


    Emery was ready to share the story there and then, but Olivia had convinced her that they should get Teddy. It wasn't an unbelievable crazy thing going into the Hufflepuff common room then to the boys' dorm to wake up Teddy and bring him to the kitchen, but it was fun. Normally Nathan helped with keeping watch for anyone that might get in their way, but this time Iain helped her. It reminded her when the two used to play Spy around the house, sneaking into rooms, evading their parents and trying not to get caught. It didn't matter that Iain was three years older than Emery, he still played any game that she wanted to.

    Teddy was one of the heaviest sleepers that Emery ever met. It took almost ten minutes to wake him up; even then he was half asleep walking with them back to the kitchens.

    "Iain lived three years without me around. Even though our birthdays were a month apart, he always said wanted to celebrate on the same day because he knew that I didn't want to do anything without him. Growing up, he didn't care that he was older than me. He stilled played with me, no matter if he was with his friends or not. He always told them that if they didn't want to play with me then they could leave. He always protected me, he loved me. He was the perfect brother." Emery smiled fondly at the memories before continuing. "At Hogwarts he was sorted into Slytherin. Everybody thought he was in the wrong house because he was so nice and kind, but I knew that was the house he should be in. It didn't matter that he was nice, he would do anything, and I mean anything, to protect the ones he cared about. That's just who Iain was."

    Emery took a breathe and thought over how to continue. Stories wouldn't help much, but maybe her time at Hogwarts would. "I was here for maybe three years at the same time as Iain. Even though it was difficult because we were in different houses, Iain always helped me with my work and hung out with me, even though he was busy with N.E.W.T. classes. He was there for everyone. It was only a few times that people saw Iain's Slytherin side. People thought that he was all innocent and naive but he had them fooled. He wasn't bad, but he had people wrapped around his finger. He did that with a lot of people, but he never did that with me. He always said I had him wrapped around my finger."

    Emery saw how Olivia wanted to ask a question. She nodded towards her to let her know it was alright, but Emery certainly didn't expect the question. "How did Iain die?" Emery chewed on her lip a bit, thinking back to that day.

    Emery hated that day. She hated to think about it. She hated thinking about what she could've done; but it's alright now, because she was going to bring him back. 

    "It was during the summer. It just seemed like a normal day when Iain went for a walk, but then day turned to night. I didn't think much of it, he probably just went to go meet up with friends or got something to eat to avoid eating mum's cooking. I was kinda worried, but I just started to read a book. When it hit midnight, I was really worried. Iain would've been back by then, or at least let me know if he was staying somewhere else for the night.

    "I snuck out of the house to try and find him; and I did. I found his body." Emery chuckles humorlessly as the night rushed back to her. It was almost suffocating her, but she told the story anyways. "I screamed so loud that even my parents, who was almost half an hour to an hour away, heard me. They said he had been dead for a few hours. They didn't outright say it, but I knew that they were thinking that if I got there, if I looked, a few hours ago that he could've lived. He was always the one person I could never see. He was the only person I wanted to see and I couldn't see him; but I can now." Emery felt Teddy wrap an arm around her shoulders and she melted into it.

    "It wasn't your fault. At least you went out to look for him, no one else did." Emery knew that Teddy was right, but seeing Iain standing across the room with his arms crossed, she couldn't help but doubt it.

    "I know." She was more saying it for Teddy's and Olivia's sake than hers, but it still needed to be said. "C'mon, we should probably all get to bed. The professors won't care for our reasoning if we fall asleep in their class." All three of them got up to leave the kitchens, but before going out, Teddy held Emery back for a moment.

    "So I was wondering if, you don't have to if you don't want to, I mean obviously since I'm asking if you wanted to but I just wanted to let you know that you can say no--" By that point Teddy had a light pink spread across his cheeks and Emery was smiling.

    "Teddy, just say it."

    "Would you want to go out on a date with me? You don't--" Emery cut Teddy off again before he could start rambling.

    "I would like that. C'mon, Olivia will be wondering what's keep us." No matter how cool and collected Emery seemed, she could still feel the heat across her cheeks and the smile on her face. 


This had been a long time coming and I hope you guys weren't disappointed with Iain's story of the ask. Also, we are almost on Part Three of this book which is crazy since I think it was only a few days ago that I started Part Two. I did actually plan on these parts being longer, but I did cut some stuff out of the story and combined chapters so that's why they are kinda short. I think one more chapter then we are on Part Three. 


