Barry Allen (The Flash)

Imagine: Barry confronting you after finding out you had been working for Zoom the whole time

"Y/N why?" Barry asked as he stood in front of cell you were in. You chuckled. "You don't know me at all...Flash, I mean are all people on this earth this gullible? You and, your stupid team can't stop him you might as well give up." "Neither can you, so why don't you help me stop him once and, for all. We can keep you safe he won't hurt you."

"Mhmm." You smirk. 

"Y/N just tell us what he's planning?" Cisco said.

"Not a chance Vibe."

Barry nodded. "Fine stay here in this cell and, rot...then, we'll see."

He flashed off leaving you there in silence as team shut the cell door and, went back into the cortex.
