Chapter 4: The Abduction

Meanwhile, in the shelter.

Katt: I hope Zack and Dark Zack make it.

Natasha: take it easy Katt, I know they can handle it, I believe it!

Dragster: you know, they are strong together.

Blade: hey, can you hear that too?


A missile hit the shelter and the Death Legion soldiers stormed inside.

Invader: you, pink, come with us.

Katt: what do you want? I'm not going anywhere with you!

Dragster: right, put even a finger on her and you're done!

Invader: it's not a question, it's a demand.

Dragster: here is my answer! *tries to attack but the invader dodged and struck him with a taser bat* AGH!

Katt: oh my god ...

The invader:  *aims a weapon at her* now, you are coming with us whether you like it or not!

Katt: okay okay! *kneels with her hands behind her head when the Invader puts energy shackles on them*

Natasha: Katt, what are you doing?

Invader: none of your business, but don't worry, we won't leave you here.

Other invaders appeared and caught the rest, then took them to the mother ship, only 3 people managed to hide, it was Shady and a woman with a child.

Shady: I ​​don't know where they took them, but we'd better get out of here, follow me, I know where you can hide.

Woman: thank you, come on son.

Shady led the woman and the child to the F.U.R headquarters, which, unfortunately, was in ruins.

Shady: oh no, that was the only place you could hide!

General Fark: and it's still ... but it's lower.

Shady: General, but how?

General Fark: these motherf#ckers smashed the entire base, apart from the shelter in the ground.

Shady: Could they take refuge there?

General Fark: we welcome every survivor and potential witness, follow me.

Fark led them to a shelter under the floor and invited Shady, the woman, and the child inside to take refuge.


Zack: eh, what are we supposed to do now? invaders are everywhere, and the last Truth Jewel is gone without a trace!

Dark Zack: I'm trying to think.

Zack: think faster, who knows what will happen when we stay here and do nothing ?!

Dark Zack: damn, you can see that I think! okay ... all I can think of is to get the Truth Jewels, their leader says he knows what I used to be and what my past looks like.

Zack: but you already know it.

Dark Zack: Yes, but only part of it, and I'm going to know it all.

Zack: Okay, let's do it.

They both went on to look for the last Truth Jewel.

Moondrop: keep on seeking yourselves, and you will soon find out about our power.

Zack: Eh, why am I having a bad feeling?

Dark Zack: in the sense of?

Zack: Just like something was happening without us knowing.

Suddenly, Dreadstor appeared in front of them.

Zack: !!!

Dark Zack: !...

Dreadstor: Hello, you must be Zack, right?

Zack: How do you know who I am?

Dreadstor: I have my sources, but let's get to the point, I have something I bet you care about.

Zack: what?

Dreadstor: come to me with the Truth Jewels and maybe I'll tell you *disappears*.

Zack: what did he mean?

Dark Zack: who knows? you care about many things.

Zack: hmm... anyway, we better keep going.

Dark Zack: *nods*.

They went on.


Katt: *struggles to get away* ngh, what do you want from me ?!

Invader: stop screaming!

Invader: Anyway, no one would hear you here anyway.

Katt in mind: oh Zack, where are you when I need you?
