Interview With Singer7777

1.) What inspired you to write?

Meg Cabot she is my favorite author .

2.) What is your future plans for My Possessive Mate?

Going to sell it on Amazon and iBooks . Making a sequel but it will only be a sample on here.

3.) What kind of things do you draw inspiration from? 

My dreams give me inspiration, I like to turn them into reality.

4.) What is your favorite book (or) books on Wattpad?

My Wattpad Love And Envy

5.) What was the first book you ever read on Wattpad?

I honestly can't remember because I read so many great books.

6.) Do you plan your chapters before you write them or do the ideas for the chapters come to you as you write them?

It's actually both , once I have something I write it down and the rest I plan.

7.) What is your biggest accomplishment on Wattpad?

Hitting My reading goals still waiting for a million tho.

8.) Which one of your fictional characters can you most identify with and why?

Trixie because who hasn't drooled when you see a hot guy coming out of the shower? Lol

9.) What is your favorite book you have written so far? And why?

My Possessive Mate because I love how my fans can visualize my book .

10.) Any advice to new writers?

 Keep you're head up, and do what you love best.

11.) How did you come across Wattpad?

Searching for books on my phone.

12.) What writer, Wattpad or published, do you admire the most?

Meg Cabot and Natasha Preston

More about you questions:

13.) What is your favorite color?


14.) Comfort food?


15.) Your favorite quote?

"I don't need easy I just need possible"

16.) Favorite movie?

Anastasia and the lion king and I have more

17.) What is one random thing about yourself you’d like to share?

I can read a book in one day.

Finish this sentence (just for fun):

That awkward moment when…. I don't know what my fans are going to say.
