Don't Be Sympathetic - But I still Am!

Theli was madder than ever but her parents the Ambassadors of Dyamond did not show me or Sapphire sympathy.

"I demand you pay for her daughters injuries," Ambassador Thelion would have none of it. I had always hated the Ambassador and his family and was quite ready to trust them. Sapphire had come out with a broken leg because landing not only with my last minute cushioning spell help the worn out snow before had cushioned her fall. I was not so lucky I fell and I did break a rib it had to be reset and I had to learn to walk all over again. The ski lift incident happened to years ago and Sapphire is just as old as the majority of the Winx girls. So she was five and 1/2 I was 7."

Sapphire as we walked through the reserve once more in the evening we stayed away from the skiing slope. Sapphire had lost even the slightest interest in it.

The thing about the heartstones which contains warmth they were protected and sealed inside their locked up stands and shock bubble sphere from a strong storm fairy had protected it but if the answer to a riddle or a puzzle was answered it would unsealed and sometimes the people who figured out the answer did not have good intentions just like Theli. The effects of the Heartstone being stolen had a dramatic change on the atmospheric conditions on Dyamond. Icy remembered each of the two years that horizon just got greyer and grey as light from the Crystallized ice began to fade completely entirely out. But other citizens pitched in and concerns poured in from even the Arctic Realm of Aquaria a couple familiar names appeared on the sympathy list some who happened to be fairies.

I remembered hitting the ground in fact the snow where they had hit the dent in the last few years was still there. I pulled down my long sleeve and there dangling from one of my bracelets on my right arm was a piece of the fairy wing I ended up breaking with my ice spell. Sapphire had one too she wore on her left hand. I crafted them for before our Recovery production ball. The court overwhelmed us with they were so glad we were okay. My sisters were so happy. Theli made every point to outshine us four Princesses.

"I have had it with those her!" Stormy mutters.

"Cut it out Stormy; it's tough love," I sighed.

"By all rights after an assault like that she should be paying for it." Darcy says. "She's shouldn't even be here not much less her family been invited."

"There are our father's friends it's out of Mom's control sisters," said Sapphire. "He doesn't believe her and unlucky for us the cameras weren't working on the ski lift. So I don't have any proof."

"And now the royal Waltz between father and daughters, Princess Icy and King Winterthorn. Icy curtsies as her Father bows. She had to grin and bear it. He places his hand on her shoulders and round her waist.

Theli smirks at the royal princess and her sisters once again. Icy did not flinch or cringe. She couldn't let her father know she was scared for her life her heart was racing.

Sapphire took step up to the microphone. She picked up the mic and spoke into it. "I have a song for my darling sisters; the three Princess's of Domino!"

Icy had decided that day to go teal blue and Sapphire wanted to wear firefly orange dress and the wings crafted to look like a lightning bug at night.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

🎶🎙Sapphire: You are the wand the wand inside my hand.
The only thing I know I understand.
You're the wand inside my hand!
It means we never ever need a plan!

Winter: So I guess since we switched
First became witches didn't really fit in
Making different things on my wish list.
Trying to figure out what to do
I'll run my magic through the mic
Drop a spell on you!
With daughters at my side and this wand in my hand
Everything's a back up plan!

Darcy: You're the wand inside my hand!
The only thing I know I understand.
You are the wand inside my hand!
It means we never ever need a plan!🎙🎶

"Come on up Stormy," called outloud to her daughter.

"Together Sapphire? For Icy?"

"You better believe it!" Sapphire says.

Both sisters: Abra cadabra!
My rhymes are my potion!
Mugs dropping a beat causing locomotion!
Family at our back I'm always strong.
Always got me if I'm right or wrong!
Cause they lift us up even if we fall down
Sapphire: Helping me rock my bright orange gown!

All including the Mother: Oh, oh you're the wand inside my hand!
The only thing I know I understand.
You're the wand inside my hand!
It means we never ever need a plan!🎙🎶

Icy smiles and steps up. Glancing at Stormy. Stormy had always attended little down center dances and loved to go dancing. She was a natural fast paced partner for this. Yes, fast dances were her favorite. She liked salsa and sambo alot. So we danced together.

(Next song. What's Gonna Happen Next?)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

🎶🎙Me: All I really wanna do
Is be right here and be just who I am!
Yeah, I'm finally steppin up to center stage,
To lending a helping hand.
Every princess needs a story!
This one will be mine;
Cause I'm in the perfect place!
And now's the perfect time!

What's gonna happen
I can't wait to see!
What's gonna happen next!
It's all up to me!

Stormy: We're gonna turn the page !
Sapphire: Prepare to be amazed!
Now that we got main
Icy: It's nothing I'd expect!
What's gonna happen next!
Oh yeah!
It's nothing I'd expect what's gonna happen next!🎙🎶

Present Time Icy Singing the past she had for us.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Go ahead! I know you wanna ask me why anyways!
Why am I sympathetic?
You tell me I should be Sympathetic But I Am!
There is this stubborn ache that makes a burdensome weight
It's never far from my mind.
And every time I fight someone Or we somewhat clash
I think of her and her bright shiny wings
Glittery fairy transformation
Oh if she only just pushed away the rudeness wall!
Striving for perfectionI heard yes a little of what she went through by accident!
It was non intentional for me to hear but it's hard when she was screaming it down the hall
Girl don't you know?
You're beautiful!
Girl, you need to sit down before you break down!
Calm down relax take a moment to chill
All this running around making misery
It won't get you anywhere!
Stop causing chaos, make a choice and deny the offer to play pranks and tricks
Cause friendships true friendships are not built on a bedrock of slippery lies.
You look at me in the eyes; you know I can be fierce and bold now!
Your glares tell me don't be Sympathetic.
But I Am!
I only have the courage here to be Sympathetic
When everything in my body and my mind is telling me "Don't Be Sympathetic!"
Don't Be Sympathetic!
My mind is misled
My heart shouting out loud as I fight back the tears ready to fall
And all, I can say everything else and all the signs tell me
I shouldn't be Sympathetic But I Am all the same!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Don't be Sympathetic, But I Am All the same!
Yeah, you, darling, you don't have to be spoiled child and you didn't have to live the life you were given as a bully.
I remember the day you died.
I remember the day you fell and the darkness swallowed your body!
I remember, girl, yes I do you were handed no wisdom and given such a bad lot in life!
You ask me now when my life is done,
Why are you Sympathetic Icy?
I hear her say, "I don't deserve your Sympathy Icy or your forgiveness!" She will declare.
I know there's truly a gazillion reasons why I shouldn't be Sympathetic!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I heard people tell me push it to the back of my head
Told me about a hundred million times
"Don't Be Sympathetic! Forget it completely!"
"You say I should be Sympathetic But I Am!"
And I know I'm to a worse place than she ever was.
Because I made a grave error. The gravest mistake anyone can make.
There's a difference between being willing to make yourself a murderer and just being plain mean,
Her blood's on me and it's something I can never forget!
As soon magic left my hand, I began to weep.
A thousand voices in my head told me Don't Be Sympathetic!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Don't Be Sympathetic, she deserved her fate!
Demons in my head of anger you, yes, you I know your words are twisted!
You can shout at me all you want!
Tell me go ahead come out show yourself!
Face to face we will meet.
I wanna know the real enemy inside of me!
Causing I'm not letting you eat me apart from within!
Tell me I shouldn't be Sympathetic to my face.
Don't you know some people call it tough love caring about those who made the biggest mistakes within their lives!
Tell me Don't Be Sympathetic Don't Be Sympathetic
Demons in my head, tell you once
And if I have to tell you twice.
Not gonna listen to your insane council
Cuz it's just foolish shouts not wisdom
Don't care if you entered ten people just to try to bring me down to the ground.
They can all say, "Don't Be Sympathetic! Don't Be Sympathetic But I still Am
I Still Am!
Oh, Don't Be Sympathetic! Sympathetic I Still Am!
I still Am!
Don't Be Sympathetic! A thousand voices in my head but Hey, I Still Am
Don't Be Sympathetic! Sympathetic, I still Am!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I made the wrong choice too earlier and it's a dust storm in my head.
I can't make a connection to my conscience.
Heck's, I can't even it hear it!
But somehow I know from deep down in my heart,
It's being Sympathetic with me, grieving and mourning we are in unison.
Tons of folk tell me, "Don't Be Sympathetic But I Still Am!
I still am so very Sympathetic though she caused mental and emotional harm.
And yes took a piece of my courage and heart like I took a piece of her broken wing.
And every time, I look down, I remember all those sleepless nights last year in December I had.
It's true when people say there are folk who only respond to the scariest of situations and times.
Sometimes that's the only way the light knows to get those stubborn residents alert.
And fears come in so many forms!
Deadly disease, sickly and infected animals, wars, floods, tornadoes carried inside hurricanes, dust, shattering glass, and thunder booms, rammed by ships falling of the edge of a cliff etc.
It goes on and on.
Murder doesn't bounce off once you commit the incident hugs you like a second shadow.
And young like that magical bad boy from Neverland
You can't cut this one loose!
I will always be carrying her picture in the forefront of my mind.
Don't make don't take the risky road I did.
Don't go through with a horrible kill.
Trust me when your finished,
You will realize your life was so much better than when you killed.
My heart is hardly slowing down.
My breathing has slowed
It's the Price of Disobedience I have to pay!
It doesn't matter what she did; I now have to live her death on my mind.
Sure, I'll admit she was a bully!
Cruel, tough and mean.
But we brought each other down lower than we should have gone.
Yes both heroes and villains can fall and fall fast.
But when you think you're at your last
Guarantee you'll see golden light.
A man in white.
"Share love with other people like this you meet! This is not your problem to solve and it's not your responsibility or burden to pull out the people in your life who behave like weeds."

Icy had woken up on Christmas a year ago and wrote this herself after telling Madame Raepick everything she needed to know. She unfolded the song sheet and the words brought a gift of peace and reassurance as the man in the snow white robe with a brown shepherd's crook.

He wore a blood red sash draped from his left shoulder across his body. His face could not be made out and two angels stood behind him. One lady another a man.

"Another thing, you won't be needing this, Icy it's not your life to take."

Icy could barely recall the vision. She had slept with Sapphire in her room to protect her because for fear there might be a ghost, but the real issue she had, she didn't know how to tell Sapphire the cold was biting hard upon her inside of her and Sapphire's nightmare had just begun. Icy had become a killer. She became a monster.

"Anger take your Angry walk out the door!
Don't tell me Don't Be Sympathetic! I can't help what's been stirred deep inside my heart!I can't hold back the tears.
Wish I could have been a bit wiser.
Those who have ears well let 'em hear?
Let my hear me being remorseful for an enemy!
Yes, I said it loud and clear, "She was an enemy!"
She and I were children warriors chose opposing sides and we clashed
Imagine-Can you imagine?
If we just sat and talked and forgave and forget!
True what they say, "Encouragement is worth more than a zillion shouts of praise!"
"If only, I had said, "Why can't you relax? Breathe in, breathe out, hun.
Oh, if only, if only I had said, "Girl, you're beautiful, but you're wasting it in all the wrong ways.
And your attitude never reflects or compliments your complexion nor your build.
This is what it means to be a tough lover, correct them, even if they'll bite back and refuse.
Stubborn is as stubborn does; that's a fact.
And facts as good old John Adams said, when he embarked on the same path, I didn't walk along, but I wish I had and I quote, "'Facts are a stubborn thing!'"
But you'll run into those lucky few who will listen!
They'll turn around at the first of second involvement of kindness and a helping hand.

Anger take your Angry and get out the door!
I'm not gonna listen!
Your advice is a dunce's lecture
It's a fool's code
Sometimes believing is believing without seeing a single thing!
On the other hand, seeing is also believing!
Go ahead tell me to my Face Don't Be Sympathetic!
Sympathetic, oh, Sympathetic But I Still Am!
Sympathetic I Still Am!
I can't rid myself of this like I can't rid of the second useless shadow over my body.
I judged badly if only I had said, "Girl, don't you realize? All this negative is not okay! Time to change the way you live and lead your life.
These lyrics I wrote because of you,
I made a family close to my own hurt splitting it apart.
The shouts the arguments.
I have a pretty good ahead that attacker who cursed my home was sent by the Ambassador of Dyamond.
Theli, don't you realize there was so much more you could have been.
I carry the weight of all my sisters disturbed by the news.
They were alarmed someone did that and for a moment as I saw them at the funeral weeping and crying over the girl
I found myself no longer in royal graces.
I felt so displaced; I didn't belong.
I caused the situation to only escalate and get even worse than it was.
I brought the fall of Dyamond.
All of the sudden I was looking through her eyes, feeling her heart beat against my chest.
Little did anyone know that the murderer they were so terrified of was standing right in front of them.
No one saw through my consistent lies.
My games and actions and motives were not traceable.
I knew one word and Sapphire and my Mother would go white with shock
And I'd be petrified so I played it cool.
I made a huge mistake.
Tell Anger take Angry just walk out the door
He tells you shouting booming barking in your ears,
Ya, ya, Don't Be Sympathetic She doesn't deserve it!
This was coming to her eventually.
Everyone has multiple chances to get up after a fall, take a stand and finally turn around.
Yes, even bullies can turn around.
So I say I'm throwing you out of the window, Anger this is the declaration of a girl you no longer know.
Truth is all our sins and sins yet to come have been truly forgiven.
So why shouldn't I be Sympathetic?
Here she was my enemy.
But beyond the stars, she'll be my sister!
Don't listen to the voices that make a storm blow up in your head!
You cannot bounce from a murder and it never stops bothering you till you move on.
It will be with you for the rest of your life!
If you know you've lied and I have said a great amount of lies.
You heard it hear straight from the Ice Witch's mouth.
Woe to you, naughty kids, beware of the naughty street things you do!
They'll take a toll and leave with a worse reality than what you had!
Woe to you who cause people to think they should never have been born!
It's not yours or theirs life to take.
I say, "Try to love your enemies."
Anger jumped out the window with Angry tucked inside as he jumped.
Though I know he has never really left me alone.
Bring it on, let's see demons if you can checkmate me!
Chess is my favorite game!
But I betcha cuz I am a Princess in training
That someday, I'll be the Queen standing on a firm solid rock foundation!
But right now I know I'm trodding on thin thin ice!
Yeah, I'm on such thin thin ice.

Don't Be Sympathetic a million voices echoing in my mind.
There's a time for listening to your brain
There's time to listen with your heart
And there's a time to go with your gut instinct
And just believe you make it on to tomorrow
Which is another today.
But I am gonna make it so different from yester- day-aaaayyy!
Million voices loud as thunder crashing telling me,
"Don't Be Sympathetic But I Still Am!
Don't Be Sympathetic! Don't Be Sympathetic!
Don't Be Sympathetic! Don't Be Sympathetic!
Don't Be Sympathetic But I Still Am!
Oh, yay! Sympathetic! But I Still Am!
Woe to all you bad boys and woe to all you bad girls.
Those of you willing to listen put others before yourself!
Reality when you commit crimes that harm others will soon you meet you in your life making it that much worse.
What goes around does come around!
Don't be harsh, and don't be cruel!
Turn around, come on.
I'm telling that what you've got right now
Is something to be thankful
Because the outcome of your future could get worse!
It's not our jobs as humans to single out and burn what we think are the people weeds in our neighborhoods and schools.
Gently correct, and if they're willing to listen.
That's great you know how to spark a conversation and tell em.
"Girl or boy man or woman; don't you know there's so much more you could be then what you're doing right here right now!
All this negative is not okay.
Today's the day you could change your life around.
You can never forget the crimes you commit and even the smallest white lie has consequences and with each dark deed you do everything small deed you did only adds up. And who knows all that trapped darkness and frustration will beg you to do the worst to yourself and others.
Woe to those who feel a jolt in their sleep whether murders physically to another's body
Or the cause of someone's suicide!
I say Woe to you.
Tell that Anger with Angry to walk out the door.
We have to try to love our enemies
Because honestly we both had a chance to live to make the world a better place to live.
It's one thing to walk a mile in her shoes, but another to feel her dying heart against my chest as I held blood all over my clothes.
Clothes so soiled I had to burn in the fire in my room.
There are some who deserve more Sympathy than others but we all should share some compassion and remorse.
There was so much more we could have been.
So if you ask someone like me, "Why are you so, Sympathetic about someone who caused you so much pain?"
People can tell me, "Don't Be Sympathetic; she didn't deserve that! Don't Be Sympathetic!
Don't Be Sympathetic But I Still Am!
Murder is impossible to bounce back from because you acknowledge it happened and that you did that horrifying thing!
You became the very image you never you never wanted to become.
Sympathetic, don't tell me not to be Sympathetic. Sympathetic, I Still Am!
And Sympathetic I will forever stay now forevermore.🎙🎶

(If you're not crying by now then you may not have faced as much terror in your life as Icy and Theli did or feeling some epic sadness then you've got too many guard walls up. I hope this conveyed the sadness slowly poured out in the chapter. The very last song is something I had Icy write and yes it's something I wrote. The voice in the last four videos is also mine. This is a song sung with out background music. There's extra sound don't know exactly where it came from by Icy's specific Personal Song is called, "Don't Be Sympathetic But I Still Am!")

