Interview With PhonerionBallznevsky

1.) What inspired you to write?

I've always enjoyed writing stories for school. I mainly wrote comedies back then. Weird comedies. My love of writing continued throughout high school.

Dan Baird, my high school English teacher once said that he could 'see' a book of short stories by Mike Marsbergen (me), sitting on a bookshelf. My passion for writing was carved in stone at that exact moment. Even still, I think back to that moment, and use it as fuel for my fires of creativity.

2.) What kind of things do you draw inspiration from when writing?

Usually whatever novel I'm reading at the time, or ones I've read recently. And it isn't uncommon for me to sit and meditate, marinating in my own filthy insanity. That always seems to provide the best ideas.

3.) What is your favorite book (or) books on Wattpad?

My fellow Keswickian (a small town north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Chris Compton's Eternal Dreams trilogy. He's finished the first one, and I believe he's almost done with the second.

4.) What was the first book you ever read on Wattpad?

Eternal Dreams by Christopher Compton

5.) Do you plan your chapters before you write them or do the ideas for the chapters come to you as you write them?

A bit of both. A long night (when I usually write) of writing often finds me writing as I go. However, I tend to come up with a mental rough draft-- all the big events, or little scenes-- and then go from there.

6.) What is your biggest accomplishment on Wattpad?

Meeting a lot of fine writers and great people. I spent a fair amount of time lurking on here, before actually joining the fray. I was worried my work would be trashed, but it's received great support from all the good people I've come across.

7.)Which one of your fictional characters can you most identify with and why?

Kevin Edenberg, from the work-in-progress, Cyber-Terrorizer. He's a total Marty Stu/author-proxy, and I like him that way. Mind you, we aren't totally similar. For instance, I've never killed someone, whereas Kevin Edenberg ends up taking a few lives by the time his tale has been told.

8.) What is your favorite book you have written so far? And why?

Cyber-Terrorizer, again. It has the most 'meat', number one. I've put countless hours into that baby, and it shows. Two, I love the way C-T weaves through genres like it's nobody's business. It goes from comedy one second to horror and mystery and fantasy and history. I love it.

9.) Any advice to new writers?

Keep on reading and writing. Don't listen to any negativity, but hear it. If there's anything to be learned, you will realize it as you read and write. Oh, and don't be self-conscious-- it constricts the flow.

10.) How did you come across Wattpad?

My old pal from high school, Chris Compton, had a WattPad link on his Facebook page. So I clicked it, and saw his first Eternal Dreams book still being written (I believe). I was amazed at this great haven for writers.

11.) What writer, Wattpad and/or published, do you admire the most?

There are two-- no, wait, three.

1. Hunter S. Thompson-- for his persistence in hounding the publishers to publish his long-lost first novel, The Rum Diary (a brilliant story), because it shows what never giving up can do; and for his creation of gonzo journalism, as I don't think I'll ever read anything that quite moves me like his stories.

2. Bill Shakespeare-- the guy's kind of a legend. You may have heard of him. He had so many jobs, learning so many different 'characters'. His writing went beyond the boundaries of his age. And the Simpsons have done hilarious Halloween specials based off his work.

3. Stephen King-- how is this man still writing stories? I've started reading him since January or so, and everything so far has been great to amazing. But, yeah, he's still pumping out a few books per year. All hail Stephen King.

12.) What is your favorite color?

Peacock blue. And blood red-- no; dried-blood red.

13.) Favorite band or artist?

A Swedish progressive rock/metal band called Pain Of Salvation. Not only is the music fantastic, but every album is a concept album-- meaning it tells a story. They've been blowing my mind for eight years now.

14.) Your favorite quote?

'Fixing the clouds, and feeling like time is on my side.' - Wiz Khalifa

Actually, it's a misquote. I dunno what the real quote is, but I heard this, and it resonated with me. I want to live long so I can write my stories. I've got a lot of work ahead of me.

15.) Favorite movie?

Taxi Driver. I get chills all throughout that movie. So great. Everything just feels 'right' with it.

16.) What is one random thing about yourself you’d like to share?

I'm a cat-man. I like dogs, but cats are my brethren.

Finish this sentence (just for fun):

That awkward moment when…. someone clasps a hand on your shoulder, while you're pissin' at the urinal

Anything you’d like to add?

May those words flow like water, fellow Travellers of the Word.
