Chapter three

"The leaf then photosynthesises to make its fo-" Mr. Bark droned on about photosynthesis when he was interrupted by a loud 'duh-ding,' coming from my phone.
"Mona, there is no texting in my class," everyone looked at me. I peeked into my pocket. It was my mum.
"It's my mum, sir," I smiled innocently.
"You have two minutes, step outside please," I crept out of the door and read my text.
'We're home sweetie, and we got a few presents! Xx' the message read.
'See you in a bit, I have free period last xx' I replied, the out my phone on silence and went back to class.

After science, I had break 1. Me and Lauren sat down at our usual table, and pulled out our phones, and some snacks. I began to eat my cashew nuts when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Aaron standing next to me.
"Can I sit?" He asked.
"Of course," I pulled the seat next to me out.
"Thanks," he said as he sat down. "So, tell me something I don't know."
"About what?" I raised my eyebrows.
"You," he said.
"Okay, um..." I thought, "my names Mona, I'm 14, my birthday's next month, wait, Lauren, my birthday's next month!"
"We can plan later," Lauren looked up from her phone, smiling.
"Where are you from?" I asked Aaron.
"Melbourne, Australia," he smiled and nodded coolly. I rest my head on my hand and smiled.
"Mona," Lauren gestured her head to the corner, meaning she wanted to tell me something. I stood up and followed her to the corner.
"Is everything okay?" I was worried.
"Not really," a tear fell down Lauren's face, "my mum kicked me out." She started sobbing, and I pulled her into a huge hug.
"You can stay with me as long as you need to," I tried to make it seem better. "We can get your stuff after school." She wiped her tears, and we walked back to the table.
"See you later, Aaron," I said as I picked up my cashews and walked with Lauren to drama.
~~~~~~~~~~~TIME LAPSE~~~~~~~~~~
As we both had a free lesson, we decided to go to Lauren's house to pick up some stuff. Her mum was working a shift at Costcutter, so Lauren didn't have to bear seeing her. When we got in, I began to take the pictures off Lauren's wall while she wrote a note to her mum. I packed all of the photos of her friends, her family and her pets into a box and started on a large Justin Bieber poster. While she wasn't looking, I threw it in the bin. I had this irrational hatred for Bieber. We sorted through her clothes while we packed them, leaving the ones she didn't want in a messy pile on the floor. Then, Lauren moved on to her personal belongings and makeup and I collected her stuff from around the house. By the end, we and filled up 2 massive suitcases. Lauren grabbed her piggy prank, filled with £87.42, and stood by the front door. A tear fell down her face, as she opened the door, to be greeted by her cat, Dot.
"I'm not leaving Dot here," Lauren said as she scooped her cat up in her arms and walked down the stairs, with tears rolling down her face and her head held high.
