Chapter 8: The Final Showdown

Meanwhile, on the mothership's bridge.

Dreadstor: just a moment more and this planet will be nothing but a pile of ash!

Suddenly, Zack and the others hit the bridge.

Dreadstor: what ?!

Zack: Dreadstor, there is no way for us to let you destroy our planet!

Dreadstor: How did you reverse the change process ?!

Moondrop: thanks to me!

Dreadstor: oh, now you've went too far young lady!

Katt: maybe she has betrayed her own people, but she does well not to want a tyrant like you for her father!

Dreadstor: It doesn't matter, the fate of your planet is already sealed! *disappears*.

Zack: we gotta smash that cannon!

Katt: but how, this is full of Moondrop folks!

Moondrop: Something tells me they're not my homies anymore.

Dragster: here we go!

Zoey: wait.

Blade: what?

Zoey: see? they are not attacking at all, they want to defend themselves!

Zack: well sooo... why should we attack them?

Dark Zack: I dunno?

Moondrop: what about you guys?

One of the conuxians: I will be honest with you, I too am fed up with the tyranny of our ruler Your Majesty *throws the weapon to the ground* so we want you to prevent the destruction of this planet.

female Konuxian: exactly, this planet is much more beautiful than ours, it is a pity to destroy it.

Zack: so, do you want to help us?

Konuxian: Yes, but it will not be easy, our Lord has inserted your Truth Jewels into this cannon.

Dark Zack: Got it, okay, let's smash it! together!

Everyone began to smash the cannon and quickly destroyed it, and the Truth Jewels began to levitate and circle around Dark Zack and Moondrop.

Dark Zack: ready?

Moondrop: are you sure?

Dark Zack nodded.

Moondrop: Okay, here we go

They both closed their eyes and said the following words: The world gave 4 truths, Truth is power, Power reached through the heart, And the one who has it will know the GOLDEN TRUTH!

After these words, Dark Zack and Moondrop took the form of the Golden Truth.

Dark Zack: here we go!

Moondrop: hmph!

Zack: good luck there.

Dark Zack and Moondrop flew into space after Dreadstor.

Dreadstor: what the?!

Dark Zack: as you can see, you won't be able to destroy the planet I promised to protect, so I have to do everything I can not to let you destroy it!

Moondrop: And our subjects are fed up with your tyranny, your end has come, Father!

Dreadstor: hmhmhmhm ... don't make me laugh, even the power you have won't do anything, because I can destroy you without any problem! *charges some energy which turns out to be Chackra* now let's see who is the ultimate warrior!

Dark Zack: if you want it... here you go!

The fight has begun.

Dreadstor: orientate yourself! *shoots a death beam*.

Dark Zack and Moondrop dodge the shot.

Moondrop: ZETA FLARE! *shoots a bullet of energy*.

The Dreadstor got hit, but it didn't hurt him.

Dreadstor: interesting but not enough! *loads some attack* BIG BANG SUPERNOVA !!!

Zack: LOOK OUT!!!

Dark Zack flew in front of the Shot and tried to stop it, but was not doing very well.

Moondrop: Dark Zack, take care! *Dreadstor catches her* AGH!

Dark Zack: ghrrr Moondrop!

Dreadstor: There is no way that even my own daughter can thwart my plans! this stupid planet will be destroyed, IF LIKE IT OR NOT !!!

Moondrop: So you leave me no choice Father! *charges an attack while holding the Dreadstor to keep it from escaping*.

Dreadstor: what are you doing ?! Let go!

Dark Zack: Moondrop ?!

Moondrop: Dark Zack, all of you, thank you... for everything... *a tear runs down her cheek*

Dark Zack: Moondrop, what are you doing ?!

Moondrop: I know what I'm doing... FINAL BLOW!!! *causes a very strong explosion of energy, weakening the Dreadstor and herself*

Dark Zack: NO!

When the explosion was over, the Dreadstor was still alive but seriously injured, but Moondrop was no longer conscious and was no longer in the Golden Truth form.

Dreadstor: *pants* was strong but not enough... heheheh...

Dark Zack: damn you...

Dreadstor: now I only have you left! *notices Zack* and he *notices more and more people* and you... and...

Zack: There is no way for us to let you destroy our planet!

Dark Zack: ghrrRRRRA!!! *makes Big Bang Supernova disappear*

Dreadstor: WHAT?!

Dark Zack: that you are weak it wasn't difficult, after all, I was made of your DNA, right?

Dreadstor: gh!

Zack: Really?

Dark Zack: yes, now I know!

Dreadstor: well, I can destroy everyone now! *tries to charge something but fails* what?

Dark Zack: hmph! so it's time for the final blow!

Zack: here you go!

Both foxes are loading something with their Chackra.

Zack: Ultra... Thunder... WAVE !!!

Dark Zack: FINAL STRIKE !!!

They both launched powerful energy waves that pushed Dreadstor to the sun.

Dreadstor: GAH! What? no! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! *he goes to the sun where he burns*.

Zack: phew... we made it...

Dark Zack took Moondrop and they returned to the ship.

Zoey: we made it! planet saved!

Everyone but Dark Zack cheers

Katt: come on Dark Zack, let's go home! ... Dark Zack?

Dark Zack: I didn't think this day would come again ...

Katt: what's up?

Dark Zack: I lost someone once many years ago, we may have won today, but at what cost?

Katt: oh... yeah... Moondrop... sacrificed herself for us ...

Moondrop: *suddenly coughs* Dark Zack? ...

Dark Zack: Moondrop? are you alive ?!

Moondrop: yeah... the fact is, everything hurts but... heh, what the heck? it will heal in no time...

Dark Zack: I'm just glad you're okay.

Konuxian: now that Dreadstor is gone, who will be our ruler?

Dark Zack: The rightful heir to the throne, Moondrop.

Moondrop: what ?! but... I...

Dark Zack: Moondrop, I know this is a lot, but I know you will be a great queen for your people and by the way, you are the only daughter of your predecessor, so what do you have to lose?

Moondrop: well... let it be, you have to stick to the law.

Conuchians: *cheer* LONG LIVE QUEEN MOONDROP !!!


Moondrop: We are very ashamed of what my father did to you, if I could, I would pay you back all the debts.

Hermione: it's okay, we know that now that you are the ruler, there will be no such chaos anymore.

Moondrop: thank you for understanding, we will help your people rebuild your civilization, and from today, let our kingdoms live in harmony.

Hermione: Glad to hear that.

Meanwhile, on the hill on the edge of the town of Pawside.

Dark Zack: ...

Shady: hey.

Dark Zack: hi.

Shady: I ​​heard you were there, and honestly I'm happy you made it, thank you.

Dark Zack: you're welcome.

After looking at each other for a while, Drak Zack and Shady confessed their feelings to each other.


Zack: man, it was one heck of an adventure, right you guys?

Zoey: Yes, it was amazing.

Blade: I agree, but for today, I'm fed up with all this...

Dragster: Me too, it was too much, even for me.

Katt: yeah, but still, it was an amazing adventure.

Natasha: true, this doesn't happen every day.

Zack: thank gods!

Everything ended well, THE END.
