
New Guy Huh?

Narrator POV

"Let me up. I wanna walk, this hurts." Tony whined.

"You'll live." Natasha continued walking through the hallways.

"'Cmon! See they're staring."

Yeah they were. Not everyday you get to see a spy drag a billionaire on the floor in his own tower. Talk about babysitting.

"We wouldn't be in this situation if you would've listen from the start." Natasha mumbles.

"We wouldn't be stuck in this situation if you let me walk!" Tony sasses back.

"We're almost there. Shut your noisy mouth or I'm gonna shut it for you." Natasha says.

That really did the trick. The rest of the way there, it was quiet and very painful for Tony.

Once Natasha finally let him go, his head fell. Tony let out painful grunts and slowly but surely got up.

"We're here."

Tony looked around. "Well we're still in the tower so I really think you need to be more specific."

Natasha grabbed his collar and faced him in front of a door.

"What's this?" Tony asked.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me. You don't even know your own tower." Natasha shook her head.

"What–? No I do, it's just I don't go everywhere. Pepper does these things."

"Uh huh, 'cmon." Natasha opened the door and stepped in. Tony followed along.

There sat Steve, Clint, and.. wait who the fuck is that. Tall looking, long-haired, and piercing brown eyes. Positioned a little behind Steve yet still remarkably close. Focused, yeah very. Is he new?

Oh my god.

"Tones!" Rhodey welcomed. "Glad you could make it!"

"Hi honey bear, I didn't really have a choice did I?" Tony glared at Natasha.

"Alright you two. Sit." Nick commanded.

"Yeah no, I think I'll stand through this one." Tony leaned against a wall. "Who is that guy by the way?"

Nick glared at Tony. "We we're getting to that Stark."

"Oh right, forgot you were old."


"What now?"

"See, this is what I mean by being childish!" Wow Steve looks really annoyed now. Not surprising though. "You need to be respectful of others around you."

"Respectful Tony blah blah blah," Tony mimicked. "Right back at you Cap."

The new guy patted Steve's shoulder in a way to somehow calm him down.

What are they? Dating or something?

Nick turned to face the group once again. With his arms folded he says, "This, is our new recruit, James Barnes. You will all have to welcome him in, as he's not familiar with these surroundings. Stark, I expect you to especially take it lightly with Barnes. It's about time your 'Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing', or 'B.A.R.F' come in handy. Help Barnes with that." Nick started to take his leave.

Tch, "come in handy" bitch I used it too.

"If that's all you wanted to say I'm leaving." Tony got off the wall and headed out the door. Slowly, everyone started leaving.

    Well shit. I left Peter hanging.

I KNOW THIS WAS DISAPPOINTING AND SHORT N LATE AND STUFF BUT THANK YOU FOR WAITING! And I thought it would be easier because we would all be in quarantine and bored but I somehow have so much to do. But I'll try again!
Word count : 535
