
Special Someone?

Tony's POV

"Jesus" I said as I flopped down on the couch that was way too worn out in the workshop.

Dum-E came over and gave me a one-clawed hug. And I one-handily patted his claw in return.

We, Jarvis and I, recently discovered that Dum-E learned to recognize some of the human feelings. Some of them are stress, happiness, sadness, and when you look or seem distant. So he's a bit more advanced than Butterfingers and U.

Sighing, I got up to get the packet of a bunch of rules. Even though probably more than half of the Avengers disapprove of this, it keeps us in check.

"Jarvis where's the team?" I ask.

"Captain Rogers has left the tower 2 hours ago. Ms. Redhead is at a SHEILD meeting. The Falcon seems to be at home and Colonel Rhodes to currently talking to Miss Potts. Wanda Maximoff cannot be found." The British AI replied.

"Then welp I'm not doing this today," I decide.

I walk towards the new Iron Man suit's blueprints and sit down at the desk.

"Ah, finally some peace and quiet," I look towards my bots giving them a look that they still couldn't understand even when I have done it multiple times this past week. "Cmon guys" I pick up the blue prints and wave them around for them to see. "We got work to do."

——————–(name this skip)———————
Tony POV

It's been 13 hours since Ross last talked to me about the Accords. I know I should talk to the Avengers about this, butttttttttttt I'm sooo close to being done with mark XIII (13). Currently, it's 4:43 in the morning and I am slowly dying without another cup of the wonderful, brown, amazing, liquid that is probably bad for me but who fucking cares right now.

So I get up to get a cup of coffee but before I do I stretch a little and I could hear a few bones crack.

"Dum-E, U, Butterfingers go to your charging pads. I'm gonna go have a little break."

Three little white of relaxation came off of the hard working, heavy, little bundles of metal. The three musketeers went to their charging pads and powered all the way off but left their hearing senses on. Just in case.

I walk up the few flights of stairs and the heavy, metal door closes shut, but very softly.

Surprised, I see someone awake. But who is it? And why were they up so early? It's normal for me but I rarely see anyone up this early. And when I actually do decide that I should take care of my body I sleep until 11:30. Nightmares? Issues? Is there an upcoming mission? Is Burger King closing?

Curiously, I walk over to the counter. What? I was very surprised to see the person awake was in fact Steve. And he was the one who usually says, "Tony you need sleep!" Blah blah blah. Hypocrite.

I scratch my head. He slowly moves his head to look at me. And I get very uncomfortable, which is a very rare feeling that I get from time to time.

Awkwardly, I start a conversation. While I start the coffee machine.

"Uh. So why are you up this early?"

"Hmm? Oh." He says, out of all things. And he was looking at me! I mean I know I'm pretty but jeez Steve. "Just— no reason. Just happened to be up. Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"Hey hey I have an excuse! I was in the workshop trying to improve the protection of me and the citizens that live here...and there." I point to the North, East, South, and West. Steve stares at me like I'm a madman. Which I am not!

"Where were you this....afternoon?" I had to hesitate before saying afternoon because I may have had to look around for a clock.

Steve blushed. Wait blushed? Oh? Oh. Ohhhhhh ooooo finally something interesting.

"Oh Mr.America~ you find your special someone?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"What? N-no I just found... someone. That's none of your business!" That just made Steve blush even more. Which was great because any opportunity to see the great Captain blush was absolutely hilarious.

"Who is it? Tell me. You can trust me, I won't tell anyone. I promise." And a promise is something I don't usually make.

"Just an old friend." Steve finally admitted.

"Who? What's their name? Are they a girl or a boy?"

"Bucky. Or James Barnes. You don't know him." I was impressed by how easily Steve told me and he usually doesn't trust me. With anything. Other than making weapons and cracking jokes.

"Is he here? Where is he?" I just noticed. I forgot my coffee! Night as well just start making it now because why not.

"He's..somewhere near here. I don't think you guys would get along." Hmm. I start forming ideas where this Bucky might be. The donut shop owned by that old lady? That sandwich shop owned by two old guys and a cat? I grab my cup and start putting hot water into the coffee jug.

"Just drop it Tony. I'm going back to bed." Steve got up and went straight for the elevator. Because I gave everyone a separate floor for themselves. I know I'm too nice for my own good.

Finally the coffee was done. Took long enough. I need a new faster coffee machine. I am a busy man that has no time to waste!

Just a little better t of sugar. Black coffee was not that good. I have no idea why people like it.

Quickly I slurp down the delicious liquid.

Then I finally realize that Steve left. Don't laugh at me. Why'd he leave anyway? It was almost 6 anyway. He should have started making breakfast because everyone would've been away then.

Whatever I'll just continue working.

"Tony" a voice called me.

"Huh?" I look around. Then I finally spot Pepper.

"I know you're going back down for another one of your binge days, but shouldn't you go take a walk? The weather is particularly nice today. Get some great air." Pepper advised.

"Nah. I need to finish up the suit." I declined.

She gave me one of those 'if you don't I'll kick you out of New York and into China for a week' or it was one of the disappointed looks but they basically mean the same thing, she was mad at me.

"Fine fine geez. I'll go take a walk for like 10 minutes." I go walk to get changed out of my oily clothes.

"Finally! And maybe take a shower too!"

That woman expects too much from me.


Finally I'm done changing. I chose to wear a random hoodie that smelled pretty clean and jeans. Had to bring an earpiece because you will never know what will happen out in the city.

I start to put on my shoes and walk out the door. I decide to walk around the park then I can go into the new cafe that just opened.

Pepper was right. The weather is pretty nice today. And that's coming from a person who rarely goes outside.

There were children running around the park. Then I spotted a homeless man next to a clothing store. I walk over to him and give him 200 bucks. Enough to at least rent an apartment.

"Thank you kind sir, god bless you." the homeless man said.

"It's nothing" I reply, because besides, 200 bucks is actually nothing.

I keep walking around the park. I stopped to get a popsicle from the ice cream man. I haven't had ice cream in a long time now that I think about it. Sweets aren't my favorite but ice cream isn't the worst out of them.

I stumbled upon two girls and a boy that wanted my signature. Which I agreed to and a picture. I really hope they aren't those people that sell signatures and pictures in eBay because that damn thing is worth thousands.

I continue my walk. It's been 25 minutes since I last left the tower. And this walking was getting very boring.

Then I see someone I haven't seen since freshman years in high school.

yay. Another update. I don't know if these chapters are too short because I feel like they are but whatever.
Word count: 1408
