KillerFrost (The Flash)

Imagine: Cisco reminding Caitlin/KillerFrost of how you and here were like sisters. You were the niece of  Wells  and she had known you since you were small and you were killed by a metahuman.

"Remember when Y/N was little, she'd come to the lab with the evil Wells and, you'd play dolls with her," Cisco laughs as he remembered the memory as clear as day. Caitlin or Frost stared off as he spoke about about all their moments.

Cisco sighed.

"One day Y/N found Grodd and she got so scared and I remember how she was shaking and crying. But then you walk in and, she just ran into your arms, she hugged you as tight as her little arms could and then you whispered in her ear and you said-"

"Your safe with me and always will be." Frost finished.

Frost looked down at her feet before she cleared her mind to focus on the real reason she was at Star Labs. So she could restore Barry's memory's so she and Savitar could go on with the plan.

"I don't have times for your games..." KillerFrost snapped.
