
May 29

Narrator POV

"Happy go faster! My tower is in danger!"

"I am not going to speed right past a red light." Happy calmly replied.

Natasha put a hand on Tony's shoulder after reading a text on her phone. "Relax Tony, nothing bad's gonna happen with Steve and Bruce around. Rhodes is probably there too."

"Yeah but I'm not," He considered Steve, Bruce and Rhodey being there. "Yeah okay, maybe it won't be that bad."


"This is bad. Really bad." Clint said.

"Ya think?" Sam put his hands on his hips.

"Guys, we just need to clean everything up and start again. I'll text Nat to stall." Bruce quickly pulled out his phone.

"Nice one, Bruce." Steve smiles

"What're you waiting for? The cure to cancer? Go clean up, Clint!" Sam scolded

"Haha! Daddy got yelled at!" Nathaniel laughed.

"Be quiet, Nate."


N) How am I supposed to stall idiots?

The super spy quickly send a message to Pepper about the "plan."

She responded with "Happy." Natasha understood anyway. They need to get Happy to slow down.

"Hey Tony,"

"What?" He pouted.

"Wanna get a cheese burger? I'm a little hungry." Natasha recommended.

"Hmm," Tony thought about it. "I guess we have a little time.

"Great! Pepper you want anything?"

"A strawberry milkshake please." Pepper smiled.


"Yes ma'am." He quickly caught on and changed routes to the nearest Burger King, or any fast food restaurant honestly.

"Tony's paying."

"Of course I am."

Natasha texted Bruce back, she told him about the news.

The other genius thanked her for the cooperation and said they just started getting ready again.

"Who's helping?" She sent the message and almost instantly, she got a response back.

"Peter is distracting the kids for the time being. Harley was called by Rhodes to come over while his plane ticket was payed for. Clint, Sam, and Steve are baking the cake, Thor is putting up the decorations, and I'm on fire duty with Dum-E. Wanda is sitting on the couch, she doesn't look like she wants to help. Bucky is being Bucky, and Loki is sharpening his knives for cutting the cake, we're probably not gonna use them."

"Oh wow," She thought. Natasha didn't know about Harley or who he was. But if Rhodes invited him, this kid might be someone really special.

"Did you get presents?"

"I'll tell Peter and Harley to go get some, thanks for the reminder."

She chuckled. How did they forget the presents?

"We're here! Drive-thru or order inside?" Happy asked.

"Drive-thru! It's faster!" Tony yelled.

"The line looks a bit long though, I think ordering inside would be faster today."

"Happy's right Tony, the line is a bit long. We should order inside. Happy park the car." Pepper agreed.

"Nooo! Go through the drive-thru!" Tony pouted.

Pepper gave him "that look" and he stopped whining immediately.

Happy parked the car and they all somewhat agreed that Natasha should go order inside herself, with Tony's money of course.

7 minutes was long enough for Tony to start complaining.

"What's taking her so long? All you have to do is go inside, and place your order." He crossed his arms.

"And before you place your order, you have to wait for other to place theirs too." Pepper said back.

"And after you place your order, you wait for your food." Happy added.

"Eight minutes is plenty of time for all of that."

"Have you ever ordered before?" Pepper asked with a raised brow.


She stared at him.

"In the drive-thru."

She looked back on her phone. "The drive-thru is very different than ordering inside, Tony. You should try it sometime."

"See we should've ordered in the drive-thru then!"

"You have no where to go anyways."

"My house is in danger!" He threw his arms up.

"Just wait a bit longer, Natasha should be out soon."

A couple minutes go by with bored Tony. He was looking out the window when he spotted a Natasha with a Burger King bag in one hand and a strawberry milkshake in the other.

Tony acting quickly, opened the door on the other side of the car for her to get in.

"Thanks, Tony." Natasha said as she got in the car.

"Cheese burger first." He held out a hand.

Natasha rolled her eyes and placed the cheeseburger in his hand.

"Here Pepper." She handed her her strawberry shake.

Pepper took a sip from it before saying, "Thanks Tasha."

Tony bit into his cheese burger as soon as his hand touched it. Boy did he miss that taste. It was all too familiar to him.

Mouth full, he kicked Happy's chair. "Start driving, driver! Just because I'm eating doesn't mean you can't drive." He took another bite of his burger.

"Okay okay, don't kick my chair again boss." Happy said as he stepped on the gas peddle.

Natasha opened her phone. A few new messages from Bruce. She opened them.

Natasha's Phone


"I think we're ready. Laura ended up getting all the presents we chose and got them wrapped up pretty quickly too. The cake is ready, everyone is dressed up in somewhat appropriate clothing, and we cleaned up the messes."
Sent : 4:29 p.m.

"That's good to hear."
Sent 4:44 p.m.

"How's it going with Tones?"
Sent : 4:45 p.m.

"He's eating a cheeseburger, but he kicked his driver, Happy's, chair. I think he's scared you guys set something on fire."
Sent : 4:45 p.m.

"We did, it was a bit larger than what we expected it to be, but we also put it out so I think that that's an absolute win."
Sent : 4:46

"We're on our way back. So get ready."
Sent : 4:46


Soon enough, Tony finished his cheeseburger and they were in front of Stark— no Avengers, Tower. Tony could feel his heart pounding through his ears. Though he trusted Rhodey and Bruce, and he couldn't see the fire from the outside.. at least.

The three left the car and let Happy park. They headed towards the elevator to the floor the Avengers were on.

Up and up, soon enough they reached the common room.

The elevator doors opened. Everything was pitch black, the windows were opened slightly but not enough to see anything. There were no lights turned on, no one talking, it was odd to say the least.

Just then, Tony heard a few whispers. They were very quiet, but not quiet enough to not hear anything.

"Jarvis, turn on the lights would ya?" Tony asked the AI

Right after the lights had been turned on, confetti bursted out of the elevator and many, many head came out with (mostly) big, happy smiles.

"Happy Birthday, Tony!!" All of them shouted.(except a few)

"Huh? It's my birthday?" Tony asked dumbfounded.

"Dude, you didn't just forget your birthday. May 29th right?" Clint crossed his arms.

"Yeah but it's not like it's a special day anyway."

"Man of Iron! That is the day you've been birthed into this mighty world!" Thor explained.

"I know that Point break."

"Let's just way all right, Tones?" Rhodey came in and placed a hand on his back.

"Hungry!" Nathaniel said.

"Me too Nate." Cooper agreed and went over to the table with many different types of foods.

Peter ran over to his mentor and gave him a big 'ol hug. "Happy Birthday Mr. Stark!"

"Woah there kid! Hi Harley." Tony waves to the other kid behind Peter.

"Sup engineer." Harley waved back.

They shared a look and both knew exactly what it meant.

"'Cause we're connected."

Peter finally let go. "'Cmon Mr. Stark! There's a bunch of food!" He rushes over to the table where everyone else was happily feasting.

Harley slowly followed behind after a quick chat with Tony.

The Avengers, and teens/children, had a good time at Tony Stark's birthday party. They ate, watched a movie or two, cracked jokes, and more. Clint recommended that they play a game, they all agreed on Truth Or Dare. Let's say.. it got interesting quicker than expected.

So far, Steve and Bucky got dared to kiss after Bucky chose truth and Natasha had asked about (Steve and Bucky's) love life. Tony got dared by Sam to chug a gallon of milk down. Natasha had almost sparred everyone in the room. Thor got to tickle (annoyed) Bruce. Loki stabbed Thor almost 10 times, Bruce and Tony had to build a properly working machine blindfolded in 10 minutes, Lila almost got accidentally punched, and now, Tony got to open his presents.. with a twist.

"Okay okay! I'll explain one more time, you open the presents blindfolded and then you can guess what it is! If you get it right, then you get to keep the presents!" Clint said with a big smile on his face as if he just made a genius discovery.

Tony, on the other hand, thought it was stupid. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

They ended up doing it anyway. (coz Clint's idea got more votes.)

Tony had opened all the presents and got 9/12(?) right. So he got to keep 9/12 of his presents.. Clint said he gets to keep the rest. Birthday boy got to keep a green dinosaur plushie, an AC/DC hoodie, and some other weird things his teammates bought for him.

After opening all his weird presents, the bunch decided it was finally time to cut the cake. Bruce, Steve, Rhodey and a little bit of Clint made Tony a cake, and since they found out that his favorite fruit is blueberries, they made a blueberry cake. On top of it was a candle that read "28".

They sang Happy Birthday to him, blew out the candles, made a wish, ate the cake, and had a great time.

Soon everyone left. To their own floors I mean, and houses. It was pretty late at night.

Tony though about his wish. It was something he'd wanted to have for a long time, though he never showed in any way that indicated this. It was a bit selfish, just a bit, but it was his birthday wish that was just waiting to come true.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. He had just gotten a new message. Curious, he opened it.
When he saw who it was, a happy little smile showed up on his face.

Tony's Phone

Cocky Little Shit

"Happy Birthday douchebag."
Sent : 11:59 p.m.

"Thanks idiot."
Sent : 12:00 p.m.


Take a wild guess, of what Tony had wished for. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Anyway, Tony had almost reached his room (he felt that today was gonna bring no nightmares), then came a loud yet bored voice calling his name.


Cautiously, Tony walked toward where the voice was calling.

Seeing that it was just one-eyed Fury, he relaxed.

"Sup, Nick." He greeted with a grin.

"You have a message. And also, happy birthday." Fury said as he placed a small weird device in his hands.

"Tony!" A voice said from the device. It sounded no other than..

"Carol?" Tony said.

"It's your birthday right?"

"Yea-" He has started but was cut off when she started talking again.

"Well happy birthday! I know someone who's a big fan of yours that would most likely want to talk to you. Do you mind?"

"Uhm.. sure I guess?" Tony looked around had he noticed that Fury was eating one of the leftover slices of cake.

"Kay, just a moment."

There was silence.

Then another voice came over, a different one, and it was more manly sounding.

"Is this actually Tony Stark?"

"Yeah, talk to him!"

"Uhm.. Hello?"

"Hi." Tony awkwardly said.

"Oh my god! It is Tony Stark! Oh oh! Happy birthday Mr. Stark!" The voice enthusiastically said.

"Yeah thanks, but who are you exactly?" Tony asked.

"Oh right I didn't introduce myself. The name's Yon Rogg. I'm a.. friend of Carol's." He answered.

"He's obsessed with you!"


"Oh, well nice to meet you but I should probably go now. Have a good night or day whatever the time is where you're at."

"Good night Ma- Mr. Stark." Yon Rogg hesitantly replied.

The call ended. Tony dropped the communication device on the table next to Fury, who was just about finished eating that cake.

"Cya Nick!" Tony said as he rode the elevator up to his floor.

To be honest, he was actually tired. Sleep was all he could think about. Being wrapped up in a cozy, white blanket and falling asleep with absolutely no nightmares. That's the life.

And the universe seemed to agree. Guess they thought Tony Stark has enough problems today. Time to rest.

As soon as his head hit the fluffy, white pillow, Tony had drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

This was the best way to end his birthday.

The best way.

(the big mess on the floor, ceiling, and walls had glared at every one of the guests before they left.)

sup, also am I the only one who imagines tony without a goatee because I sorta forgot he had it. whoopsies
p.s. Sherlock_Stark_ i rlly hope this was a good amount of ironrogg for you <333333 (might be my longest chapter yet)
Word count: 2220
