


Her hair felt too disgusting, Emery knew she should've taken a shower the night before. She didn't quite realize it until running a hand through her hair, cringing at the feeling between her fingers. She took another look at the platform, not seeing anyone that wasn't there a moment ago. Coming to the conclusion that she was either late or Olivia was early.

Emery gave one last look before going through the wall. The platform was as crowded as always. First years either running around with smiles or eyes full of tears while hugging their families. Having done so this morning, Emery had no one to say goodbye to. The only thing she could do was look around at all the other families or head onto the train to either save an empty compartment or try to find Olivia.

Olivia was typically early to things, always showing up early, getting homework done early, getting gifts early, she even goes to bed and gets up early.

Grabbing her luggage, Emery hauls her stuff to the train. The pathway was mostly empty, being too early for most people to really board. She glances inside each compartment, looking for a head of blonde waves. Emery was glad she didn't have an animal to take to Hogwarts, otherwise, they would be complaining like no tomorrow for being hit by everything.

"It's about time you got here! Guess what I got on my O.W.Ls! Eight O's. How are you?" Olivia appeared out of nowhere and gripped Emery around the waist. Her words rushed out, her voice sweet and clear. It would be almost wrong for her to talk any slower. Talking fast meant that no one would interrupt her and be able to say what needed to be said, even if people didn't always understand you.

"I'm alright, same as always. Summer wasn't bad, I went in a few muggle towns, some shops too. Mum as pretty shocked when I came home with a pair of red skinny jeans." Emery had liked going through the muggle world. Everything was new and always had something unique to it, just like people. They each had something that another one didn't. Some jeans had ripped holes, some stores had brightly colored jumpers or shoes. One of Emery's favorite stores was a jewelry one. At this particular one, you were able to make your own, add something different to it that no one else had. Maybe a different chain, or a pendant. Her favorite necklace she had made was a simple chain with a blue jewel.

It was safe to say Emery had a lot of house pride. Even more so because she was on the Quidditch team. She was relieved that she wasn't the team captain, there was no way that she would be able to handle that. She learned, in a letter, that Olivia was made team captain and Emery had never felt so overjoyed. For both herself and her best friend.

"So how was America? Everything you hoped for?" Olivia had been dreaming of visiting the United States for the longest time. She wanted to see what the whole world had to offer, upon hearing that all the states were severely different, that's one of the first places she wanted to go. Her dad had finally saved enough money for the two of them to go there during the summer. With them traveling so much, Emery mostly received letters rather than sent them.

"Oh Em, it was amazing. At first, the time difference really kicked my butt, after that though, it was awesome. It, of course, has some rather negative things. My favorite state was New York or Illinois because of Chicago. The cities were huge, bunches of people and all these different stores. You would love it there, Em. I'll have to take you once we get out of Hogwarts. C'mon, let's get your stuff in here so we aren't blocking the pathway." People had begun boarding the train with only a few students on the outside giving last minute hugs with promises to write each other.

Looking out the window was almost bittersweet, watching the loving families say their last goodbyes. The parents waving to their children, the younger siblings either crying or begging to go too. It didn't shock Emery to see the Potters' there, they had always taken Teddy to the station, but she did find it somewhat shocking to see only two out of the normal three siblings standing by their parents.

"It looks like James Sirius Potter is at Hogwarts this year. From what I heard, he's going to be a troublemaker. Gryffindor, most likely. What do you think, Liv?"

"Definitely, there's no way he won't be. I mean, both his parents and namesakes were in Gryffindor. Who knows, I guess, I just hope that he doesn't cause too much trouble."

Emery laughs at the thought. "He's from both the Potter and Weasley bloodline, he's going to cause some kind of trouble, even if it's by accident." Olivia nods, tucking a lock of blonde hair behind her ear.

The Potters' are a famous family, both because of The Boy Who Lived and because Ginny was a chaser on the Holyhead Harpies. Emery thought she was a great player, watching a few of the games that Ginny played in. She went with Olivia ( who commented on some of the few moves and strategies she and the entire team did, a few they would most likely learn this year too ) and the two thought Ginny was more popular than Harry.

"Any strategies for the Quidditch team? Any ideas for who's on the team?"

"Well, of course, I'm a chaser and you're a beater. I know Molly is a great keeper, I just have to convince her to try out. Head always in a book, I know my head is in a book a lot too, but more her. With Grace gone we'll have to find another beater to work well with you, so you better be more honest than normal at tryouts. So honest that you could kill someone with your words, I need to be sure that you two can work together perfectly." Soon, Olivia was rambling on about different ideas she had been thinking of for the team this year between some people she could probably convince to play to techniques and strategies she wants to try out.

There were a few stops of someone getting up to grab a treat or to grab something from a bag. At some point, around the middle of the train ride, Olivia's boyfriend showed up.

Conner McClain was a seventh year Slytherin who was very different than Olivia. They weren't polar opposites but different enough that people questioned why they were together. Emery saw it though, she saw how Olivia brought out the light in him. The bright smile, the sweet words, the cheesy actions that made Emery want to throw up from how cute they were. Conner brought out the dangerous side of Olivia, the side that made her glad she was alive. Emery couldn't ask for anything more for her best friend.

As they came closer and closer to Hogwarts, someone appeared next to Emery. She pretended not to notice him, due to the fact that Conner had no idea about him.

"So I searched this entire train for her, and I finally found her, all damn smiles. Curls, a smile brighter than the sun. I wonder how Ashley is doing, she must be doing pretty fucking well if she's able to raise Natalie so damn perfect. Oh, I miss them so much. How was your summer?" Emery didn't look at him, nodding along with what Conner was saying. It was far for Nathan to be this polite, he rarely talked about his niece; Emery guessed he was now because she couldn't say anything to him. "I'll take that nod as it went well. Wanna know how my summer was? Boring, boring, and, oh this is different, so fucking boring. I'm gonna go spy on Natalie again, some dickhead boy is heading in the direction of her compartment. See you later, M and M's." Then, the boy with a crooked jaw was gone. Emery lets out a sigh of relief, wanting so desperately to say something to him. He always swore too much, not that Emery minded. Only when she's around some first or second years does she really take notice of it. The strong pull to turn to him and tell him to watch his language; even though no one else saw Nathan.

Emery had never understood this gift ( or curse, as some would say ) that she was born with. Her parents just thought it was a thing that most kids do. They had heard that little kids could see dead people, like relatives and such, but it never went away. She still saw the people in the corner looking after someone, still talked to some of the fallen. When alone, she even played with some of the kids that were taken too soon.

She couldn't see all dead people. Her mind would explode if she was able to. Every so often she could make one disappear but she needed a lot of energy that she didn't want to use at the moment. Besides, it's not like Nathan meant to cause trouble ( okay, sometimes he did but it was all just honest fun that Emery could get over ).

"I'm not saying that you guys won't be good, because you are both amazing, I'm saying that Slytherin is going to beat Ravenclaw's ass for house cup. Don't worry, I'll buy you anything you want from Honeydukes after we win." Conner leans in and kisses Olivia on the cheek, causing her to lit up.

She shoves at his chest with a roll of the eyes. "Oh please, you are all going down. I'm captain this year, so you are all screwed. Em, what do you think?"

Emery snaps her eyes back from the compartment door, confusion going through her head in a desperate attempt to figure out what they were talking about. "Yeah, absolutely. I'm gonna go find... um... I'm gonna go find... Isaac..." Before she could get questioned, Emery leapt out of her seat and into the hall. Her chest loosens and she finds it easier to breath. She knew what was going to happen the second she gets inside the great hall. She just wasn't ready to face the music quite yet. "C'mon Emery," she mutters under her breath, "you've been doing this for years. Only two more years, then you'll be able to get away."

Emery may loved Hogwarts like her home, but she much rather have gone there years before the Battle of Hogwarts. She may not be able to see all the spirits, but she could feel them. It put pressure on her chest making it hard to breathe. Every death there took a toll on her mind, making her tired, have more frequent headaches, and sometimes a few bloody noses. Each bloody nose got her out of class which only made her more stressed with the homework she'll need to figure out and finish. It helped her so much when she finally told Olivia during fifth year about the whole spirit thing after being friends with her for three years.

Sure, Olivia thought she was crazy for a few days, but she believed her in the end.

Running a hand through her hair, and immediately regretting it, Emery went back into the compartment. "Yeah, Isaac did return my copy of Quidditch Through the Ages, I guess I'll just have to borrow the book from the library. So what were you two talking about?" Emery puts on a smile and runs a hand through her hair. Yeah, I definitely need a shower once we get to Hogwarts. She held her hands in her lap the entire way from then on.

Emery just had to last two more years at Hogwarts before she never had to feel the pressure on her chest again. Two more years, the only difference with this year, she would be destroyed.



Teddy had never seen James so hyper, not even on Christmas. It was normal, he supposed, because this was James' first year at Hogwarts but Teddy couldn't help feel a small bit of irritation with all the noise, only a little bit. Lily had been pouting and saying how she could pass for someone in James' year, but with how short she was, she could barely pass for her own age. Teddy simply gave her a hug and whispered to her how she only had to wait a few more years.

"I promise I'll send chocolate home for you and Al every month, send me a letter if you want something different. C'mon Lily flower, we can't be late for the train."

Lily grins and stretches her arms up in an attempt to lock them around Teddy's neck, but with Lily being too short, and Teddy too tall, he had to bend down and lift her up. "You should make your hair blue this year. I liked the green last year, but you should do blue." Lily gives a light tug on Teddy's hair and giggles when watching it turn teal from the roots right to her fingertips.

"How does that look?"

"Perfect. C'mon Teddy bear! You have to go to Hogwarts so you can send me chocolates!" Teddy laughs before hoisting Lily up onto his shoulders and grabbing his bag before they both go through the wall.

It was easy to spot Harry and Ginny by an overexcited James. He was jumping around, barely able to stay still long enough to give each of them a hug ( even waiting for Teddy to get Lily down from his shoulders ) before grabbing the few bits of luggage he had and running on the train.

"I would ask you to make sure he stays out of trouble, but you're just as bad, they just don't know it."

"That's because I don't get caught. Don't worry, I'll make sure he won't get hurt. Love you Harry, Ginny." Teddy wraps the two in a hug, him almost being a whole head taller than the both of them. The leans down towards Albus and ruffles his hair, "See ya Al." Teddy pulled him close in a hug smiling, pulling away seeing a mini Harry. "Take care of your mum and dad for me, they're getting old," Teddy whispers to Albus making the younger boy laugh and glance at his parents. Finally, he lifts Lily into a hug and spins her around. "I'll make sure to send you as much chocolate I can get my hands on, just make sure to share with Al. By Lily flower." Lily kisses his cheek, her lips pulling into a smile showing off her missing teeth.

Teddy chuckles before grabbing his bags and making his way on the train before it starts moving.

He knew the compartment that they always meet in, it even had their initials in it. They had carved them in in second year, all five of them were going home for Christmas that year. Ever since then, it has always been their compartment ( even if a few of them had to come later now that some were Prefects ).

Teddy could hear the yelling from outside the door. The two always clashed, whether it be over a blanket or notes for class. It was mostly over small things, but by the end of the day they forgave each other. Ashley Bressan and Maverick Viano were best friends, no matter how much it seemed like they fought.

Ashley was a spunky Hufflepuff with blue and pink pastel hair. She met Teddy by running into him during their first year and never left him alone since. She followed him like a puppy until Teddy cracked and the two became close.

Maverick lived up to his name. The Slytherin was very independent, he was closed off until you've been friends for years like the two became during second year. He was a player with girls throwing themselves at him for a look from his striking blue eyes and to run their hands through his raven black hair.

"I hope you two haven't killed each other yet, we aren't even at Hogwarts yet. You both can at least try to get through your last year." Ashley and Maverick both opened their mouths to start defend their selves but deflated after a look from Teddy. "You can argue all you want when Brett and Hayden get here, I'm not taking your bullshit right now. Now, how was your guys' summer?"

Teddy smiled at his friends, he wouldn't change any of this for the world, even with all their arguments. Listening to Ashley telling how her siblings were practising Quidditch and one hit a bludger right at her, hit her in the nose, causing her to fall off her broom. Off course, she made it so much more dramatic but still had Teddy cringing. Maverick told how his mum made him stay home all summer due to a dare that he couldn't refuse.

Sure, they may be weird, but Teddy couldn't love them any less.

Okay, first chapter, I hope it wasn't too bad. I already love this book and I'm already writing the second chapter and I'm pretty happy with it so far. That's all.

This chapter is dedicated to @MsMarauders and sadiesinkers

We won our soccer game today 3-0!! 5/19/18 ( or 19/5/18 for the rest of the world I suppose).


