
Narrator POV

Tony went out again. He needed to clear his mind for a bit.

Like a child he avoided all the cracks in the pavement. This was just so he could focus on something, he always had to focus on something.

He passed Pan Bakes, the bakery seemed to be doing really well. Many customers came in and out with a few baked goods.

Why the hell not.

Tony opened the door with the ringing of a bell following behind.

The bakery smelled amazing. Sweet and fresh. The line wasn't too long either.

While waiting in line he took the time to look around the small bakery. It was cozy, very cozy. Fairy lights were hung around the place, menu written in chalk, small tables with little flowers in the middle of each and every one.

He spotted a familiar looking hairstyle with white streaks going along the sides of his hair.

The man, now that Tony noticed was actually Stephen, got up from his seat to leave. His hand lightly brushing against Tony's.

"Ouch!", Tony hissed as he went to bring up his left wrist to look at it.

Now of all the things he'd thought would happen today, meeting his soulmate was definitely not one of them.

Stephen Strange was written in half neat doctor writing, whilst the other half of his name was written sloppily. Golden streaks decorated his name accompanied by a bright green.

Holy shit.

After taking everything in, Tony eyed the bakery's door and sprinted straight out to meet his,

"Hey! Soulmate! Stephen Strange!"

He turned around.

