Things To Pay Attention To in Snow White & 7 Dwarfs

These are things that are being forgotten that are present in Disney's Snow White's Snow White and the 7 dwarfs.

1. In the climax of the movie Snow White doesn't take the poisoned apple willingly. She is backed up three times into the corner before the Evil Queen forced it into her hands.

2. In the story book below there is another gregarious error as the movie tells us which books the Evil Queen is looking at upon a shelf all of them are labeled.

3. And the movie makes the disguise spell readable in the storybook that will displayed here or next chapter it is impossible to read.

4. Snow White's story does not say True Love's Kiss it says Love's First Kiss see below

I doubt they would've stated in this way if it meant True Love's Kiss. But the page of text says by Love's First Kiss.

Disappointed the night wood scene isn't included in this storybook it's important experience for Snow White. So I am happy that Kingdoms made that scene more significant.

The rest of the Snow White story book will be in the next chapter.
