A Lunar Eclipse Calendar

External link below type into browser for your own viewing consists from the years of 1401-1500 Calendars a portion of the information displayed here is found in the Royal line Storybook.


Thank you for reading this book and if you learnt something new to help you get a grasp of this fandoms and real life facts that are being lied about to your fact then I am glad and if you still don't believe all of the truth I have told in this book then I guess we'll just agree to disagree until someone really opens your blind eyes. And so with heavy heart here I say my Goodbyes to this book and to all my readers. This has become my second completed information book here on Wattpad made in an attempted effort to cut through some of the outrageous lies that are being carelessly spread on the internet today. So those who read let them read and ponder what has been said, may it sink in your heart to take this information in this book to heart friends. I thank everyone who has given the totaled amount of 350 votes. And thank everyone who has gotten my book up to over 1, 917 reads that is amazing. I hope some of this had touched your hearts if you were feeling
And good golly

Thanks to my Super Pops Fan readers for 32, 391 readers on my first youtube show based tv show of superheroes. I am really surprised it went that far. I am really really shook about it.

Again this is the Lunar Eclipse Calendar I am using for my Aurora story type the link below into browser to see full details.


writergirl81 and many more I can't remember thanks for you support in this one off book.
Goodbye guys, Fun Facts 2 will be coming sometime in the future.
