Chapter Ten

As everyone sat in the circle for the game, I saw Aaron walking up the stairs, beckoning the mysterious girl to go up with him. I watched as she followed him, her curvy hips swaying as she strode. Angrily, I got up from the circle, and stormed up the stairs after them. As I saw Aaron gently close a door, I stomped towards it, and listened to their conversation. 

"Jess, you can't be here," Aaron said is his dreamy Australian accent. 

"Yes I can," a female, Australian voice responded, "you lied to and about me."

'Aaron lied?' I thought. 

"Jess, please, I don't want any more drama," he pleaded. 

"You brought this upon yourself," she hissed, then began to open the door. I jumped back and turned around. She began walking back down the stairs. Inquisitively, I followed her. She went straight to the drinks, and poured herself a shot of tequila, before downing it quickly. Then, she poured herself a cup of white wine. When she turned around and went to dance, I gasped. She was Aaron's ex-girlfriend, the one from Australia, in the picture she showed me when we first kissed. Why was she here? Curiously, I began to follow her, when I was stopped by a warm hand on my shoulder. I jumped, then turned around to see that it was Aaron. He closed his eyes and kissed me, his mouth tasting like beer. I kissed him back. 

"Wooooo," the drunken teenagers around us cried. I smiled, and Aaron grabbed my hand. I looked around, to see everyone staring and clapping at us, except for Jess, who just glared at Aaron. At that moment, a drunken Lauren fell down the stairs, her lipstick smudged around her face. 

"BATHTUB!" She screamed, and everyone screamed back, grabbing bottles of whatever they could find, running up the stairs to the bathroom.

"What?" Aaron looked confused. 

"Just watch," I smirked, then ran up the stairs. In the bathroom, everyone was already pouring bottles of whatever they could find into the bathtub. WKD, vodka and juice were all being stirred into a disgusting, alcoholic concoction. When the bathtub was full, everyone grabbed a cup and started filling them up. Aaron and I joined in. When I tasted a sip, it was hard not to throw up. Or pass out. It was truly revolting. When I finished that one cup, I, along with everyone else in the house,  was completely drunk. 
