Captain Hook (OUAT)

Imagine: Hook when, you were hiding on his ship from your mother aka the evil queen.

"Tell me Captain Hook where the hell is my daughter? My men said that she has been seen near this ship. Is she here??" Regina asked. A smirk appeared on the pirates face. "Now why would she be in a place like this?" Hook raises his brow.

"I know she is here." Regina replied.

"I'm telling you love she isn't here ok?" Hook replied.

Regina scoffed.

"Search The ship." Regina ordered her guards. They nodded and, went to look for the princess. "I would do anything for my daughter." Regina hisses at him.

"Ah, wellaren't you Mum of the year, I am sure she appreciates all you do for her." Hook replied, sarcastically.

"I think you tone it down guyliner or else this ship will be mine." Regina warned. Hook chuckled. "I would love to see you try dear Jolly Roger is mine and, always be." Regina rolled her eyes.
