Chapter One

A/N: Most chapters are from Mona's point of view, I will say if otherwise! Please give me feedback and let me know if something's unclear! Enjoy!

                 I woke up to a headache. I looked around and saw empty cigarettes and bottles of vodka, whiskey, WKD and empty beer cans. I sat up and rubbed my head. What the hell had happened last night? I was on the sofa, and there was mascara stains on my mother's favourite pillow. There were at least 10 people passed out the floor. I staggered up to the bathroom, and opened the medicine cupboard. I pushed the empty bottles aside and took out a paracetamol and downed it without water. I was used to this. My mother and father weren't home until tomorrow so I had all day to get the cleaners to sort the house out. It was a Sunday and I hosted an epic party last night. My parents were away in New York, doing work and left me in charge of the house, as per usual. My mother was a lawyer and father was a judge. They both earned crap loads of money, and I was the most well known person in Green Valley High. However, I was not popular. I had one friend, and I didn't like how the popular girls 'edited' the uniform to make it as skimpy and slutty as possible.

It was 6:03pm, the cleaners had just left and I was just starting my English homework. I can get drunk, look good and be over-achieving at the same time. Rich life. I finished when I got a text from Lauren, my best friend since I moved to the valley when I was 8. 6 years later, we were still best friends.
"Can I stay at yours? Argument with mum..." She texted.
"Sure! Have you got clothes?" I replied, this happened all the time, she always stayed at mine.
"Yeah, need to borrow a blazer though"
"Good I've got 3! Lol!" I sent the text and got her bed set up.

Lauren was from a completely different background compared to me. Her mum worked in the local Costcutter, and her dad left when she was 3. She lived in a block of flats opposite the school, in the bad part of the valley. We lived on the opposite sides of the valley, and my large villa seemed luxurious compared to her 2 bedroom flat.

At 7:13, Lauren arrived, and her cheap mascara and smeared down her face. I opened the door, and pulled her into a big hug. She began crying, and I pulled away and wiped her tears.
"Want to go swimming?" I asked. She nodded and I lent her a bikini so we could go for a swim in the dark in my garden pool.

"Do you have a fag?" Lauren asked, she only smoked when she was stressed.
"I've got cigarettes," I hated it when Lauren called them fags. I gave Lauren a Marlboro and she took a drag, then her face was covered in smoke, it blew around her face as the wind blew.
