Chapter 7: Friend or Foe?

Meanwhile, Zack's transformation was over, he wasn't Zack now, but a ruthless, menacing and mean fighter ready to commit murder.

Dreadstor: Perfect, new member of my army, be honored, Chaos Zack.

Chaos Zack: yes, master... *his eyes glow red*.


Dark Zack: where are you taking us Moondrop?

Moondrop: To my father, he has Zack, he has to be saved before it's too late, but I'm afraid he's already ...

Katt: WHAT ?!

Natasha: take it easy, we'll make it, I hope...

Moondrop: we are close, be ready.

Dark Zack: I am always.

Dragster: hmph!

Zoey: wait a minute, I sense something new, never felt it, but it's related to negative energy, be careful.

Blade: okay honey.

Moondrop: uh... what?

Katt: Don't worry about it, they are ... close friends.

Moondrop: oh... okay.

Dark Zack: ok, here we are, carefully ... *opens the door and shows everyone an astonishing sight*

Katt: Zack?

Dreadstor: hello, I didn't expect you to save everyone Dark Zack, well ... almost everyone, but don't worry, you won't even live to see your planet destroyed! Moondrop!

Moondrop: *goes to Dreadstor* yes father? *gets slapped in the face by him* AH!

Dreadstor: useless brat... for such a betrayal, you face the same fate as theirs!

Moondrop looked at her father in horror and pain as Chaos Zack started charging some energy ball by pointing it at her.


Dark Zack has attacked Chaos Zack.

Dreadstor: hmph... as I thought, I will leave you here for my new soldier to destroy you, so that I can prepare your planet for the destruction *ominous laugh and disappears*.

Chaos Zack: so what? *cracks knuckles* will we have fun?

Dark Zack: you guys stand there, I'll get it ...

Chaos Zack: bring it on...

the fight has begun.

Chaos Zack: ULTRA THUNDER WAVE !!! *shoots a strong beam of energy*.

Dark Zack: not bad... shame you missed! *attacks but Chaos Zack is faster and grabs his leg* NANI?! *Chaos Zack throws him to the floor* AGH!

Chaos Zack: not bad eh? thanks to this transformation I have learned to anticipate the attacks of my opponents, and therefore you will not even get close... *uses energy to toss him up and throw him against the wall*.

Dark Zack: AGH !!!

Moondrop: something must be done or it will be over!

Katt: but what? we can't get close, he'll predict it!

Zoey: Yes, but there is someone who can surprise him.

Katt: who?

Zoey: Moondrop.

Moondrop: Me?

Dragster: are you sure?

Blade: I believe her.

Natasha: I don't know how come Zack can't predict her next move?

Zoey: Zack is a Furlandian, and Moondrop is a Conuxian, Zack has no racial connection with her, so only she can surprise him.

Moondrop: if it must be like that... *activates the energy sword* so be it! *lunges at Chaos Zack*.

Chaos Zack: AGH! get off of me!

Moondrop: not a chance! Dark Zack! shoot!

Dark Zack: but what?

Moondrop: get my gun! *throws him* and shoot! NOW!!!

Dark Zack: but it will kill him!

Moondrop: TRUST ME!

Blade: what is it ?!

Zoey: Moondrop wants Dark Zack to shoot Zack so that this energy can drain from him and turn him back to normal!

Katt: but will it kill him?

Zoey: there is a chance, but not much, she may not survive it herself!

Chaos Zack: DAMN IT LET ME GO !!!

Moondrop: COME ON, SHOOT !!!

Dark Zack fired, hitting them both.

Chaos Zack: !!! D-DAMN IT!!!

Moondrop: ngh!

They both fell to the ground.

Zoey: ... i hope it worked...

Suddenly, energy began to leak from Zack, who had reverted to his former form, and he woke up, possibly injured but alive, unfortunately not what Moondrop did.

Katt: ZACK !!! *throws herself into his arms* I thought I lost you...

Zack: phew... Katt, watch out, I still have a wound.

Katt: crap, forgive me.

Zack: cool, it happens

Everyone suddenly looks at Dark Zack carrying a dead Moondrop in his arms.

Zack: what about her?

Katt: she... *eyes fill with tears* sacrificed herself to help us save you...

Natasha: so we were wrong about her, but she wanted to help us ...

Dragster: shit... *tries to hide his tears*.

Blade: Zoey... are you sure she's dead?

Zoey: I'd rather say she's alive.

Dark Zack:!?

Zack: for real?

Zoey: sure wait a second *she uses her power to heal Moondrop* i hope I'm not wrong...

Suddenly, Moondrop opened her eyes.

Dark Zack: hey, are you okay?

Moondrop: phew... what happened?

Zoey: Thank god she's alive.

Katt: what a relief...

Moondrop: what the? were you worried?

Dark Zack: sure, you helped us save Zack after all.

Zack: I owe you Moondrop.

Moondrop: oh yeah, I already remember *sudden memory* but we don't have time, my father is about to blow up your planet! we must hurry!

Zack: Hurry is my middle name!

Natasha: so what are we waiting for? Let's go!!!

Dark Zack: are you coming with us?

Moondrop: I know I'll be a traitor if I do this, but I'm not going to let your planet be destroyed, I'm in for it!

Zack: welcome aboard!

Everyone ran to the bridge to stop Dreadstor.
