Kilgrave (Jessica Jones)

Imagine: Kilgrave seeing you use your powers to beat up thugs and, is amused.

"I don't wanna see your ugly face any time soon." You let go of the thug and, he ran away. There was a clapping noise and a man stood behind you.

"Brilliant! That was just amazing kid." He smiled.

You crossed your arms and, he walked towards you. "So, tell me why did you beat up that thug? I'd love to know." The man said. You blinked at him.

"Because, he was going to hurt someone." You felt yourself say. The man chuckled. "Well, how noble. What's your name?" He smiled kindly.

"Y/N." You replied.

"Well, I'm Kilgrave, we will be seeing each other again. Your powers could come to some use." The man replied.
