

JUNE, 2016

    When Emery woke, she realized she was in the hospital wing. She was alone and quiet. She never thought she would ever hear something so quiet. Her throat felt raw and she had a massive headache. When she went to sit up she groaned but pushed herself up anyways.

    She sees Madam Pomfrey hurry in. "You should be resting young lady. After that show you need all the rest you need."

    "I've been resting. Can I see my friends?"

    Madam Pomfrey sighed. "You are not to leave the hospital wing. If they come to visit you, then you may see them. In the meantime, you can look over the cards they've left you. I think there is also some candy that you should wait on eating. You have lost a lot of blood so you should mainly eat red meats, leafy green vegetables, dried fruit, beans, and eggs. Dinner will be brought to you soon." Madam Pomfrey went and grabbed a glass filled with a dark liquid. "Drink." It tasted like peppermint infused with gasoline and Emery almost spit it out. "Good. Try to get some rest." Madam Pomfrey handed her a glass of water to help drown out the taste but it only did so much.

In the meantime, Emery did look at the notes and cards left by her bedside. There was even a plush wolf sitting there. Emery took the wolf and hugged it close to her. She kept it by her side the whole time she was reading the cards.

Dear Em,

I hate you for scaring me like that. I swear, if you ever do that again, I will kill you myself. You are lucky that Natalie — who is a very sweet girl — was looking for you. You were still bleeding when she found you and even when she got help.

I love you so so much and I wouldn't know how to live without you. Come to me next time, please.

We are spending all summer together.

Love, Liv

Emery didn't know how to react to any of them, so she just kept reading. She read Olivia's, Natalie's, Teddy's, Brett's, Ashley's, Maverick's, Hayden's, and even Professor McGonagall sent one to her. She burned Conner's once she saw his handwriting.

She couldn't stop the smile from coming to her face when she saw food coming towards her and Natalie was the one carrying it.

"Hey sweetheart." Natalie smiles at her and starts running towards her, almost spilling both her's and Emery's food. "How are you?"

"You scared me so much. There was blood everywhere! What happened?" Emery knew this would be the hard part, it was hard for her.

"I'm really sorry Nat. A bad person was trying to make me bring him back and it took me too long to realize this. The only way to make him go away and to never come back was to send all of them away. Your Uncle Nathan included. He wanted me to tell you that he loved you. I'm so sorry Nat." Emery felt her eyes well up as Natalie hugged her. No matter how much it hurt her, Emery hugged her back.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"You lost him too. You lost all of them." Then Emery bursted into tears. She was still crying when Teddy came to visit her, and Olivia, and Hayden along with Abigail, and Ashley with Maverick following.

When they asked her what was wrong, Natalie answered for her. "She can't see spirits anymore." Even in the middle of the huge hug from everyone, Emery felt like her World was over.

It didn't matter when she was back to normal and could leave the hospital wing, Emery still couldn't see anyone. It had been peaceful, too damn peaceful. She hated it. The only good think after all of this was that Emery and Teddy were still together. Brett actually got to know Eva and the two became friends, just friends.

Emery didn't miss Hogwarts as much as she thought she would, after all, she would be back in September.

    Emery and Olivia spend most of the summer traveling through Europe. When they stopped traveling, it was August and almost time to go back to school. Emery wrote letters to Teddy almost every day and even called him sometimes. Not too often just because it was expensive but it was nice to just be with her best friend again.

    In August, Eva and Brett held a baby shower just because Emery and Olivia would be at school when the baby did come. They said that they wanted the baby to be a surprised, so people could bring any color items; especially because pink does not only mean girl and blue does not only mean boy, colors do not have genders.

    After talking to some experts, Emery tried to be able to see spirits again, but it just never worked. After every failed attempt and breakdown, Teddy would hold her in his arms and his the top of her head before humming a relaxing tune.

    Emery was happy. That's all she wanted to be.
