


It was hard for him to watch everything. He saw everyone he saw grow up, everyone he cared for, cry. When Emery left the Great Hall, Natalie ran out. Olivia was already crying, Hayden looked like she wanted to hide under the table, Maverick didn't look anywhere, Fauna had steady tears running down her cheeks. He wanted to be mad at Emery, but he knew what her later reaction would be, how upset she would be with herself, how guilty she'll be.

    Nathan hated seeing people hurt, both people he didn't know and the people he loved.

    The blood was still pouring from his nose, purple collecting around his blue eye. Nathan didn't know what to do, but luckily Thea jumped into action and grabbed a washcloth from the kitchen. She took Alexander's head and made him lean it back before holding the cloth to his nose.

    Nathan felt disgusted, his stomach twisting and pulling. "What the hell happened?" He finally manage to choke out. "I get a call from Thea saying that you two are coming over and I need to get some ice or whatever."

    "My mum and dad were upset with me, didn't appreciate me talking about the Gryffindor quidditch team." Alexander winces from the slight pressure. "They can shove a broomstick up their arse before I regret being a Gryffindor." Nathan could see Thea simmering, slowly becoming more and more angry. Nathan, however, is fuming.

    "I'm gonna bloody kill them. I will rip off their heads and use them on the quidditch pitch." Thea rolls her eyes but doesn't comment. "Don't go back, please, just don't go back."

    "I have to."

    Nathan wished Alexander didn't go back.

    Nathan didn't realize how much Natalie was like him till the next day. It was after dinner, after Emery said sorry to everyone in the Great Hall. Before Emery could leave, Natalie grabs her by her wrist and starts pulling her to a secluded corner.

    "Why didn't you tell me? Is that the only reason that you wanted to be close to me? How do you know?" Natalie may look fierce, but Nathan could see the underlying sadness.

    "I didn't tell you because he didn't want me to. His name is Nathan, and the reason I got close to you was because of how badly he wanted to know you. You are so much like him, maybe with a lot less swearing, but you are just like him. I wasn't lying when I said I could see spirits. He's here, you know, right next to us." Natalie looked around, trying to see him, even though she knew that she wouldn't be able to. 

    "What do I say?" Nathan laughs, he couldn't help it. In that moment, he knew how alike they really are. He only looked at her with love, seeing a mini version of his sister. He wished that he could talk to her again, to hug her, to have her run her fingers through his hair and sing to him; but none of that can happen.

    "You don't need to say anything, sweetheart. You are so wonderful. You are perfect. Just, tell Ashley, your mum, that I miss her, and that I love her. I love both of you. Also, if you go near that Miller boy one more time, I'm gonna kill him." Emery repeated the message back, surprised by the lack of swearing. 

    Nathan wanted to reach forward and wipe the tears off of Natalie's face, but he knew it wouldn't do anything. The tears will still be there, flowing freely down her face. He kissed her forehead, said a small thank you to Emery, before leaving.

    Nathan never liked reliving his days at Hogwarts, because no matter how many good memories there were, the bad ones always out weighed them. Seeing what came after the war, it made him feel so relieved that all that pain, all that suffering, everything that they went through, brought only good. Well, mainly good. He missed his friends. He knew Alexander was somewhere, dead or alive. He knew Thea's fate. He knew that they were all given a short hand, and they all lost in the game of life. Because yes, he was happy seeing what came after them. The brightness that emerged from the war; but he remember the misery that they all endured, and wished, just for a guilty moment, that the roles were reversed.

Have I ever said how much I loved Nathan? Because I do. I love him so much and I'm so excited to write the prequel to this book that is called Long Live the Kings and we get to see more of Alexander and Thea. I'm sure you all have some questions about them. You can ask if you want, I would love to answer. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this short chapter.


