Interview With RobsesseDirectioner

Interview With @RobsesseDirectioner

1.) What inspired you to write 'Save Me Tonight'?

My affection towards Niall Horan and stories involving a bruised past.

2.) What kind of things do you draw inspiration from?

My real life experiences.

3.) What is your favorite book (or) books on Wattpad?

On Wattpad: The Knight in Shining Armani <3 Otherwise: Books by Cecelia Ahern and chick-lit/romance.

4.) What was the first book you ever read on Wattpad? (Deleted now.)

5.) Do you plan your chapters before you write them or do the ideas for the chapters come to you as you write them?

Imagination and ideas just strike me randomly and I jot them down wherever I can. Forced ideas are simply not that natural and imaginative.

6.) What is your biggest accomplishment on Wattpad?

I guess I didn't ever expect my fanfic to hit over 2K reads.

7.) Which one of your fictional characters can you most identify with and why?

Cheyenne from 'Someday He Will': my new teen fic/romance.

8.) What is you favorite book you have written so far? And why?

'Someday He Will' (Work in Progress). I can relate with the protagonist too much. :)

9.) Any advice to new writers?

I'm pretty new and still developing as a writer so I'd just tell my writer buddies to never lose the magic they all possess and keep creating amazing stories. :)

10.) How did you come across Wattpad?

Through Google. :P Randomly entered some words in the search bar and fate took me to this amazing site. :') ^_^ ;) More about you questions

11.) What is your favorite color? PINK! <3

12.) Comfort food? Chocolate! :3

13.) Your favorite quote? "Not all who wander are lost."

14.) Favorite movie? The devil wears Prada, Mean Girls, Hangover, 50 first dates, I'm a huuuge movie fanatic soo... :P looong list :3

Finish the sentence:

That awkward moment...between birth and death. (Lol, yeah sorry I'm just being moody today. :P)

Have any questions or comment for @RobsesseDirectioner? Tag her in your post below.
