for perfume. She took her time spritzing Ariana's neck and chest, wanting it to be perfect.

"The couple is absolutely adorable. I'm sure they'll have a happy ending." She added on, admiring her work now that she was finished.

Upon flicking her finger, the love goddess had magically summoned forth a stunning black evening dress for Ariana.

The dress had a sweetheart neckline and spaghetti straps and hugged her figure tightly, accentuating all of her curves perfectly.

It had a thigh-high leg slit and the skirt extended all the way down to just above her knees. To top everything off, the dress had small intricate golden embroidery along the edges and straps.

As for her hair, Ariana's Raven black hair was done into a loose braid over one shoulder.

Aphrodite was leaning on the back of Ariana's hair, admiring her work.

Ariana was practically speechless, no matter how many times Aphrodite dressed her up it still left her speechless.

"Thank you."

Aphrodite smiled softly and nodded, letting go of Ariana and taking a step back.

"You look gorgeous darling." She said as she glanced at the girl. "Apollo won't be able to keep his eyes off of you tonight." The love goddess added on with a small chuckle.

Ariana rolled her eyes. "Talking about him, I should probably go make sure he hasn't killed himself somehow."

Although gods couldn't get themselves killed, Ariana didn't doubt that Apollo would somehow find a way.

"Yeah, no doubt that that himbo would find a way to get himself incapacitated." Aphrodite replied with a small chuckle. After-all, she's been in a relationship with Ares long enough to know how accident prone gods could be.

The love goddess reached out and planted a kiss on the girls cheek.

"Have fun tonight, darling."

"You too." Ariana smiled, materialising back to Apollo's.

"Sunshine!" She called out, walking through the house.

Apollo was sitting in the kitchen at the moment. He was wearing a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black slacks.

At the sound of her voice, a wide smile spread across his lips and he stood up. "Hello love!" He greeted, immediately walking over to Ariana and planting a quick kiss on her lips.

With a grin, Ariana ruffled up his hair. "You ready to go? There's this restaurant near Percy's mums house that's really nice."

Apollo immediately swatted at her hand, his lips curled into a playful scowl. "Hey!" The sun god took a strand of her hair between his fingers and gently pulled, returning the favor with a smirk. "Don't mess it up, I just did my hair!"

His tone was lighthearted, but nonetheless he continued to fix up his hair.

"And as for the date, yeah! I'm absolutely ready!" He replied as he looked back at his girlfriend with a warm smile.

"You care for too much for that hair of yours." Ariana laughed softly, going to mess it up again.

Apollo let out a small scoff as she went to mess up his hair again, grabbing her wrist before she could touch his hair.

"I have an image to maintain, love." He protested dramatically, giving her that charming smile of his that always melted her heart.

"Mhm. Come on then before my father decides to pay us an unexpected visit."

Since becoming a goddess, Hades had taken it upon himself to randomly visit the couple and dragging his daughter to the underworld for a few days.

Apollo rolled his on eyes at the mention of Hades. "Ugh, let's go before he shows up. Let's actually get through a date without him showing up."

After he fixed up his hair - which he had been working on when Ariana came back from Aphrodite - he wrapped his arm around Ariana's waist and leaned down to press a kiss on her cheek.

"For the love of all the gods, Sunshine, please do not use any of your godly magic in front of mortals." Ariana reminded him as they walked into the restaurant.

Apollo rolled his eyes slightly - he's heard this a million times from her by now. "Of course, of course. No godly powers, I remember." He agreed, though the way he acted made it seem like he wanted to act as if he hadn't already heard that a million times before.

When they walked into the restaurant, Apollo immediately tightened the arm around her waist ever so slightly - being protective as always.

It didn't take long for the couple to sit down at a table, near the back of the restaurant.

Since becoming a goddess, Ariana liked to ensure she spent her time as though things weren't much different.

And as time went on, she'd promise herself to not get disconnected with the mortals.

"Have you spoken to Meg recently?" Asked the goddess as she skimmed through the menu.

"I spoke to her a couple days ago." Apollo replied back as he picked up his menu and flicked through it as well. He glanced back up at Ariana, a grin spread across his lips as he reached over and gently tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

The sun god couldn't help but let his gaze travel down her figure. He had a beautiful girlfriend and he had a right to admire her.

"That's good," the girl hummed, "she's coming to camp soon to visit i'm pretty sure."

A smile spread across Apollo's lips at the mention of Meg being at camp.

"Of course, she would." He replied, a smile spread across his lips. He knew how much she loved being at camp.

"Now all we need is Lester and camp will be complete!" He joked with a small chuckle.

Ariana looked up smiling slightly, since Apollo became a god again he had never forgotten about his experiences as Lester Papadolpous; for that Ariana was proud of him.

Seeing that smile spread across Ariana's lips made the smile on Apollo's lips grow as he watched her.

He reached over from across the table and took her hand in his, bringing it up to his lips and planting a soft kiss along her knuckles.

"Any idea on what you want to order, love? Everything on here looks amazing." The sun god said in that sweet, husky tone he loved to use.

The shadow goddess looked over at the menu once more. "I think I might get the chicken pasta."

Apollo flashed a small smile and nodded as he skimmed over the menu for a moment longer before deciding what he wanted to get.

"I'm going to have to go with the grilled shrimp linguine." He said, peering up at his girlfriend with a smile that made his eyes sparkle and his dimples flash.

The waiter approached the table a few moments later, taking their orders before walking away to send them to the kitchen.

Ariana pulled a face at the word shrimp. "Sunshine that's disgusting!"

Apollo feigned a fake look of offense, clutching a hand over his heart.

"Hey! You can not judge my order when your getting chicken pasta!" The sun god argued, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Chicken pasta is so much better than shrimp!" She laughed, defending her choice of a meal.

Apollo grinned and rolled his eyes as he rested his hands on his chin.

"Chicken pasta is so basic. Shrimp is so much better. I cannot believe you'd even debate that." He said as the grinned grew wider.

Shaking her head, Ariana pointed her finger at him. "Your sister would agree with me that pasta is a million times better!"

Apollo crossed his arms across his chest and scowled in response.

"Well, obviously my sister would agree with you." He grumbled, continuing to point his finger at her as well. "she'll agree with anyone who disagrees with me."

"I can't disagree with that one."

At that, the waiter returned with the meals and placed them promptly in front of them.

The pair of them thanked him and began to eat their meal.

Apollo immediately began to dig into his meal - he had always had an appetite even if gods didn't necessarily need to eat.

He peered up towards Ariana from over his food, a teasing grin on his lips. He set down his fork to speak before returning to his food.

"Y'know, this shrimp is actually quite good." He said, a teasing note in his voice. "You may want to try it."

Pulling a face, Ariana shook her head. "Absolutely not!"

Apollo rolled his eyes once again, a small laugh escaping his lips.

"Oh, come on, love! Shrimp is good. Don't be so hesitant to at least try it!" The sun god gently nudged her foot with his under the table, a playful smile pulling at his lips.

"Don't you trust me?" There was a teasing note in his voice as he continued eating.

Ariana snorted. "I don't trust your opinions one bit."

With that, she stabbed her chicken pasta with her fork and held it up to his mouth.

"However, I know for a fact that you like pasta."

Apollo rolled his eyes teasingly, sticking his tongue out at her.

When she held her pasta up to his mouth, he flashed her an innocent - yet teasing - smile before taking a bite of the pasta. He hummed in contentment as he chewed it before smiling at her, his dimples on display.

"Alright, fine. I'll give you that one. I love pasta." He admitted before returning to his own meal.

"I'm always right." She teased, taking her own bite. "I need to head back to camp later tonight, hope you don't mind."

Apollo shrugged nonchalantly as he continued to eat his shrimp linguine.

"I don't mind at all. I know you enjoy spending time with the campers. I bet the little ones will love spending time with the ambassador of the gods." He said, shooting her a warm smile.
"Besides, you're basically their older sister at this point."

Ariana didn't disagree with that. "Yeah I suppose. Little Arya, you know the daughter of Athena? She's adorable, she's a lot like Annabeth and Malcom. Kayla and Austin told me to tell you hello by the way and Will, well he's too busy running after Nico to do anything else." She laughed.

Ariana loved Camp HalfBlood, she had lived there her whole life as a demigod and planned to spend a lot of time there as a goddess- especially when Dionysus could return back to Olympus.

Apollo grinned as Ariana told her about the little girl who was named after her and the other campers. He loved hearing about the kids and their adventures.

"Tell them I said hi back." He replied. "And I'm not surprised Will's chasing after Nico. He's always been obsessed with him."

He chuckled softly, shaking his head.

"I know right." The girl nodded as she finished her pasta. "They're literally attached at the hip."

Apollo nodded his head in agreement as he took another bite of his food.

"They've been attached at the hip ever since they met at camp. And they've only gotten closer ever since." He said before smirking teasingly. "I'm sure it won't be long until a wedding is impending."

Eyes widened, Ariana gasped. "I hope not they're still teenagers!"

Apollo immediately let out a small laugh at her reaction, peering over at her with a teasing smile.

"Oh, come on, love." He said. "You've seen the way they act towards each other. They act like they've been married for centuries already."

"No marriage, absolutely not." The girl shook her head. "My brother can't marry until he's in his thirties."

Apollo raised his hands in surrender, an amused smile on his lips.

"Alright, alright, I'll agree to those terms." He said, his eyes lighting up with a playful sparkle. "They won't get married until they're thirty. Does that satisfy you?"

"You shouldn't want Will, your son, marrying either!" Ariana laughed. "You are acting like Poseidon. He keeps nagging me about Percy's and Annabeth's wedding. Percy hasn't even proposed yet!"

Apollo rolled his eyes playfully at the mention of Poseidon wanting Percy and Annabeth to get married. The guy had been nagging him about it just the other day.

"I'm not nagging because I want it to happen, love." He replied. "But you can't deny that the whole camp is absolutely certain they'll get married. Will and Nico may as well get eloped now."

Raising an eyebrow, Ariana sighed. "Don't be telling them two that."

Apollo shook his head as he ate some more of his meal, smiling slightly.

"I would never." He replied, taking another bite of his shrimp linguine which he was certainly enjoying. "I prefer to have the option of choosing to speak to Nico and Will without one of them scowling at me."

Ariana snorted a laugh. "That reminds me, Nico is demanding a birthday present of you in order to gain his approval of us dating."

Apollo rolled his eyes and let out a small chuckle as she told him that.

"Of course he is." He replied. "What does the little edgelord think a gift from me would even be?"

Ariana shrugged, pointing her fork at him. "You did get Meg a unicorn. Though I doubt Nico would want that."

Apollo chuckled at her words, shooting her a smile.

"I'd pay to see him sit on a unicorn." He commented amusedly. "He'd look absolutely ridiculous."

"It'd contrast with this emo persona he has to keep." She laughed, taking a sip of her drink.

Apollo chuckled.

"Exactly. He'll have this badass emo persona, while holding onto the reigns of a unicorn and riding through camp yelling at anyone who dares try to make fun of him to Tartarus."

He laughed as he imagined the scene of Nico riding a unicorn through camp

Cracking a grin, Ariana stood up. "You ready to go, Sunshine?"

At her question, Apollo stood up in response and reached over to grasp her hand, planting a kiss on her knuckles.

"Of course, love. Let's get out of here."

"Reckon we can get a milkshake?"


"What? Priorities and they don't taste as good when you teleport them out of thin air!"



CAPTION: hey guys hacked into Apollo's phone !!!!

3.4 million likes // 340k comments

CoolestHunter: ARIANA
shad0wsummoner: THALIA

BeautyQueen: you>>>> Apollo
shad0wsummoner: is this even a debate???
WiseGirl: nope

Artemis: is this why Apollo screamed when he checked his phone?
shad0wsummoner: probably but who cares

Arianasn01fan: use your own account bro @shad0wsummoner 😔
shad0wsummoner: no yours is funnier

MessengerMan: did hades crash the date?
shad0wsummoner: surprisingly not
UnderWorldMan: i didn't know about it
shad0wsummoner: good.

BestCentaur: hope you had the best night Ari 😇😊
shad0wsummoner: i love you Chiron

Iwantmywineandmywife: so this is why you left camp
shad0wsummoner: yep.
Iwantmywineandmywife: ridiculous. Left me to deal with the campers.
shad0wsummoner: your face is ridiculous.
Iwantmywineandmywife: your life is ridiculous.
shad0wsummoner: im not the one confined to a camp? 🤨
PolluxIsCool: your parenting is ridiculous .
Iwantmywineandmywife: hah. you can have Zu Zu as a dad for that one. see how long you're alive then.
King0ftheGods: the next person to call me Zu Zu is going to be dead.
CaligulaHater: oh shut up Zu Zu
CoolestHunter: what he said, Zu Zu.
HerculesOrHeracles: for once I agree with the two idiots

lovegoddess: I swear I put your hair in a braid
shad0wsummoner: Apollo kept pulling on my hair.
lovegoddess: @Arianasn01fan 🖕🖕
Arianasn01fan: deal with it
shad0wsummoner: oi be nice!
AresWarGod: yes Apollo, be nice.
Arianasn01fan: I actually hate all of you.
shad0wsummoner: that is NOT what you were saying last night.
myboyfriendisanidiot: DISGUSTING COWS
Arianasn01fan: moo

UnderWorldWoman: @shad0wsummoner you look gorgeous
shad0wsummoner: merci beaucoup 😇😇

SeaweedBrain: @shad0wsummoner help I can't find annabeth
shad0wsummoner: girl is probably in a library calm down
WiseGirl: I was.

somerandomgod: she's so gorgeous
randomgoddess: yes!!
user568: we sure she isn't a daughter of Aphrodite?
lovegoddess: I WISH

ApolloUsedToBeMySlave: can I have another unicorn.
Arianasn01fan: no.
ApolloUsedToBeMySlave: why.
Arianasn01fan: because I said so. why do you want another one?
ApolloUsedToBeMySlave: ... he needs a friend
Arianasn01fan: suck it up.
