Chapter Two

                    The next morning, Lauren and I woke up at 6:30, to leave for school at 8:15. Lauren hadn't brought anything with her, so you used my Mac, benefit and urban decay makeup. She had the uniform but I lent her a blazer. We both wore the white shirts, burgundy skirts, burgundy Blazers and white and burgundy striped tie. I had winged eyeliner and lots of two faced mascara, and I opted for a small bit of concealer and I contoured my cheekbones. I wore a burgundy lipstick to compliment my uniform and my blonde hair was curled and cascaded down my soldiers. Lauren wore pinky eyeshadow from the naked 3 palette, and framed her blue eyes with eyeliner and benefit mascara. She applied blusher to her cheeks, because rosy cheeks complimented her eyes. Her brown hair was tied into a messy bun. We both wore our matching black vans, and I used a holographic hype backpack whereas Lauren used her new look handbag.

At 8:45, when we arrived at school, we went straight to the girl's locker room. In there, we were greeted by the usual smell of cheap perfume and hairspray. Lauren went to talk to another friend, but I texted my sister, Lyla, who lived in London. At 8:49, as if on cue, Jen, Dani and Daniella walked in. They were the popular girls, the ones who made the uniform as skimpy as they could. Jen was the queen bee. Her skirt only just covered her bum, and her shirt was worryingly see through. You could see her bra and her belly ring, that twinkled in the bright light. Her tie was too short, and her blazer was slung over her Michael Kors handbag, where you could just see her Puggle, her black pet pug, peeping from the back. Of course Dani and Daniella followed. They were twins, and copied anything Jen did. All of their faces were plastered in foundation, and their eyebrows were drawn on black and thick.

"Jen, could you please put your blazer on," Mrs. Glacé, head of year 10 girls, asked before uniform check. Jen rolled her eyes and put it on. She then sat in her usual spot; in between Dani and Daniella, underneath their lockers. I always sat next to Dani, not by choice, and today they smelt of stale cigarettes plastered in cheap perfume. Almost enough to make one throw up. Almost.

I had English first, I was writing my essay on comparing two poems about the war.
"Everyone," Miss. Jones called out, "we have a new student joining us today, please welcome Aaron Matthews."
A tall, tanned boy with long, floppy blonde hair walked in. He was wearing glasses, that framed his green eyes nicely.
"There's a seat next to Mona," Miss. Jones pointed at me. He began walking towards me, and sat down next to me. I could smell his hair. It smelt clean and nice, I think he used Pantene.
"Hi," I said, "I'm Mona."
"I'm Aaron," he smiled. He had a strong accent, I couldn't tell which one though.
"Quiet over there please," Miss Jones gestured to where we were sitting. Aaron smirked, and continued to do his work.

"Okay, point out to me who he is in science," Lauren and I were walking down the corridor from English to science.
"Wait, there he is!" I shout-whispered while subtly pointing to him. Aaron was walking towards us.
"Hey," he said, "Mona, right?"
"Yeah, I'm Mona, this is my friend, Lauren," I replied in a fluster.
"Hi, Lauren," he smiled at her.
"Hi," Lauren replied, sassily.
"So, um, where's science?" Aaron asked.
"Just along here, walk with us," I replied.
"Oh, um, okay," we all started walking to science.
