Color Kissed Breakfast

We didn't need to worry about making the waffles from scratch because we had already made waffles in the package from the store. I got down the toppings and my dad had washed four cups of blueberries and put them in bowls glass pirate bowls on the counter. He cut each blueberry in half he knew I always wanted something healthy with my meals and this was the only ingredient we added to the to the original topping list ourselves. Soon after 40 seconds in the microwave the waffles were completely warmed and thawed out. My day took 2 teaspoons of powder sugar and gently shifted it over all four waffles I put in four more waffles for 40 seconds to thaw so we could each have seconds if need be. He placed the slice blueberries on all waffletops with the same spoon . He drizzled the syrup maple syrup in a soft spiral design that was so gentle and beautiful. It was equivalent to 4 tablespoons 1 tablespoon per waffletop for the original recipe and we used lite artificial kind. We could stand all the sweet strength in real syrup. And he sprinkled over the waffle tops next some chocolate chips. I helped him add the sprinkles on each waffletop because they were next to me and the blender. I had already put 1 1/2 cup of greek peach yogurt which I had to stir up before measuring as all the peaches sat at the bottom. So I put that in, and just because we didn't want the smoothie too thick as a separate step I added half cup 1% milk and unfrozen oranges sliced and thawed measured out as 1 1/2 cup of fruit in measuring cup. I would not recommend anyone to using frozen fruit at least thaw it before putting it in a smoothie otherwise I guarantee you'll taste more water than smoothie. A little water is great but too much can make the smoothie seem extra extra thin and too much milk and yogurt can make a smoothie to thick to drink like full before you even finish it. Smoothies are fulfilling eat your meal first and drink your drink if having it for breakfast in the morning. It's what the French folk do.

This created two servings and I made another two servings in the exact same way and the sun flooded into our kitchen as my backyard looked out onto the East. Sister had finished setting the table and placed the smoothie glasses in the right place above the knives at each place. My headache began to disappear as I listened to Eva's beautiful enchanting voice and the songs she sang.

🎶🎙1.Be still, my soul, before the Lord, For God is always near. Before your mind is moved to pray, God listens and will hear.
2. You need not multiply your words Nor pray with praticed art. Beyond all speech, God understands the hunger of your heart.
3. Wait, then, in quiet confidence, Your anxious thoughts at rest, God knows your needs before you ask And works for what is best.
4. Be still, my soul, before the Lord; On God in patience wait,. God's love unseen, surrounds your life; God's help will not be late.🎙🎶

"I'm Mr. Cesare Telesco this is Uplifting Morning News."

"I know how to say that in Italian, Mr. Telesco." Eva said.

"Then would like to share with the audience, Ms. Eva."

"Notizie edificanti al mattino," Eva replies in Italian.

"That is a mouthful but you're correct Eva. When was the text of the song you last sang written and who was it written by."

"Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr. 1923. The music to accompany it wasn't made till 1950 by Marty Haugen," Eva respectfully responds to her host. 

"Do you have any family traditions?"

"We have two ways of learning the Alphabet by singing," Eva said. "And I'm not afraid nor ashamed to share it here over air no matter how many people don't believe. I wasn't told to force anyone to think this way just share and let God handle. Real faithful christians must realize we won't be the ones weeding out the gardens it's not our job. Our job is to be kind to both God and his people and in Gensis there's a third rule that is overlooked humans are supposed to take care of the other creatures of God's creation yet many of us don't even realize that is the truth of it all. Animals are meant to be our friends forever."

🎶🎙A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Jesus died for you and me!
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, Jesus died for sinful men! AMEN!
O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, I believe God's Word is true!
V and W, God has promised you,
X, Y, Z, a home eternally!🎙🎶

"Well that was adorably cute I bet all the children especially the orphans in the orphanages enjoyed that."

"I have another one, Mr. Telesco. I don't believe that there's only one way to learn that's just not right," Eva says. "Everything in life is a learning experience itself."

🎶🎙A: All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3: 23
B: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house. Acts 16: 31
C: Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Ephesians 6:1
D: Depart from evil and do good. Psalm 34: 14
E: Even a child is known by his doings. Proverbs 20: 11
F: Fear thou not; for I am with thee. Isaiah 41: 10
G: God is love. 1 John 4: 8
H: Honor thy father and thy mother. Exodus 20: 12
I: If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it. John 14: 14
J: Jesus saith unto him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14: 6
K: Keep thy tongue from evil. Psalm 34: 13
L: Look unto me, and be ye saved. Isaiah 45: 22
M: My son, give me thine heart. Proverbs 23: 26
N: No man can serve two masters. Matthew 6: 24
O: O give thanks onto the Lord for he is good. Psalm 118: 1
P: Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God. Psalm 147: 1
Q: Quit you like men, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16: 13
R: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Exodus 20: 8
S: Seek ye the Lord while he may be found. Isaiah 55: 6
T: Thou God seest me. Genesis 16: 13
U: Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks. Psalm 75: 1
V: Verily, I say to unto you,  Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you.  John 16: 23
W: What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. Psalm 56: 3
X: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises. 2 Peter 1: 4
Y: Ye are the light of the world. Matthew 5: 14
Z: Zion heard, and was glad. Psalm 97: 8. 🎙🎶

"Oh wow that's so beautiful," I sighed. She was brave enough to speak straight from her heart,"

Vanessa came down surprised to see a card at her place and a well cooked waffle and smoothie and her husband sitting across from her and adjacent to them their beautiful adopted twins.

"Mike did you and the girls prepare all of this this morning."

"Yes, we did altogether the three of us excellent helpers because of you."

"Do good and good will always comes back to you in some form and some way some time in your life."

"Indeed Mom, hope you enjoy the smoothie I made you, Good morning and Happy Mother's Day."

"You should read Dad's first than ours," states Blaze sweetly.

Waking up this morning dreaming about making you laugh and smile all day,
And before I prepared for the day ahead of me I thanked God for sending you to spend your days with me, Vanessa.
And now today we can share this holiday as a family of two more
Looking forward eagerly to do all the activities I set up for us.
You're my wife and I want you to know my love I had faith you would be the proper Mother. Of three thoughts in my waking hours
1. God
2. My wife and partner in life
3. My twin daughters.
Have a relaxed Happy Mother's Day you deserve it,
Lots of love, your husband Mike Peters."

"Oh, Mike that's so nice of you to say," Vanessa sighs and she picked up the card that Bloom and Blaze put together for her. Twins had a habit of merging things together alot.

Dear Vanessa
Deae Mom, ,
I love you
I love the way you cuddle me as a baby
The way you smiled and beckon me
Your arms are always open wide to me
I know that you I can seek when comfort's of dire need
When all others walk out on me
You grab my hand say
"Don't lay down to the world yourself,
Because people can walk all over you
Still complaining you aren't flat enough.
You gave me a little freedom to explore
Encouraged just a little bit of risky endeavors
You're my roots that hold the trunk of my tree up
You're the trunk that keeps my boughs steady
As the wind begins to tease my leaves
You are a true gift from God
I can't really express how much I do truly love you
You're the angel in disguise in my life
Every cry, every crawl, every tantrum you endured
You're the seed to my flower stalk
the bud that helps me Bloom
Mother I remember when you said
Every step we take
You said Fireose
The world is only gonna keep getting bigger and bigger
You will see things that you cannot comprehend
As you continue to learn
If you stumble and fall to the bottom
Remember this advice from me
When you have sunk to the lowest point
There the light has caught up with you
In splendor and majesty in the deepest darkness of the pit
It will be greater than the shadows between you and it
Answer the call
Escape the shadows
Run into the light
Just know I always adore you
Dig deep inside of yourself
Find the you that you are missing most of all
Say I'm sorry to yourself
Sometimes you have to got to say
I have errors in my ways
I have to ask my heart for an apology
I'm telling you we will be together in spirit forevermore
I will always say if you're knocking on my door
You say, "Even after all this time?"
I say, "Always. Welcome home, spring flower.
It's okay to cry.
It's okay to stumble
It's okay to fall onto your knees
It's okay to fall off your feet.
But the angels stand in front of you
They'll protect you through the darkness you got to face in this world!
They stand by you and as their Master fights for you so do I
Know that constant as the stars above always you are loved
By me and so many more!
And our love shining in you will help you make your dreams come true
Will help you make your dreams come true
Help you make your dreams come true.
There's no easy way to be a hero.
There will always be bullies it's a hazard of life's interconnected roads.
But I know deep down that I'm not just your darling daughter
I'm your best of best friends
You are my sunshine hiding behind the cloudy sky
Gentle rain to my fire
You are the color in the rainbows of my dreams
Your positivity don't how you always manage to make me laugh
As you said, "Look at this the banna if it's held one direction it's a frownie fruit 🍌
And if you hold another way it's smiles like that sun outside warming up the earth
And you can pretend that this banana is a pretend play phone hold it to the ear and send yourself on a road
Where a storm becomes just a sprinkle.
Not all storms come to push off our road but rather to make the path clear awhile.
If you gotta have a chat with me
Just wanna let you know I'm ready to listen
Just say so. Speak from your heart and your mind
Daughter just say so.
The world can seem much too big to face alone
The world is much to big to face all alone without a little big deal of love genuine love of a mother
So just say so, daughter.
You say Even after all this time
I say "always." Don't you know I just adore you darling daughters so much
And even if you leave find you still need a place to crash where you can mind yourself for a while
My arms are wide open
This door is always open
If you seek comfort
Or a shoulder to cry on
Come embrace me my child.
I will always say welcome home, lost one
You stood through the pain
You didn't drown
You stood your ground
You stood in the rain while it was crashing down!
You survived! This is how far you have come!
You have been through much worst
If you have fallen to rock bottom
The only thing that's best to do
Is forgive yourself
Move forward move on
And then you have to play a waiting game
Keep your fears in the distance
Once you have fallen once
You'll get up no problem again
And the darkness will have an extremely difficult time holding you down.
I believe in you. I love you too.
I bslieve you can do anything you set your mind to!
If you need a place to crash
I'm your first stop, I will never force you to change you
You say Even after all this time
I say Always, Always welcome home child.
Happy Mother's Day Mom!

"Oh, Bloom you remembered all of that. You are such a sweetheart. Thank you so much darling that was wonderful."

"You're welcome Mom. Your lessons always stick deep down in my heart. Blaze did the back half of the card for you, Mother."

Vanessa read through Blaze's part as follows below:

Dear Mother
M is for Merry times we have all had a happy family with you
O is for Opulent, your way of life. The way you treat us so much like royalty as you give advice you leave it up to us to choose the paths we think fit but you are always there with such a supportive smile when we succeed. And when we fail and fall you let us fall into your arms and hold us tightly. We're not just your darling daughters we're your very best of friends
Three peas in a pod a perfect family plus Dad nothing could be better than what goes on between the four of us under this roof. We love you.
T is for Talented because that you are blessed with gifts from God. It shows through your nurturing care of us always.
H is Harmonious you taught us to seek out deep inner peace and that we will find it if we search for it. You always said when one finally finds peace and quiet to hear Wisdom guides you from there.
E is for Eminent are your vibrant thoughts of empowering positivity. You are not afraid to share Good advice that's needed despite the fact we may not want it.
R is for Racy your eternal zest, on occasion you always know how to add a little of a zing factor to our days when we think we're so dead bored.
Mother it's easy to see that because of us now living here you have become a higher rank amongst self-motivated individuals.
Lots of Love and Happy Mother's Day
Your Daughter Blaze."

"Oh, Blaze darling this is so beautiful and amazing and wonderfully thoughtful of you. So thoughtful of all of you to go out of your way to do this all because of me: Mother."

"You're worth the effort it takes it to please Mike said. You're not just my wife and love ot my life you're my best faithful friend I have ever had." Mike states.

"You're not just our Mother either you're my best friend to," Bloom said. "Dad is right you are worth the effort to please you."

"I agree you're not just our Mother you're our best friends, Bloom is right. Now let's say Grace so we can eat."

"Indeed we shall," Vanessa chuckles in ease and gentle tend lighthearted care. She had a perfect stable environment, a suitable home, good husband and two caring and sharing beautiful twin daughters. This family was more than family to her they were a family of best friends holding her hands as they say in a circle round the table and she spoke aloud, "I thank the Lord and am grateful for all the blessings he has showered on me everything I needed in life and I would never alter anything out for nothing else to do I need but the people whom I adore and gratefully love me back themselves. Love feels magical.

The eyes of all should look to yoi, O Lord, and You give them their food at the proper time. You open Your hand and satisfy the desires of every living things. Psalm 145: 15-16

God bless the hands who put in their effort to make this a meal worth remembering. and a memory of family we will always cherish forever in our hearts and minds when it's over.
Lord God, heavenly Father, bless us and these Your gifts, which we receive from Your bountiful goodness, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

"Amen." Mike repeate. It went to Bloom who also said, "Amen."
And finally last but not least Blaze repeats it too. "Amen."
