Interview With mylifemystery

Interview With mylifemystery

1.) What inspired you to start writing?

Well I wasn't exactly "inspired" I was got in trouble and was sent to my room. I was  bored with my head hanging off the bed I found an old composition book. And began writing with an old broken in half pencil with bite marks.

I know it's weird, but that's how it all started.

2.)What kind of things do you draw inspiration from? 

I guess random things, some of the stuff I write have actually happened to me. Like in "THE WAY SHE IS" a lady really did pass out and I was yelled at by some pregnant lady, I just froze.

3.) What is your favorite book (or) books on Wattpad?

I don't really have one, the ones I've read are really well written.

4.) What was the first book you ever read on Wattpad?

I don't remember.

5.) Do you plan your chapters before you write them or do the ideas for the chapters come to you as you write them?

They come to me randomly at the worst times sometimes, I just tweak them so they're related to one specific story.

6.) What is your biggest accomplishment on Wattpad?

Probably when I got 1,000 reads on my first story, and the feedback from those who read it. I like hearing what they like about my story and see if I can make it better.

7.) Which one of your fictional characters can you most identify with and why?

Jen from my first story "the way she is" I put most of my personality in her. I use some of my personality in every character. The likes and dislikes and secrets are real. With Jen I've showed more though. I have more secrets to show through her that I'd never tell anyone throughout the chapters to come.


8.) What is you favorite book you have written so far? And why?

I think The Way She Is for right now, It's my first story so I feel attached to it, that sound kind of weird.

9.) Any advice to new writers?

You should write what you feel. If it's through a fiction, fan-fiction, comedy, drama, try to put a part of you. Just like JK Rowling she put a part of her in all 7 Harry Potter books.

"It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default." ~ JK Rowling.

10.) How did you come across Wattpad?

I had to get more minutes on this texting app and I had to subscribe. I only got 5 minutes.

More about you questions:

11.) What is your favorite color?



12.) Comfort food?


13.) Your favorite quote?

 " Sometimes the questions are complicated but the answers are simple." ~Dr. Seuss

14.) Favorite movie?

Harry Potter

Finish this sentence (just for fun):

That awkward moment when….  your parents ask if you like anyone.

I don't know.
